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8863. wabbit - 2/26/2012 11:20:34 PM

And so, anyone have Oscar favorites? Having seen none of the films, I'll post my predictions:

  • Best Picture: The Artist
  • Best Director: Michel Hazanavicius for The Artist or Martin Scorsese for Hugo, Scorsese wins
  • Actor: Brad Pitt
  • Actress: Viola Davis
  • Supporting Actor: Christopher Plummer
  • Supporting Actress: Octavia Spencer
Woody Allen will win original screenplay and maybe something else, The Descendants will get adapted screenplay, Hugo will win cinematography.

I did see The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, but Rooney Mara's family already won the Super Bowl and she's young enough to be around for years. Maybe she'll win for The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest.

Mind you, except for picking The Hurt Locker, I am rarely good at this.

8864. judithathome - 3/3/2012 9:13:03 PM

Woody Allen will win original screenplay

And deservedly so...that movie is one of my all time faves. Granted, my list of faves is long and has catagories and sub-catagories but that movie is there in one of them, regardless.

8865. Jenerator - 3/9/2012 11:58:20 PM

I haven't seen The Artist yet, but I have a feeling I will be hugely disappointed. I can't believe that it was better than any of the other nominees that had *sound*. Sound is such a magnificent component to movies and is an artform by itself.

8866. judithathome - 3/10/2012 2:53:56 AM

However, film is a visual art and while sound can be important, the visual is the most important component.

The old silent movies depended on the visual alone and if you've ever seen a Lillian Gish film, you come away shaken not by what she said but by what she conveyed visually.

8867. thoughtful - 3/11/2012 3:38:34 PM

I need a nice piece of art for over my sofa in the library, so hubby and I will be going to

Art Expo NY

Should be fun...

8868. judithathome - 3/11/2012 7:27:56 PM

I watched that screen for 15 minutes...saved it to go back and watch more.

Have to admit, some of those were wonderful...some, I could have done myself.

I liked the wet pear...designated I Like It Wet. It looked like a fine photograph but was a painting. Love stuff like that!

8869. vonKreedon - 3/25/2012 1:31:59 AM

Saw Hunger Games this morning. Loved it. Seriously loved it.

I've heard from a couple of people that the bouncy and blurry camera work in some of the scenes was annoying and distracting. I thought that the bouncy and blurry work was really well done to immerse you in Katniss' experience; when she was in shock or fighting is when this work happened, along with some manipulation of the sound, to make it much like the actual experience...well, without the fighting and pain and panic.

One thing that did distract me was that the kids were all a bit too well fed for coming from districts that are being kept on starvation diets by the central government. A nit pick in an excellent movie.

8870. arkymalarky - 3/25/2012 4:23:27 AM

I read the first chapter of the book and didn't care for it. Mose and several students encouraged me to give it another shot, so I will this summer. Mose didn't endure the line, but is very excited to see the movie.

8871. thoughtful - 3/25/2012 5:56:13 AM

We enjoyed the art show very much. Saw so much incredible art. The place was huge and the number of pieces to look at was outrageous between what the artists brought and what the galleries had. We did manage to find something that was perfect for our library and just need to get it framed.

Next big project is to paint and stencil the wall it will go on...want to paint the wall aubergine and use gold stencils to look like wall paper.

So much fun!

8872. wabbit - 3/25/2012 9:17:53 PM

t'ful, I hope you'll post a photo when you're done. What you posted before of the new house was really impressive - your marbling technique is wonderful.

8873. wabbit - 3/25/2012 9:17:53 PM

t'ful, I hope you'll post a photo when you're done. What you posted before of the new house was really impressive - your marbling technique is wonderful.

8874. thoughtful - 3/29/2012 3:01:03 PM

Did I mention that our architect is submitting our house for an architectural award? He's encouraging that we'll win, I'm thinking we'll be lucky if we get an honorable mention, but regardless, it's a thrill...and an encouragement to get as many projects done as possible. If we do win, we'll be published in a mag!

8875. vonKreedon - 5/8/2012 3:18:39 PM

Maurice Sendak has died.

8876. judithathome - 5/8/2012 4:04:08 PM

Awww...hope he's with the wild things.

8877. vonKreedon - 5/8/2012 4:04:45 PM

They'll eat him up, they love him so.

8878. concerned - 5/15/2012 3:35:43 PM

I just bought the movie 'Fight Club' and watched it. Considering its subject material, I actually thought it was newer than it was (1999). The main characters in the Fight Club often moaned about how life wasn't fulfilling, they were being screwed over in some way or another, etc., and the finale was an OWS wet dream where about a dozen skyscrapers (shades of 9/11) were leveled by explosive charges in order to destroy cardholder records of 'abusive' credit card companies. This made me think of the short sighted attitude of inner city race rioters in the past who somehow believed that if they destroyed their environment, something better would replace it - something that is highly unlikely.

Of course it is a darkly ironic movie throughout, but today's dumbed down society is probably significantly less likely to be able to detect that than when the movie was made 13 years ago.

8879. concerned - 5/15/2012 3:41:57 PM

I personally felt the the way the transition of the 'Narrator' to Tyler Durden was handled was a little weak, although most of the rest of the movie was pretty well done, and the acting was quite good in general. Overall, while I believe it is a 'good' movie, it is not my favorite type, as movies dealing largely with raw machismo tend not to be - I'll probably hang on to it, though.

8880. judithathome - 5/15/2012 5:38:55 PM

Well, not to brag but I caught the irony back in the day when I saw it.

You are so quick to jump to conclusions about what people do and do not get...but I'm glad you enjoyed the movie.

8881. vonKreedon - 6/11/2012 6:49:42 PM

Saw Prometheus last night and was quite disappointed. The early part of the movie, and occasionally throughout, it seems to be deliberately referencing 2001, but not well and without any follow through as if Scott chickened out about a third of the way in, though Fassbender's android does keep his spot on version of HAL if HAL were a boring android voice. Then it attempts to channel the rising tension of Alien, but fails. There's too many people, too much room, and none of the snarling crystal toothed acid dripping aliens we expect. Instead we get a bunch of new types of the aliens and are never really clear if these are new metamorphic forms of the same aliens or new related species.

The most compelling thing about the movie for me was it left me with a desire to see the sequel where Lisbeth Salander arrives on our maker's home world and starts demanding answers. I somehow doubt that movie will get made.

8882. judithathome - 6/12/2012 12:50:02 AM

Speaking of 2001, we saw Tree of Life Saturday night...I stuck with it to the end but Keoni fell asleep.

I can't judge it with any impartiality as I was a little "high" at the time.

Let me say this much: I am definitely FOR medical marajuana!

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