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8102. arkymalarky - 11/10/2014 4:04:00 AM

I know about research gate, as well, but again, it's limited wrt what it has. here's something from them regarding Swartz and his Guerilla Open Access Manifesto:

8103. arkymalarky - 11/10/2014 4:05:45 AM

only the abstract is available at the moment.

8104. iiibbb - 11/10/2014 4:07:07 AM

If you find the abstract, try emailing the author. I don't think anyone has ever refused to send me a pdf.

I'm at a smallish university. Their interface is pretty slick now. Walk in, get on a PC, use your favorite search engine to look up an article, download the pdf to a thumb drive, or email it to myself.

One thing I've always wondered is whether the inter-library loan system works for public libraries. I think it does.

So it may not be as easy for joe public to acquire cites as it is for me, it's not impossible to get a paper copy without going through a paywall.

8105. iiibbb - 11/10/2014 4:09:22 AM

Regarding that Research Gate abstract... see the button to the right that says "Request Full Text". Try clicking that.

8106. iiibbb - 11/10/2014 4:10:56 AM

Or click here

8107. iiibbb - 11/10/2014 4:12:24 AM

Give me an example of a paper you can't get.

8108. arkymalarky - 11/10/2014 4:15:44 AM

what? how do I do that? I don't have one up my ass right now.
wait. I'll look for some I personally know. but it may not be tonight.

one more good one from a librarian blog: bibwild.wordpress.com/2013/01/13/library-values-and-digital-divide-in-memoriam-aaron-swartz/

8109. arkymalarky - 11/10/2014 4:20:10 AM

here ya go:

8111. arkymalarky - 11/10/2014 4:22:17 AM

And again, as I said earlier, a lot has changed because of Aaron Swartz..

8112. arkymalarky - 11/10/2014 4:24:28 AM

I did find my dad's:

8113. arkymalarky - 11/10/2014 4:33:31 AM

it's not just free access, it's ease of access.

8114. arkymalarky - 11/10/2014 4:43:06 AM

last link of the night, where this is (hopefully) headed now: www.motherjones.com/media/2013/09/michael-eisen-plos-open-access-aaron-swartz?page=2

8115. arkymalarky - 11/10/2014 8:23:54 PM

I know I've been harping on this the last two days, but this development today is hugely important. A good sum up of the issue in this article from BGR, but people need to be raising the roof over this and make sure that Obama gets his way.


8116. arkymalarky - 11/11/2014 5:20:22 PM

Lou Dobbs is such a tool.

8117. judithathome - 11/11/2014 8:20:30 PM

Of course he is...he has "FOX" after his name. You can't work for them without a "tool box".

8118. arkymalarky - 11/11/2014 11:27:22 PM

It was on at the truck stop, so I was a captive audience, because I was there eating breakfast, listening to him lie and fearmonger about net neutrality. Otherwise I would pursue me my purposeful delusion that lou dobbs somewhere along the line dropped off the planet.

funny site, funny gig at ted cruz: the oatmeal (not the onion)

Just trying to see if I can make a hyperlink on my phone, but man that took a lot of typing. Voice to text is so much easier, and long press select copy select paste is pretty easy too.

8119. arkymalarky - 11/11/2014 11:27:47 PM

well crap.

8120. Ms. No - 11/12/2014 4:41:50 AM

That's totally, fucking awesome!

8121. arkymalarky - 11/12/2014 8:12:43 PM

Ha! thought you'd like it!

8122. judithathome - 11/12/2014 10:16:44 PM

This is absolutely fascinating to me: Gizmo Makes Water Out Of Hot Air...No Word On When It Will Be Installed In Congress

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