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6608. judithathome - 1/25/2014 8:51:19 PM

Jihadist group vows attacks at Olympics.

What a world....

6609. lemwalker - 1/26/2014 3:41:15 PM

So the teams in Super Bowl come from states with legal pot. I support the Seattle team because I live in NW. Pretty spendy to go to a game. Propose a 13th man for the panhandlers outside the stadium. Saw one fellow with sign "need $ for weed".

6610. arkymalarky - 1/26/2014 9:26:32 PM


6611. wabbit - 1/28/2014 10:08:35 PM

Hey Lem! Maybe this year's SB will look like that football game from the movie M.A.S.H..

Stanislas Wawrinka joins Roger Federer and Novak Djokovic as the only men to have beaten Rafael Nadal in a Grand Slam final.

6612. judithathome - 1/30/2014 12:27:10 AM

So what does everyone think about the guy who lost it at the end of the Seattle Seahawks playoff game?

I think he was caught up in the moment and let loose...since that happening, I've learned a lot about the guy and think he is a great example of someone who has overcome his background and achieved success...shit happens...people have embarrassing moments and they learn from them.

He's not some spoiled teenager who has been indulged by parents who want to make money off his celebrity...he's someone who was given a chance and was smart enough to take advantage of what was offered to him.

6613. wabbit - 1/31/2014 1:25:55 AM

I'm pretty much with you in the "everyone loses their shit now and then" camp. We take this kind of thing way too seriously. Perhaps we should pay a bit more attention to who our Congress critters really represent these days.

(deep breath, enhancing my calm...)

I think Seattle has a good chance of winning, since they have the big defense. If they can shut down the Denver offense, their own offense might be ok against Denver's average defense.

I'll watch for the commercials. I'm always in love with the Budweiser ads.

6614. judithathome - 2/3/2014 8:08:06 PM

Well, most people probably thought the game was a bust but I loved it...I think Denver fell prey to the hype and thought they had it in the bag and were they ever shocked!

I think Seattle played a masterful game...despite all the penalties...and why Manning kept doing the same play, over and over, is just beyond me...that was pure madness when the Seattle defense was ON the receiver like steel shavings on a magnet every single time.

6615. Trillium - 2/4/2014 5:27:30 PM

I didn't watch the game, but live amongst many Peyton Manning devotees. Frankly, I admire the man also, based on all I've heard about him. East Tennessee will overcome the shock! Total Bronco territory here, because of Peyton M.

A sibling who watched the game said that Seattle is just excellent, and it's hard to lose, but at least the Broncos lost to an excellent team. I've never cared much about football, but it's interesting to watch all that goes on around the game.

6616. judithathome - 2/4/2014 7:10:05 PM

I used to astonish people back in my "other life"...as a young married woman in suburbia in the 1960s-70s...because I understood and liked football.

When the couples in our neighborhood would get together for the Super Bowl or play-off games, the women would all gather in the kitchen while the men watched the game...I would gravitate toward the game and finally, after years of being bored shitless by the hen parties, I started watching the games with the guys.

I was the youngest one in the group...these people were all in the early thirties or older...and the women were scandalized that I'd be so bold.

The men didn't seem to mind. I knew my football!

6617. wabbit - 2/9/2014 7:02:03 PM

The 2014 Olympic Winter Games are on in Sochi. US has both gold medals in Slopestyle. Norway has gold in the Biathlon Men's Sprint 10 km and Cross Country Ladies' Skiathlon 7.5 km Classic + 7.5 km Free. Canada got gold and silver in the Freestyle Skiing Ladies' Moguls.

6618. wabbit - 2/10/2014 3:11:22 AM

Does anyone but me follow the PBR? This is Bushwacker's final year on tour, and I'm enjoying watching Shepherd Hills Tested and Stone Sober.

I root for the bulls. And I am crushing on Shorty.

6619. arkymalarky - 2/10/2014 4:38:00 AM

Gotta kid who's really into it so it's been on my radar this year.

6620. alistairconnor - 2/10/2014 6:39:43 PM

Biathlon (my favourite for the winter olympics) : French skiers/shooters get gold and bronze in the 16km pursuit, despite starting with handicaps (respectively 6th and 14th in yesterday's 10km sprint, which sets the handicap for the pursuit)

This leaves hope for the French women, 5th and 20th of the sprint, who have their pursuit tomorrow. That's Marie Dorin in 20th : remember her from 2010? She's got a lot of ground to make up if she is to achieve a gold, to go with her bronze and silver from Vancouver.

6621. robertjayb - 2/11/2014 9:05:05 PM

I enjoy the biathalon but my favorites are the downhill and curling. One for the danger and skill and the other for the silly fun.

6622. iiibbb - 2/11/2014 10:23:33 PM

my favorites

ski jump

I never favor anything that has judging (even through I know it's an element of ski jumping)

6623. wabbit - 2/12/2014 1:55:24 AM

I am a big fan of curling and biathlon. In curling, USA women got their asses kicked hard by GB.

6624. arkymalarky - 2/15/2014 3:31:05 AM

At a game watching the number one 1a school play the number one 2a school in HS boys basketball. Nail biting hour ahead. Ugh.

6625. arkymalarky - 2/15/2014 3:32:06 AM

2 1/2 minutes have passed and I'm a nervous wreck.

6626. arkymalarky - 2/15/2014 4:02:32 AM

We're 10 down at half

6627. arkymalarky - 2/15/2014 4:19:16 AM

This is brutal. Sad and brutal.

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