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7768. wonkers2 - 5/8/2005 1:08:28 PM

Heretofor whimsical Colombian painter of fat people, Fernando Botero, turns serious over Abu Ghraib torture. Here.

7769. wabbit - 5/9/2005 2:18:30 AM

Pump it up!

7770. wonkers2 - 5/9/2005 4:09:14 PM

Is Mass Culture Dumbing us Down or Smartening Us Up? The answer here.

7771. jexster - 5/14/2005 6:08:03 PM

La Pistache a Tante Nana - mp3

Huge selection of cajun music mp3's free here

7772. jexster - 5/14/2005 6:11:47 PM


What is Cajun French?
French Dept Louisiana State Univ.

7773. jexster - 5/14/2005 6:42:03 PM

Mon petit garçon a plus des crises
Ma vieille a plus des rhumatismes
Sont plus malades at all at all
Depuis ils ont pris le Hadacol
Sois garanti tu prends quelque dose
Tes yeux sont clairs, tes joues sont roses,
Prends quelques bouteilles et je te promets
Tu vas jongler pour courtiser
J’ai fait serment dessus la Bible
Me sentir mieux c’est pas possible
Moi qui te dis je peux remercier
Le Hadacol à Nonc Dudley

Si t’as des douleurs mais tout partout,
Dans tes jambes et dans ton cou,
Si t’as besoin des vitamins
Le Hadacol peut le mettre within
Si les docteurs t’ont décompté
Y a une sauce pour t’as cassé,
Y a une chance pour ta santé,
Le Hadacol peut te le donner
Viens faire serment dessus la Bible
Te sentir mieux c’est pas possible
Moi qui dis qui a remercié
Le Hadacol à Nonc Dudley

"Pendant longtemps j’ai miséré
Sur juste du lait, du pain grillé,
Asteur c'est bien je me porte du suif,"
Say Nonc Ignace a L'Anse la Butte
"J’ai pris le tonique à Nonc Dudley
C'est ça ca pris pour m’engraisser,
Asteur ma vieille me trouve si mieux
Elle me prend pareil qu’un amoureux."
J’ai fait le serment dessus la Bible
De me sentir mieux c’est pas possible
Moi qui dis je peux remercier
Le Hadacol à Nonc Dudley

Valse de Hadacol

7774. jexster - 5/14/2005 6:56:44 PM

And the ever-populaire Jolie Blon

Jolie blonde, regardez donc quoi t'as fait,
Tu m'as quitte pour t'en aller,
Pour T'en aller avec un autre, oui, que moi,
Quel espoir et quel avenir, mais, moi, je vais avoir?

Jolie blonde, tu m'as laisse, moi tout seul,
Pour t'en aller chez ta famille.
Si t'aurais pas ecoute tos les conseils de les autres
tu serait ici-t-avec moi aujourd 'hui

Jolie blonde, tu croyais il y avait just toi,
Il y a pas just toi dans le pays pour moi aimer.
Je peux trouver just une autre jolie blonde,
Bon Dieu sait, moi, j'ai un tas.

In English
Pretty blond, look at what you've done,
You left me to go away,
to go away with another, yes, than me,
What hope and what future am I going to have?

Pretty blond, you've left me all alone
To go back to your family.
If you had not listened to all the advice of the others
You would be here with me today.

Pretty blond, you thought there as just you,
There is not just you in the land to love me.
I can find another pretty blond,
Good God knows, I have a lot.

7775. alistairConnor - 5/14/2005 8:29:48 PM

Asteur ma vieille me trouve si mieux
Elle me prend pareil qu’un amoureux.

Ah that's poetry.

7776. alistairConnor - 5/19/2005 8:44:25 PM

Oh la what have I done.

I've been meaning to get around to buying tickets for BB King, I've never yet seen him, and you always regret when you had the chance and then they die... and Taj Mahal on the same bill...

I just checked out the Jazz à Vienne web site and of course that concert is sold out already. Bugger.

So I thought : what about George Clinton instead? ... What about Chick Corea? What about Oscar Petersen? The Cuban evening, or the Louisiana gospel evening? the Brazilians?

... so I went and bought season tickets, any seven concerts.

AND I get to see BB!

7777. judithathome - 5/19/2005 10:56:26 PM

Congrats, Alistair!

And I snagged a great #!

7778. wabbit - 5/23/2005 8:10:31 PM

I don't know if JJ or CharlieL lurk here anymore, but if they do, there is a nice little program they might want to check out now that mp3.com has changed their format.

Radio.blog lets you create a playlist and stream it from a website. The basic program requires a server that allows PHP and XML, but there are ways around the PHP. I was thinking they could create playlists of their original music and stream it from their websites, so folks could hear what they do.

It's a little involved to get set up, but a bit of patience and some website know-how will get you through. The directions available with the program leave a lot to be desired, imo, but I can write up what I ended up doing for anyone who might be interested. Don't mind the playlist I'm using, it's some of what was on this computer at the time. I suppose I should edit the playlist to display the band names...maybe another time.

7779. wabbit - 5/30/2005 7:32:19 PM

Nine Inch Nails has dropped out of the MTV Movie Awards after clashing with the network over an image of President Bush that the band planned as a performance backdrop, The Associated Press reported. The image was to accompany the song "The Hand That Feeds," which obliquely criticizes the war in Iraq. MTV said in a statement to its news division that the network was disappointed that the band would not perform at the awards, to air on June 9, but had been "uncomfortable with their performance being built around a partisan political statement." The Foo Fighters will perform instead. Trent Reznor, above, the leader of Nine Inch Nails, said on the band's Web site that the image of the president would have been unaltered. "Apparently, the image of our president is as offensive to MTV as it is to me," he said.

7780. arkymalarky - 5/31/2005 10:33:17 PM

Music right now is extremely political--more than it was in the '60s, imo. MTV can't have it both ways, though they've been trying their stupid balancing act ever since they started.

7781. Macnas - 6/1/2005 8:35:59 AM

MTV practising outright political censorship? Is that kind of like bleeping out swearing?

Assholes, them and their crap station. They don't even play music anymore, just wander around inside peoples houses and fix up peoples cars. Might as well be the Home & Leisure channel.

7782. arkymalarky - 6/1/2005 4:31:06 PM

Hahaha! Isn't that the truth. I watch a very little of MTV2, and I have watched Fuse, which has begun getting really crappy. Now there's the International Music Feed, which plays too few videos over and over, but that may improve as it gets on its feet. I just want a channel that does music videos, period. VH1 Classic is great for what it is, but I like the modern stuff, too.

7783. arkymalarky - 6/1/2005 4:31:47 PM

Bob hates videos--he just likes audio. But I like music videos a lot.

7784. Macnas - 6/2/2005 8:29:06 AM

I listen to more music than watch video, but I do appreciate a good one when I see it. Something hard to do watching MTV these days.

We get a different version of MTV here, and it plays very little music.

7785. arkymalarky - 6/2/2005 3:58:43 PM

I dunno. MTV here plays no music that I know of. MTV2 (a separate channel) plays a little.

7786. webfeet - 6/2/2005 5:14:56 PM

Has anyone else taken the trip to Philly to see the Salvador Dali show? Wabbit? It just closed at the end of May after a week's extension.

It was an extravaganza as outsized as Dali's ego. Impressario, madman, magician, choreographer, genius--whatever Dali's legacy it is clear after viewing the body of his work, particularly his early work, that he was above all, a master painter adopting his classical style through various movements.

Even if you don't go in for that peculiar fetishistic surrealism of his later works--the melting clocks and all that, which have unfortunately characterized his work at large, it is the discovery of the unconscious forces and obsessions that drove him which give them a frightening power. There is a hideous biological emptiness to many of these pieces as if the overriding desires of mankind were the same as insects, such as the female devouring the male after copulation. (a recurring nightmare of Dali's, the ultimate expression of commitment anxiety or homophobia depending on how you look at it)

7787. wabbit - 6/2/2005 5:24:46 PM

Damn, I forgot it was closing in May.

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