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5990. Seamus - 10/29/2007 5:12:31 PM

Thanks, wonk. I appreciate that.

about the slang,

you are correct on "diddies"
"coppernob" is slang for a redhead
"growler" is a vulgarism for female genitalia
"baz" is a vulgarism for pubic hair

I'm intending that stanza to work in a way that doesn't actually require word-for-word knowledge of the irish slang...my aim is a flavour instead. An image of a group of teenage males hanging around in public, up to no general good. The talk in such a setting goes where the talk frequently goes.

The goal there is to keep the reader from "perfecting" the subject, which would be the tendency, but to see him (and the narrator) as "plumb"--as human. I am hoping to avoid having the poem falsify the subject by polishing it up.

5991. wonkers2 - 10/29/2007 6:25:44 PM

Thanks for the translation. A fine poem, even better after the translation!

5992. NuPlanetOne - 10/30/2007 10:40:00 PM

Seamus...that one evokes memories of one I wrote a few years back for/about the loss of my brother. Although, yours evokes quite a few more losses on a few different levels. When I read it the first time it appeared here, I thought, hmmm, he will be pleased with that one. It's fairly pretty much all done, even by your standards. I like it. Tons of good stuff in there.

5993. NuPlanetOne - 10/30/2007 10:40:39 PM

At some point last year my daughter and I took it upon ourselves to stop in at Salem, Ma. We had time to kill, as one of my brothers lives not far from there. I had recently imposed upon her to read some Hawthorne and she loved it. No Rappaccinni's daughter her. (Plus I wanted to see the statue of Liz Montgomery, after all.) I have always lived within an hour or so of the place and have seen all the changes through the years. It is quite the trap now. Anyway, it was a weekday afternoon fairly close to Holloween, but not crowded. She challanged me to write some kind of epic poem in the style and language of Hawthorne, Poe, et.al. Being a rhyming fool, I took her up. So in the Halloween spirit I composed, over the next few months, most of a little contrivance I've entitled 'The Ascension of Rachel.' I swore to finish it by last week. It is raw, and has holes, but it had the desired result, I think. Cut and paste to http://freewebs.com/zeezo99xx. Click on Rachel. The lenghth of the damn thing demanded its own space. Let me know if it has the Halloween feel....

5994. Crafty Critter - 11/1/2007 2:25:22 AM

Hi Seamus,
As Wonkers, I have a couple of questions about your poem "The Theory of Almost Everything". First, I'm not really sure what the poem is about ( not being a sarcastic here) but the codes you have in there totally have me stumped. Such as "Gtsmmor smf Ko;;, " and "[4e6e,
inching closer to Y_R. "...Can you enlighten me ? I also know that the word "jays" is used symbolically for several things, do you mind expounding a bit on this one for me ? Thanks, Crafty_Critter

5995. alistairConnor - 11/1/2007 2:55:20 PM

Hullo Critter!

Just as a starting point, have a look at your keyboard. The F and J keys most likely have bumps on them.

5996. Seamus - 11/1/2007 8:18:57 PM

Yes, thank you AC, that would be it.

I hope it is clear we aren't talking deep meaning here--that was a lark and I have been having fun with it.

In fact, the more I reflect on the title, the more I think it fits the arch overwroughtness of the whole thing. It takes itself seriously because it must, but I hope the reader isn't made to feel they must take it seriously. I most certainly do not. Other opinions welcome.

5997. wonkers2 - 11/1/2007 10:36:47 PM

We need an annotated version like the Wasteland!

5998. wonkers2 - 11/1/2007 10:37:41 PM

Seamus, check the video I just posted in the Movie Thread. I think it might be up your alley, so to speak.

5999. Seamus - 11/2/2007 5:04:49 AM

Thank you, Nu. Of course, you know I had a big laugh because of this:

It's fairly pretty much all done, even by your standards.

Scary how well you know me, my friend.
BTW, that url you gave to your epic Halloween poem doesn't work for me. Am I missing something?

And wonk, I looked at that video. Thanks...I think. Looks like I've made a less-than-flattering impression if that's what my poem brings to mind ;)

6000. Seamus - 11/2/2007 5:05:39 AM

The crown? woo?

6001. Seamus - 11/2/2007 5:14:00 AM

I'd like to thank the Mote, the Mote Academy of Poetry, fellow lovers of poetry, and all my peeps, you know who you are ;)

arky, you are a true sport. thank you for this honour.

Hullo mom!

6002. arkymalarky - 11/2/2007 11:47:41 PM

Yay! (confetti) Yay!

6003. Crafty Critter - 11/3/2007 12:00:51 AM

Hi alistairConnor,
Thanks for responding. I wasn't sure of the codes here and it worried me because of the seeming heaviness of the lines. I know you can't respond FOR him, and as I said earlier, I wasn't trying to be mean or sarcastic, I was just trying to "understand it" a bit better from the author's view point. Thank goodness it wasn't what I had envisioned it to be which was a hatred of women or worse. Sorry for the confusion I suppose but with these lines

"In the beginning, I goosed those bumps
on Frannie and Jill
just to watch them die
Gtsmmor smf Ko;;,
but as you can see, even then
I couldn't completely erase them. "

to an untrained eye such as mine, you could see how I would suppose he was talking of ACTUALLY erasing them ? Kind of like a confessional thing. Anyway, thank you for being so kind to answer me Alistair. I appreciate your insight on the poem. I still don't understand the other coding ( if they have any meaning at all to them ) but oh well. I have enjoyed reading some of the work done here. Chao to all

6004. concerned - 11/3/2007 12:52:35 AM

I think 'Crunchy Critter' is a more evocative handle.

6005. Seamus - 11/3/2007 1:10:06 AM

Thank goodness it wasn't what I had envisioned it to be which was a hatred of women or worse.

Yes, because after posting hundreds upon hundreds of comments and poems here and the predecessor to this place for more than ten years, I could certainly see how one might think I was a misogynist.

Sorry for the sarcasm, but sheesh. CC drops in from nowhere, no introduction, no past or present with me, not one single previous interaction, not one hello nice to meet you...and I am under some obligation to assume this was a well-meaning set of questions? I didn't think so after the first post. And after the goodbye message, I'm certain of it.

One thing that's changed for me is that I'm less naive than I used to be.

That was an easily identifiable hit post from the moment I read it. The people who can tell me that they are reacting negatively to something I've said and expect me to care are the ones who have a history with me here. Not posters who've never said a word to me before and then make hit-and-run posts.

CC, you want to stalk here and jump in with a faux "not sarcastic" set of questions, that's your perogative. I won't play that game with you. But of course, you won't be reading this, will you?

6006. Seamus - 11/3/2007 1:10:06 AM

Thank goodness it wasn't what I had envisioned it to be which was a hatred of women or worse.

Yes, because after posting hundreds upon hundreds of comments and poems here and the predecessor to this place for more than ten years, I could certainly see how one might think I was a misogynist.

Sorry for the sarcasm, but sheesh. CC drops in from nowhere, no introduction, no past or present with me, not one single previous interaction, not one hello nice to meet you...and I am under some obligation to assume this was a well-meaning set of questions? I didn't think so after the first post. And after the goodbye message, I'm certain of it.

One thing that's changed for me is that I'm less naive than I used to be.

That was an easily identifiable hit post from the moment I read it. The people who can tell me that they are reacting negatively to something I've said and expect me to care are the ones who have a history with me here. Not posters who've never said a word to me before and then make hit-and-run posts.

CC, you want to stalk here and jump in with a faux "not sarcastic" set of questions, that's your perogative. I won't play that game with you. But of course, you won't be reading this, will you?

6007. Seamus - 11/3/2007 1:10:28 AM

sorry for the double post.

6008. Seamus - 11/3/2007 1:18:57 AM

And Alistair, I *am* grateful to you for speaking up.

I will make some changes to try to make it clearer, just in case someone here who knows me is actually offended by that poem. I certainly don't wish to offend people who actually know me by a poor choice of words. I've had my fill of misogynists recently--to be accused of it myself makes for a deep sigh.

Just for the hell of it:

The out-of-correct-hand-position for the last stanza makes "[4e6e" from "pests" and "Y_R" out of "GOD".

I've been thinking that only the latter one really needs to stay, the pests can go non-coded.

6009. NuPlanetOne - 11/3/2007 2:33:35 AM


I think you might have included the period at the end of the url linking to my Rachel poem.

As for this C.C. business, that type of confusion couched in the guise of technical ignorance, is, well, ignorance, perjoratively speaking. That the individual thought perhaps you miskeyed, alone, was lame. I, and a few others got it, or get it. Hopefully C.C cares to take another approach. Your rejoinders are always entertaining.

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