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5907. NuPlanetOne - 8/20/2007 2:09:53 AM


Oh yes, quite alright, actually. I know, sounds like I’m railing against my Catholic soul. Just the ruminations inspired by a recent death in the family and a cabernet chat with someone close to the nastiness amok in Congo. Bone chilling shit. But, never mind that, I am fine, and, as always, your concern is genuine, sweet really. Besides, I am out of the South and back in Boston, which, in comparison to Savannah, moves most rudely and conspicuously at the correct speed. The South is like playing chess without a clock. All the time in the world to make your next move. I never once heard anyone saying hurry-up. Move it. Lot of pauses. Let me think on it. Anyway, going there occasionally is something I must do. I will be at light speed in no time.

5908. Jenerator - 8/20/2007 3:59:11 AM

Thank you for your explanation. I was worried because you seemed disgruntled if not despairing. Sorry to hear of your family's loss. This seems to have been a hard year for a lot of people. I cannot imagine life in the Congo. From what little I have seen and heard, it seems like such a violent and tragic place. Your friend is lucky to have you to share with.

Boston is a beautiful city -- completely different from Savannah for sure. I hope you're enjoying it.

5909. NuPlanetOne - 8/21/2007 1:23:16 PM

You are welcome Jen. I could not imagine living anywhere else. It would be wicked hard to stay away completely. Yet, I guess we are all creatures bound to our roots, just some more than others. Home is just a terrible place to visit. It’s best to live there.

5910. NuPlanetOne - 8/21/2007 1:23:53 PM

Convenience Store

In line behind the ticket
I just need milk
They buy a handful
And walk scratching
Missing the door
Glance up briefly
Not to crash
Or bump things
The hard of hearing
Says what
And strains in
Even at nothing said
Two more
Then me
Next one asks
About batteries
Had been trying to
Study them
On the wall
The cashier with
A phone cupped
To its ear says
I gotta go
The milk sweats
This one? That one?
No, we don’t have
The big ones
A scratcher turn abruptly
Says yes you do!
Now the mailman’s turn
As he has a parting
About the flashlight
With slowly retreating
Battery guy
Back on the phone
The girl asks
Is that all?
The mailman leaves
The battery guy and
No, stares at the fifty
Scratch choices
The clerk whispers
Into its shoulder
My turn
Can I help you?
But I want this milk
It leaves a wet smudge
On the counter
I go around
Battery talk
Two of them scratching
One holding a flashlight
I make it outside.

5911. Seamus - 8/24/2007 9:28:17 PM

I like each of these from you, Nu.

In "Please God, Help Them" Message # 5904

this, where you invoke the god you go on to conclude is not invocable because she is not there to be invoked, is wonderful:

please help me
it is happening
every day
I love the tension in that.

And this is particularly fine:

what exactly
am I praying for
this week
To the extent that

Can we have
A God
If we can't imagine
A dialogue
That's the fucking
represents your own philosophy and is not merely a point-of-view assigned to the voice here, you and I are perhaps busily not-praying to the same damn not-god. As you say, "forget/I mentioned it".

As it was for Jen, I too was concerned in response to "Funeral Mass Family Picnic" Message # 5905

and I am sorry to hear of your loss.

I don't have one thing
For damnation
Would that it were true for me. Or would that it were true if it were also true there were a god to hand out the damnation. Which there is not, so what the hell, right? (Of course, the subjunctive mood was invented expressly for the purpose of my torturing you with a paragraph such as this one.)

In any event, I particularly like those lines.

And once again, there you go demonstrating your mastery of the wonderful image in "Convenience Store" Message # 5910.

So much to enjoy here. So much to admire, Nu. I thank you.

And I'd no idea you were a novelist as well! What is the old line?
Q: "What's it about?" A: "About 300 pages."

(The slowly retreating battery guy)

5912. Seamus - 8/24/2007 9:41:59 PM

This is a far more Serious Topic™, and it's directed to arky as well as anyone else who thinks that just because I may seem perpetually unawares, that I am, at all times, unawares. The fact is, I am indeed preternaturally unawares, but it is also the quite remarkable case that, for the moment, I’m awake. For the moment.

And towards that end…

I do not believe I've ever achieved an "It Which Must Not Be Named" here. The m-word. In the 8-ish or so years here (correct?) and in all the years at this place's predecessor, our former home, I do not think I've ever worn the laurel.

And I'd name it, save I cannot remember after all of the debates about its proper spelling what its proper spelling is. One "l" or two? One "n" or two? Zed zero?

We all realise that pigs fly about as often as one of these presents itself in Mote Poetry.

Here, I can be seen practising for the final sprint:

going to

(Line breaks!
I could claim it is found poetry!)


To arky and all other pretenders:

I'm going to fight you with every sentient ounce of my being for this one. Which adjective of course means you've not much of a threat in me.

The rest is silence.

5913. wabbit - 8/25/2007 12:26:03 AM

Darling, sweet Seamus,

I have no poetry, but
you may count on me
    for assistance in
the quest for the
M victory
which, once achieved,
I shall hope with my every breath
    the rest from you will
not be silence.

5914. arkymalarky - 8/25/2007 12:50:17 AM

OOOOh, a challenge!

5915. Seamus - 8/25/2007 4:06:11 AM

wabbit, you are very kind.

arky, yes, the game is afoot.

(Or as a dear friend from the Czech Republic, who loves Shakespeare but whose idiomatic English is less than precise, says: The game is underfoot.)

5916. alistairConnor - 8/25/2007 11:38:51 AM

Seamus : And I'd no idea you [Nu] were a novelist as well!

I am pleased and proud to say that it started here (the unfinished Chicken Piccata Test).
Next comes the work in progress Tony, or Proof it existed.

Pleased, proud and frustrated, because he isn't letting us look at the process at the moment...

Next question is for you, Seamus : would you consider a contribution to that 5917. alistairConnor - 8/25/2007 11:46:41 AM

Next question is for you, Seamus : would you consider a contribution to that autofiction thread?

5918. alistairConnor - 8/25/2007 11:48:06 AM

Hmm Po'try Olympics?

How can I help?

I have a prose soul.

5919. arkymalarky - 8/25/2007 4:07:32 PM

Make every post rhyme with the one previous.

5920. alistairConnor - 8/25/2007 6:01:34 PM

That requires a soul that is twisted and devious.

A project more ambitious : a collective sonnet?

5921. arkymalarky - 8/25/2007 8:10:21 PM

Haha! Okay! You start! Get right on it!

5922. wabbit - 8/26/2007 12:18:58 AM

the Motean sonnet, a new rhyming scheme,

AA BB CA seems too obvious.

5923. Seamus - 8/26/2007 2:55:34 AM

A collective sonnet would be a Motean dream,
But when my turn, you'd need to be forgivious.

5924. Seamus - 8/26/2007 3:01:07 AM

I am pleased and proud to say that it started here (the unfinished Chicken Piccata Test).

I'm grateful for the link, alistair. That is a fun collection.

Next question is for you, Seamus : would you consider a contribution to that autofiction thread?

I'd be honoured to do.

5925. wabbit - 8/26/2007 8:38:32 PM

it will be a success if Seamus and NuPlanet
will grace the project with their verses most excellent

Ok, I should bow out now.
AA BB CA CA BB so far

5926. NuPlanetOne - 8/29/2007 3:55:03 PM


Thank you for your comments and analyses.

And yes my friend, I believe we do pray to the same absent God. Even if it is by habit. The God fearing, God hearing, God sighting, God fighting and God righting and wronging, I suppose, are the ones, perhaps, less likely to experience the phantom limb of excised belief. That I pray at all is just the hammer tapping the nerve. The leg kicks out in reflex. When I am jabbed in the soul, God jumps out, and I am surprised by the response once I see it. Actually, there are times when I am glad the reflex is healthy, as even in my most God railing moments I would not truly disrespect the notion of faith nor anyone devoted to it. The reflex reminds me, whether I like it or not, God exists, even if only as an idea. And from all I have observed thus far in my simple existence is, it is, arguably, the most primal of ideas. It’s the big one. Even bloodthirsty killers consult icons and spirits of some sort. Besides, how could I truly describe this existence we are in if I were to declare God dead? Ha, what in the hell would I write about! God forbid.

Anyway, I have decided to worship gravity.

Also, I’m not sure exactly what the sonnet project is as proposed, but I’m always ready to rhyme!

Oh, and yes, I say have a go at the fiction thread. Get me off the hot seat.

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