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7277. Wombat - 2/27/2008 5:46:43 PM

My wife had frequent sinus infections (and her snoring was like the Queen Mary's foghorn) until she had her deviated septum repaired. No more sinus infections (and the snoring now is more like a train passing in the distance--she claims my snoring is worse, but I have never heard myself snore!)

7278. judithathome - 2/27/2008 6:44:20 PM

That's the problem with snoring...just as a skunk can't smell himself, we can't hear our own snores. My mother swore on a Bible that she did not snore.

That is, until my son tape-recorded her one evening after she fell asleep on a camping trip. Was she ever embarrassed! I rememberd that and never claim that I don't snore...because I know I do. I wake myself up at times doing it.

7279. thoughtful - 2/27/2008 6:48:55 PM

Even our cat snores...and he can be loud!

7280. wonkers2 - 2/27/2008 7:30:49 PM

How complicated is surgery for a deviated septum? Out patient or in patient. Painful recovery? Maybe I should check into it.

7281. robertjayb - 2/27/2008 9:42:18 PM

In-patient. The procedure and the recovery were not particularly painful but uncomfortable. The discomfort was due mostly to the splints (plastic tubes) inserted in each nostril. I did a lot of whining, I recall. Mostly I was pissed at myself for not having the operation years earlier.

7282. arkymalarky - 2/27/2008 10:21:04 PM

I would whine a lot. Bro thought he was going to suffocate. But he was very glad he did it.

If you have problems certain months of the year, Wonk, you could probably try Claritin or some other OTC antihistimine (I prefer Zyrtec, which has just gone OTC but makes you very drowsy until you get used to it), but you have to take it every day during the season for it to work on symptoms. That keeps the reactions and thus the symptoms and infections under control. It's the cheapest, easiest first step.

7283. arkymalarky - 2/27/2008 10:22:33 PM

I would whine a lot. Bro thought he was going to suffocate. But he was very glad he did it.

If you have problems certain months of the year, Wonk, you could probably try Claritin or some other OTC antihistimine (I prefer Zyrtec, which has just gone OTC but makes you very drowsy until you get used to it), but you have to take it every day during the season for it to work on symptoms. That keeps the reactions and thus the symptoms and infections under control. It's the cheapest, easiest first step.

7284. arkymalarky - 2/27/2008 10:23:01 PM

Sorry I keep hitting doubles, but my connection's acting up.

7285. alistairconnor - 2/28/2008 7:17:43 PM

At our favourite Vietnamese restaurant the other weekend, my (Judaeo-Muslim) girlfriend was munching on a pigfoot when she broke a tooth.

Divine retribution? Anyway, she said it was no big deal because the tooth was already dead, but I made her go to see a dentist. And it turns out her jaw is rotten with abcesses, which probably explains a few things like migraines, and rheumatic type joint pain in the last couple of months.

Anyway, on Saturday she gets to spend some quality time in the dentist's chair : a six-hour operation to clean her up, under local anaesthetic. And she'll apparently come out looking like a pumpkin.

I've promised I'll make soup for her.

7286. arkymalarky - 2/29/2008 12:48:59 AM

Abcesses are nothing to play with, since they can spread dangerous infection. Glad she's getting it dealt with. She'll feel much better, I bet. The worst pain Bob ever suffered was from an abcess he didn't know he had which had caused a horrible headache. When we took him to the emergency room with it he had no idea his tooth was a problem until the ER doctor got the idea--after looking him over for several minutes--to start tapping teeth. He almost hit the ceiling when she found the right one.

7287. thoughtful - 2/29/2008 4:21:18 PM

Guy goes to the doctor complaining that every time he passed gas, it made the sound of "Honda" "Honda".
The doctor examined him and told him his tooth was abscessed and he needed to see a dentist.
The patient, very surprised, asked how on earth the doctor connected a digestive issue with a dental one.
Doc replied, "Haven't you ever heard the expression, abscess makes the fart go Honda?"

7288. robertjayb - 2/29/2008 6:20:32 PM

Go to your room!

7289. thoughtful - 2/29/2008 6:35:42 PM

Guy goes to the doctor complaining that there's a piece of lettuce hanging out of his rectum. The doctor takes a look and says, "This is just the tip of the iceberg."

7290. thoughtful - 2/29/2008 6:43:09 PM

Guy goes to the dentist and complains, "My teeth are all yellow...what should I do?"
Dentist replies, "Wear a brown tie!"

7291. thoughtful - 2/29/2008 7:00:34 PM

Woman goes to the doctor complaining that every time she uses the toilet, she finds nickels, dimes and quarters in the bowl.
Doc says, "Nothing to worry about...you're just going through the change."

7292. thoughtful - 2/29/2008 11:02:36 PM

Man walks into a doctor's office with a pelican on his head. Doc says, "My you DO have a problem."
Pelican replies, "Yeah...get this guy out from under me!"

7293. arkymalarky - 3/10/2008 1:18:52 AM

I know some other doctor jokes, but my mind went blank reading yours.


Give me the skinny on the nose surgery. I'm asking Bro as well. He tried to get me to get it in the past and I wasn't getting it, so I forgot what he said. I left him a voice mail and he's supposed to call me back.

My problem is that way back when I started dealing with all this mess my exrays showed "problems" in my sinuses and I never asked what. Everything is way better--drainage, infections, allergy symptoms, etc--except breathing through my nose toward the back of it, if that makes sense. So I breathe too much through my mouth, so I hyperventilate, so I get extremely miserable. It's worse in spring and I've noticed it more this last week. I'm getting an appointment with an ENT guy, but I want a rundown (I think you've done that before as well, too), because, frankly and embarrassingly, I'm very scared of the surgery. It just sounds horrible to me, and I'm afraid they'll scrape around up there and slip, and I won't be able to breathe through my nose which is already driving me crazy just not breathing well enough through it.

So if you get a chance, I'd like all the details from people who've been there, not just the guy who has a vested interest in doing it.

7294. arkymalarky - 3/10/2008 2:01:58 AM

This isn't about to do or not to do, btw, since I know you and Bro and the handful of other people I know who did it absolutely loved the results. I just need the gory details. I don't like surprises. When I was pregnant all my friends who were moms assured me labor wasn't that bad. If they'd been there at the time I went through it, I think I could have murdered every one of them with my bare hands.

7295. robertjayb - 3/10/2008 10:53:51 PM

Yeah, they're apt to scrape around, reshaping turbinates (whatever they are)and staightening the septum. There may be blood. At least there was in my case, but I'm a bleeder. I'd say lay off aspirin and maybe get a vitamin K shot in advance of the procedure. Ask your ENT person.

I rate the discomfort as slightly worse than a root canal.

The splints, little tubes that are inserted in the nostrils to keep all the parts aligned, are bothersome but bearable. I think I had them about three days. One became dislodged in a fierce sneezing attack and had to be fished out from some strange recess in my head. No harm and funny in retrospect but scary at the time.

Go for it.

7296. arkymalarky - 3/10/2008 11:27:41 PM

Thanks! I'm leaning that way, because it's the only one of my health problems of the last few years that I haven't improved or fixed, and I'm feeling so much better than I have in years. I could deal with it okay if I felt like I was getting enough air though my nose and wasn't prone to hyperventilating when I breathe too much through my mouth--if that's what's causing it. I'll at least talk to an ENT doctor.

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