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7781. Macnas - 6/1/2005 8:35:59 AM

MTV practising outright political censorship? Is that kind of like bleeping out swearing?

Assholes, them and their crap station. They don't even play music anymore, just wander around inside peoples houses and fix up peoples cars. Might as well be the Home & Leisure channel.

7782. arkymalarky - 6/1/2005 4:31:06 PM

Hahaha! Isn't that the truth. I watch a very little of MTV2, and I have watched Fuse, which has begun getting really crappy. Now there's the International Music Feed, which plays too few videos over and over, but that may improve as it gets on its feet. I just want a channel that does music videos, period. VH1 Classic is great for what it is, but I like the modern stuff, too.

7783. arkymalarky - 6/1/2005 4:31:47 PM

Bob hates videos--he just likes audio. But I like music videos a lot.

7784. Macnas - 6/2/2005 8:29:06 AM

I listen to more music than watch video, but I do appreciate a good one when I see it. Something hard to do watching MTV these days.

We get a different version of MTV here, and it plays very little music.

7785. arkymalarky - 6/2/2005 3:58:43 PM

I dunno. MTV here plays no music that I know of. MTV2 (a separate channel) plays a little.

7786. webfeet - 6/2/2005 5:14:56 PM

Has anyone else taken the trip to Philly to see the Salvador Dali show? Wabbit? It just closed at the end of May after a week's extension.

It was an extravaganza as outsized as Dali's ego. Impressario, madman, magician, choreographer, genius--whatever Dali's legacy it is clear after viewing the body of his work, particularly his early work, that he was above all, a master painter adopting his classical style through various movements.

Even if you don't go in for that peculiar fetishistic surrealism of his later works--the melting clocks and all that, which have unfortunately characterized his work at large, it is the discovery of the unconscious forces and obsessions that drove him which give them a frightening power. There is a hideous biological emptiness to many of these pieces as if the overriding desires of mankind were the same as insects, such as the female devouring the male after copulation. (a recurring nightmare of Dali's, the ultimate expression of commitment anxiety or homophobia depending on how you look at it)

7787. wabbit - 6/2/2005 5:24:46 PM

Damn, I forgot it was closing in May.

7788. jayackroyd - 6/2/2005 6:48:18 PM

The Max Ernst show at the Met may be more interesting. I enjoyed that more than I expected to.

7789. wonkers2 - 6/8/2005 5:57:46 PM

Class Divisions in American Literature Here

7790. Macnas - 6/9/2005 4:49:53 PM

"He'll rekindle all the dreams
it took you a lifetime to destroy
He'll reach deep into the hole,
heal your shrinking soul
Hey buddy, you know you're
never ever coming back
He's a god, he's a man,
he's a ghost, he's a guru"

Name the song and the singer..

7791. wabbit - 6/9/2005 5:32:41 PM

Been watching Hellboy, Mac?

"You'll see him in your nightmares,
you'll see him in your dreams
He'll appear out of nowhere but
he ain't what he seems
You'll see him in your head,
on the TV screen..."

7792. Ms. No - 6/9/2005 5:53:10 PM


Nick Cave: Red Right Hand

Awesome tune!

7793. Ms. No - 6/9/2005 5:59:24 PM


They put it on a compliation disc of X-Files music as well -- which is how I originally heard it. RRH and Down in the Park by the Foo Fighters were my favorite cuts off that compilation album. Most of it was kind of lame if I remember correctly, but it was worth it for those two songs alone.

7794. Macnas - 6/10/2005 8:16:12 AM

Wabbit & Ms.No,

I never knew that tune was on the soundtrack, but it seems entirely appropriate!

Well done the both of you, and yes, it is a cracking song.

All together now: "People just ain't no good...."

7795. Macnas - 6/10/2005 3:45:46 PM

Try these for size:

1. "In the time of chimpanzees, I was a monkey"

2. "The money feels good, and your life you like it well, but surely your time will come, as in heaven, as in hell"

3. "Last night I felt, real arms around me, no hope, no harm
just another false alarm"

7796. PelleNilsson - 6/23/2005 5:18:59 PM

Jean-Paul Sartre would gave been 100 this year. I saw a short article about him. There is an interesting little discussion of Sartre's views on structuralism versus individualism (or, if you want, social determinism versus free will), but what caught my eye was the author's claim that "Sartre became [...] the most hated man in France. Can that really be true? Do the French, not some French, but the French in general really hate a philosopher? In particular a Nobel laureate who stuck by his principles and told the Swedish Academians to shove their prize up their collective ass? In find that hard to believe. He passed away in 1980, well before the -68 winds had died down.

7797. alistairConnor - 6/23/2005 11:19:23 PM

It's an odd thing, Pelle : he is deeply unfashionable, especially on the left.

Who is the major French philosopher of the last 50 years? The answer, almost unanimous : Foucault. (I think I agree)

There is a certain amount of re-evaluation going on. I think he suffered a great deal (somewhat unfairly) from the backlash against Communism in the 90s.

7798. alistairconnor - 7/7/2005 11:29:25 AM

Quite a cultural summer so far.

Working backwards :
Last night : Blues night at the Vienne Jazz festival. The lineup:

Big James Montgomery and the Chicago Playboys
Taj Mahal Trio
BB King

Big James : I like Chicago blues, but these guys are showmen. It was a good show, but didn't quite connect with me.

Taj Mahal : I've been meaning to catch up with this guy for at least a decade. It was worth the wait. You can't fake the blues in a trio format... From a strictly blues point of view, he was the hero of the evening. I'll be buying some records.

BB King : For thirty years, I've recognised him as the elder statesman of the blues... I feared he might be in a twilight zone, but no, he is master of his guitar, his band, his music. He wouldn't be doing this at his age (79, he claims, but only his mother knows for sure) unless he enjoyed it... well so did we. Excellent tight, creative eight-piece band.

7799. alistairconnor - 7/7/2005 11:30:04 AM

ah feck. Looked OK in preview...

7800. anomie - 7/23/2005 10:09:13 PM

Where else to ask this...

Anyone hear of the Rasmus?

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