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8365. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 2/19/2007 4:02:53 AM

Not anymore, Judith. I've been reading his autobiography and he's a mess after his head collision in Australia a few years ago.

8366. alistairconnor - 2/19/2007 1:03:22 PM

Mose's favorite female vocalist is someone whose name I can't remember now. It seems like it's two initials and a last name, but that may be someone else.

I'll bet it's KT Tunstall...
She became known in France because an ISP used this song in its advertising

(Black horse and a cherry tree)
I've been listening to the album over the last week, it doesn't resemble that song much but it's growing on me.

8367. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 2/19/2007 5:27:59 PM

Adorable with an infectious beat.

[That was meant to be head-on collision above.]

8368. arkymalarky - 2/19/2007 5:59:08 PM

It was the name, Alistair, but that was my mixup. For her, Imogene'd da man.

WRT Tunstall, she doesn't do much for me, but I haven't heard much of her.

8369. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 2/21/2007 3:18:31 AM

8370. prolph - 2/22/2007 7:09:39 AM

wizard,i laughed out loud. thanks, patsy

8371. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 3/9/2007 12:51:38 AM

My pleasure, Patsy!

Meanwhile . . .

Fishing Village, Red Boat, Foggy Morning

8372. wabbit - 3/9/2007 12:57:15 AM

Beautiful. Quiet, still, beautiful.

8373. wonkers2 - 3/9/2007 3:57:19 AM

Wiz, very nice! But where are the sailboats?

8374. alistairconnor - 3/9/2007 10:48:45 AM

Damn fine Wiz... but now I can't find the "work in progress" versions you posted a while back... I wanted to compare them.

8375. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 3/9/2007 11:07:50 PM

Many thanks, all. Wonk, they're coming, but slowly–I still have a lot to digest about sailboats, and Alistair, I think those studies are somewhere in The Cafe.

I'm getting ready for a show called "Outports And Fishing Sheds."

Here's a watercolor study from Newfoundland . . .

8376. judithathome - 3/9/2007 11:19:52 PM

Whoa...I love that! I like how the water absorbs some of the sky color and the village seems to be playing referee between the two!

8377. arkymalarky - 3/10/2007 12:43:13 AM

I agree with Judith. I love them both and the red and blue in both.

8378. prolph - 3/10/2007 6:13:20 AM

wizard, you are a great artist thanks for your paintings, patsy

8379. wonkers2 - 3/10/2007 7:08:06 AM

Wow, that one's great!

8380. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 3/10/2007 6:47:27 PM

Thanks again for your encouraging responses. I love the Monopoly Board quality of the little structures and their resilience to the potentially overwhelming power of nature. I tend to associate vulnerability with beauty somehow. There's no grandeur in the buildings, just functionality.

I know this sounds pretentious, but it's really what I care most about when I'm captivated by a place, and why I think it's worth capturing–especially for the souls who will be deprived of these places in the future.

There was a most remarkable British artist, Richard Parkes Bonnington who died at twenty-six and he had incredible talent. He painted fishing villages in England and France in the early nineteenth century and I think, in retrospect, he influenced me more than I realized.

If you're ever in New Haven, there is a wonderful collection of his work at The Yale British Museum.

8381. wabbit - 3/12/2007 3:17:17 AM

I want to take a watercolor class with you sometime.

8382. wonkers2 - 3/12/2007 4:42:42 PM

Who owns the music of days gone by?

8383. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 3/12/2007 4:42:48 PM

Ha! Thanks wabb, though it's highly unlikely that this burned-out teacher will ever teach again.

I just finished a big plate of that subject and I'm very excited about it. I'll post an image after I print something I like.

8384. prolph - 3/15/2007 12:03:23 AM

wizardm where will your show be? patsy

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