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7688. wabbit - 12/2/2004 8:25:06 PM

I've been hashing this argument out with people for years and sway left and right depending on my mood. A couple former professors tried talking me into writing a book, but it's the kind of thing that would sell 25 copies and disappear. Someone more capable than I will articulate my thoughts someday. I wish more people would go to museums, or read, or just develop an interest in art forms that they are unfamiliar with, instead of being intimidated and condemning the lot. Meanwhile, I won't object if some people want Elvis on black velvet. Chacun a son gout.

7689. Ms. No - 12/2/2004 8:50:04 PM

I know practically nothing about art. I like what I like and that makes me something of a junk-food junkie I suppose. I can't think of anything specific off the top of my head but I've been persuaded to an enjoyment of some things after they were explained to me and other things no amount of hype or explanation or back-story will persuade me to enjoy even if I can acknowledge some particular skill or significance about a piece -- the Mona Lisa, for instance and most of Jackson Pollock's work and don't even get me started on Rothko. bleh.

I kind of like Marla's stuff but I would agree that it isn't "great" art. "Great" implies to me a certain amount of intent and self-knowledge which a 4yo simply can't posesses.

As I mentioned, though, "great" isn't a prerequisite for me liking something. There's plenty of significant art that gives me the big yawn. My personal tastes are fairly plebeian. I love Van Gogh, but I recognize that much of what appeals to me in his work is the strong lines and vivid colors....which are shared by cartoons and poster art like my beloved pin-up girls.

7690. Ms. No - 12/2/2004 9:14:37 PM

A couple of weeks ago a friend visited me from out of town and it happened to coincide with a tour the Phillips Collection is making to LA right now. I'm sure I've waxed tediously rhapsodic over this collection here before. Quite simply it is my favorite collection of any I've ever seen.

Anyway, I was so excited and got my friend hyped up to see it as well so we paid our money and we walked on in and I was having serious anxiety over whether she would consider the show worth the price of admission. It was only a small part of the Phillips Collection with Renoir's The Boating Party as the star attraction. I was so worried that she'd feel she'd misspent her $17.

I was ecstatic to see the collection again. There were certainly some paintings that didn't I didn't care for and I was sad to see that the African American painters hadn't been brought along, but there were 2 Van Gogh's, a Klee, a Kandinsky, a Daumier and three Picasso's that would have satisfied me if that were all that had been present.

Second only to having seen these works again -- my favorite being Van Gogh's The Road Menders -- I was joyously relieved that my friend thought the show was well worth the price of admission. Picasso's Bullfight is one of her all-time favorite paintings and it was in this show. I was so happy that something I love so much could be shared by someone else.

7691. Ms. No - 12/2/2004 9:17:03 PM

Also, I nearly got into a brawl.


In an art gallery.

There was a middle-aged trying-so-hard-to-be-something couple there and it was clear that it was some kind of tutuorial-Pygmalionesque relationship. He was probably mid-60's and she was mid 40's and they were wandering from painting to painting and he seemed to be sort of instructing her about the finer points of each piece.

She was making me nervous because she was pointing really closely to the works. I got a bit nearer to them and realized that they were talking about what the names of the fucking colors were. "I believe this is cadmium yellow. Don't you think that's cadmium yellow?"

All I could think was "It's a fucking VAN GOGH you stupid cow!!!" and then she did it, she actually touched with her pointy ignorant finger the actual skin of The Road Menders.

I saw red and went to body check her, had actually taken a step when one of the docents intervened with a sharp "No! You can't touch them."

The woman withdrew her hand but didn't seem very phased and as the docent walked away I could see her pointing again. Her finger was within an inch of the actual painting. I followed this couple around until they left the Van Gogh room --- I'd have kept following them but my friend grabbed me by the arm and restrained me.

I was incensed. I wanted to beat that woman with my fists. Pull her hair out. Scream and rail at her until she collapsed in a little shivering puddle of abject remorse for having dared to defile my God with her stupid, pointy finger.

And oh how I wish I'd been the one to touch it.

7692. wabbit - 12/2/2004 10:00:15 PM

I love the Phillips collection too. They have a small dark Degas that I adore, a woman leaning on her arm. And speaking of Sean Scully, they'll have an exhibit of his work autumn of 2005.

I'm not a particular fan of Pollock either, but some of Rothko's paintings shimmer. And some were painted with whatever was on sale at the hardware store, and it shows.

Ms. No, I can't tell you how many times I've come *this close* to clocking someone for touching. Some museum somewhere (London maybe?) has a sculpture piece that has been touched so many times, it is wearing away. They use it at the entrance to demonstrate why you shouldn't touch.

I have to use a wheelchair now when I go to museums and it's been a real eye-opener. I'm 6' tall when I'm on my feet, so it has never been much of a problem for me to see over most people, but when in a wheelchair, I'm constantly amazed at how I disappear. People think nothing of getting right in front of me. I try to stay back from whatever I'm looking at so I don't block everyone else, but there are always people who elbow their way right up to the wall. I've been tempted to role into a few of them.

7693. Ms. No - 12/2/2004 10:28:01 PM

I'm a stand back sort of person myself and even in my "tall" shoes I max out at about 5'5. Some paintings have to be seen close up, but I find that most things look better from 8 feet away, often more.

I recall an exhibit that I saw at MOMA that I wasn't all that impressed with until I turned away from a painting and saw another one on the opposite side of this huge gallery room. From 30 feet away the painting just came to life -- the water moved and you could feel the wind in the sails of the boat. It was amazing. I walked the entire perimeter of that gallery looking at the paintings from across the room for the rest of the day.

It's irritating as hell to be in a crowded gallery. And how crowded I think it is hangs directly on how many people are milling their way obliviously between the art and the other patrons.

I'm in full favor of you mowing down the oblivious. ;->

7694. wabbit - 12/2/2004 10:42:56 PM

Next time you come East, whaddya say we down a couple martini's and mow down the oblivious together? I could always pretend to lose control in the Guggenheim, it would be almost like bowling.

Another problem with wheelchairs is getting through the gift shop at a museum. There is usually just enough room for the chair, but not if your hands are on the wheels, so I get a good roll-up and zip between display stands. This is much more entertaining than it may sound, because I get to watch the employees and other patrons hold their breath in near panic when they see what I'm about to do. I haven't destroyed anything yet.

7695. Ms. No - 12/2/2004 10:46:44 PM

Oh god, I just got the image of you barrelling down the ramps at the Guggenheim shouting "GAAAAHHHHH!!!! Out of my way art-pansies!!!"

I'm laughing so hard my eyes are watering!

This is a definite date!

7696. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 12/2/2004 11:10:49 PM

Thanks for the hearty laughs, Gals, and it's the world's loss, as well as those twentyfive who won't get to share your stellar insights, wabb!

7697. judithathome - 12/2/2004 11:40:19 PM

There was a young girl who became quite the celebrity at age 12 for her paintings that looked like Picassos...Alexandra Nikita, I think was her name. A gallery here in town had several of her things and I never liked them but they looked tons better than that four year old's.

7698. thoughtful - 12/2/2004 11:43:15 PM

so if you had to pick just one museum...which would it be?

There are so many i haven't been to, it's hard to choose. Of the ones I've been to, it's a tough call, but I'd have to pick the Gardner in boston.

7699. thoughtful - 12/2/2004 11:46:10 PM


7700. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 12/3/2004 12:55:02 AM

The Gardner is a delight and within walking distance to my favorite other Boston haunt – the Zen garden attached to The MFA. (It's free and a lovely place to ponder.)

I also like the Freer in D.C.

7701. judithathome - 12/3/2004 1:07:04 AM

The Freer is one of Keoni's faves.

I liked several funky little museums we went to in France and Germany...all very old and not one of which I can recall the name. They were very old and the floors creaked and the rooms were small but I had a wonderful feeling of having lived there before in several of them. I had that feeling a lot in Europe.

I'm convinced I did live there in other lives and how I got plunked down in Texas in this one, I will never know.

7702. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 12/18/2004 11:27:02 PM

My local art dealer finally got his website up. Brick Walk Fine Art

A peruse for flaws, problems or confusion is welcomed--I had nothing to do with the site, but I can pass a comment or critique on to him.

7703. judithathome - 12/19/2004 9:22:14 PM

Wiz, on first look at your page, I note the word "The" is repeated twice in line identifying the art cirtic who is quoted right after it.

For some reason, I couldn't copy and paste the single line.

7704. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 12/19/2004 9:31:56 PM

Many thanks Judith, you'd make a thoughtful copy editor with a good eye.

Speaking of thoughtful, have you heard from her? I won't be able to sleep until she forgives me for my snappish behavior in Matters.

7705. judithathome - 12/19/2004 10:15:46 PM

I'm sure she's forgiven you. After all, she's called "thoughtful" for good reason. ;-)

7706. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 12/22/2004 8:54:31 PM

New life for Bush monkey poster

A controversial portrait of President George W Bush, formed using monkey heads, has been projected on a giant billboard in Manhattan.

Chris Savido's acrylic painting, Bush Monkeys, prompted gallery managers to close down a 60-piece show at New York's Chelsea Market last week.

Anonymous donors subsequently paid for the picture to be posted over the entrance to Holland Tunnel for a month.

Some 400,000 drivers are expected to see the billboard each day.

7707. Ms. No - 12/22/2004 9:37:01 PM

I'm glad the Chelsea banned it. Thousands more people will now hear about the painting, see it and hopefully donate money to a good cause.

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