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8545. David Ehrenstein - 2/10/2008 11:38:19 PM

Rashomon in Beverly Hills

8546. wonkers2 - 2/11/2008 12:32:50 AM

Alistaire, I have never heard that Simone de Beauvoir was a lesbian, an early feminist and women's libber, yes but not a lesbian. Wikipedia mentions her many lovers, Sartre and Nelson Algren and others, all men. No mention of her being a lesbian. Aparently she was masculine (as well as very beautiful)in the sense of her independence (I don't believe she was ever married) and her pursuit of mathematics and philosophy at a time when these were mostly the domain of men. (I'm no expert on de Beauvoir, and I will defer to you on the subject.)

8547. David Ehrenstein - 2/12/2008 3:59:46 AM

Lee Wiley

8548. SnowOwl - 2/12/2008 11:30:28 AM

Judith, Stefan Grappelli toured here some years ago. My daughters were avid fans, even though they were just schoolkids, so they went to see him. He must have been an old man then, but they came home absolutely entranced.

8549. thoughtful - 2/12/2008 3:54:14 PM

The only think I know about her is one of my favorite quotes: There are 2 kinds of people in the world. There are human beings and there are women. And when women start acting like human beings, they're often accused of acting like men.

8550. judithathome - 2/12/2008 4:51:25 PM

Snow, I'm certain they would love that DVD then...it's on Amazon and costs enough that shipping is free. Well, inside the USA so that might not apply for you.

But I HIGHLY recommend it for anyone who is a fan...and if you're not a fan at the beginning of it, you soon will be!

8551. wonkers2 - 2/13/2008 5:15:37 AM

Iris Dement Gets It On With John Prine

8552. David Ehrenstein - 2/14/2008 8:05:00 PM

More of the Lee Wiley documentary.

8553. David Ehrenstein - 2/15/2008 7:22:19 PM

Plan 9 From Motown! Y'all have simply GOT to download this.

8554. alistairConnor - 2/16/2008 12:17:48 AM

Lordy David she is special!

Is she dead? (Otherwise I would feel guilty about having downloaded it)

(but why not put it on a bit torrent like anyone else?)

8555. David Ehrenstein - 2/18/2008 8:44:08 PM

Alain Robbe-Grillet est mort.

8556. David Ehrenstein - 2/19/2008 12:16:13 AM

Paula Greer is still with us and occasionally makes live appearances in Detroit. Mostly for charity fund-raising events.

8557. David Ehrenstein - 2/26/2008 7:40:08 PM

Still More Lee Wiley

8558. wonkers2 - 4/2/2008 11:49:28 PM

Ace of Spades

8559. David Ehrenstein - 4/8/2008 4:38:25 AM


8560. alistairconnor - 4/13/2008 7:38:43 PM

My friend the street theatre artist is in the middle of a cultural shitstorm...

She arrives to do her show "Kristin" in the small town of Cuers... this is in the Deep South, near Toulon. The town had an active avant-garde arts program... then came the municipal elections, and the new mayor, hard-right, is determined to put a stop to all this nonsense.

But he didn't cancel the show, which had been programmed by the former mayor. The artist spray-paints half a dozen sentences on the street, using temporary paint. This is a regular part of her shows. She demonstrates that the paint is indeed removable...

... but during the show, the municipal services turn up and cover up her texts with tar. Then afterwards, the mayor sends the cops to her dressing room, to charge her with vandalism... And insult to the flag too (during the show, dressed as a marching girl, she dances on the French flag)

The whole thing is completely nutty... the most literal example of artistic censorship I have ever seen. I really hope it comes to trial, I will take a day off and go myself. I might even be legally implicated, as I am the treasurer of the association that employs her.

8561. anomie - 4/14/2008 5:03:42 PM

I like to think of Europe as being more liberal and enlightened than this. I mean the artist went so far as to use washable paint. That's more than fair.

8562. alistairconnor - 4/14/2008 5:12:16 PM

Just remember, folks, if you want to see this sort of mayhem in a town near you... The artist is planning a US tour for later this year!

8563. anomie - 4/14/2008 6:52:15 PM

Tell her to put Vegas on the itinerary. If she gets arrested, she might rub elbows with OJ.

8564. wabbit - 5/9/2008 12:14:26 AM

I don't know about everyone else, but I get asked "what kind of music do you like" a lot. My standard answer is boring...I like just about everything, with a couple exceptions. I cannot abide country music from the late 1960's-early 1970's. It's just way too whiny and all that "Stand By Your Man" crap makes my skin crawl. And believe me when I tell you I know whereof I speak; whenever my father was around it was all I heard as a kid.

Not that he had no musical taste - he still adores anything Benny Goodman, and I learned of Ben Colder (think country music's Weird Al a decade or more earlier - Fifteen Beers Ago is pure genius) because of an album he bought in one of the Dakota's. But pretty much anything not big band or country escaped him entirely.

This morning, one of his favorites died. Eddy Arnold, just days shy of 90 years old, died at a care facility near Nashville. His wife of 66 years, Sally, had died in March, and in the same month, Arnold fell outside his home, injuring his hip. He had many hit songs, but one of my favorites was Come Live with Me and Be My Love.

RIP Eddy Arnold.

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