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Host: wabbit

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5958. jexster - 1/30/2008 6:54:09 PM

Eli, the baby of the Manning quarterback clan, has finally arrived

My two best college friends sired Eli's high school fullback who protected his blind side at Isidore Newman NOLA

Big buddies but after spending a kazillion bucks on 12 years there plus kindergarten, they put their foot down when Phillip wanted to follow Eli to Ole Miss

Went to Wisconsin.

5959. Magoseph - 1/30/2008 9:41:54 PM

Wabbit, please see Message # 23490 in thread 142--thank you.

5960. resonance - 2/1/2008 6:38:14 PM

Bonds is going to go to jail.

I can't cry over Marion Jones, who lied her ass off for years about steroid use, doing a little time. Too many people died trying to be like Marion Jones and Barry Bonds and Mark McGwire. It's not that I think we should just be picking the ones we can catch and sending them to prison -- but if Jones goes to prison for perjury (or making false statements or whatever it was) or whatever related crime, I won't blink.

5961. wabbit - 2/3/2008 10:48:41 PM

By way of explaining my absence, my mother was in a fairly serious car crash last Sunday, so my attention is focused elsewhere for probably another couple weeks at least. Please, anyone, post some sports updates. Thanks.

Go Pats!

5962. arkymalarky - 2/3/2008 11:01:15 PM

Oh my, Wabbit. I hope she's okay? Update us when you can, and in the meantime we send our thoughts your way.

5963. wonkers2 - 2/4/2008 12:03:24 AM

I hope your mother is going to be okay, Wabbit.

5964. arkymalarky - 2/4/2008 5:07:56 AM

Damn. I'm not a sports fan, but what a game.

5965. jexster - 2/4/2008 5:35:27 AM

I'll try and step up to the plate.

Maybe Ehrenstein's something to add...



5966. ElliottRW - 2/4/2008 5:44:02 AM

Yes, great game.

For a change.

5967. jexster - 2/4/2008 5:58:08 AM

Tyree Baby!

My favorite and David's no contest - Plexico Burris

5968. jexster - 2/4/2008 5:59:47 AM


5969. jexster - 2/4/2008 5:23:25 PM

Under the circumstances, I've decided to leave out the prose and any pictures from the loser's lockerroom. (LOVE those visits to the loser's lockerroom! So this is a major sacrifice)

Besides BeanTown must remain BeanTown, not Champs City

5970. thoughtful - 2/4/2008 6:19:13 PM

Wabbit, so sorry to hear the bad news...my best wishes for a quick and complete recovery for your mom.

5971. judithathome - 2/4/2008 6:52:04 PM

I'll echo Thoughtful here...and add: be sure to take care of yourself, too, okay?

5972. judithathome - 2/4/2008 6:54:16 PM

I thought that was the best Superbowl EVER and not just because we had the winning numbers for TWO quarters on the football pool...we invested $5 and won $50!

Best final 2 minutes ever, hands down.

5973. jexster - 2/4/2008 7:21:30 PM

Eli's been drinkin Brady Juice..he's done this 4-5 times lately

5974. jexster - 2/4/2008 7:22:47 PM

I thought for sure that NE would break his string there at the end...besides any team that beats the Cowboys is OTAY by me and David

5975. resonance - 2/5/2008 1:17:28 AM

Hope Wabs' mom is ok.

That was one hell of a game.

5976. jexster - 2/10/2008 5:47:26 PM

Patriots' Season Perfect For Rest Of Nation

5977. wabbit - 2/10/2008 9:50:42 PM

Thanks to everyone for the good wishes (hey Res!). Mom is holding her own, gets a little better every day. Here's the poop: she had a compound fracture of her right ankle, about 1-1/2" above the joint. The tibia now has three screws holding it together and the bottom 3" or so of the fibula are what the orthopedic surgeon described as "dusted". He said he never used a scalpel when putting the tibia back together. Amazingly, all tendons, ligaments, muscles and major blood vessels somehow escaped injury, so once the tibia heals, she'll walk pretty much normally without the bottom bit of fibula. She also has five broken ribs and had a partially collapsed lung on her left side. At her age (75 years) that has been the more pressing concern. However, she's tough and she's a very good patient, and so far there have been no complications or infections. Her cast gets changed on Wednesday morning and I'm hoping she'll be able to come home then. We have everything here that she needs and I think she'll do better at home than in the crowded nursing facility she's in now.

So maybe by next weekend, I'll be back to a normal posting schedule. Meanwhile, have at it!

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