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9006. jexster - 6/10/2008 12:51:14 AM

Ayatollah's Sockpuppet Surrenders

Damn. Kahmeni only delivered the orders yesterday.

Fast work

The Bush administration is conceding for the first time that the United States may not finish a complex security agreement with Iraq before President Bush leaves office.

Faced with stiff Iraqi opposition, it is "very possible" the U.S. may have to extend an existing U.N. mandate, said a senior administration official close to the talks. That would mean major decisions about how U.S. forces operate in Iraq could be left to the next president, including how much authority the U.S. must give Iraqis over military operations and how quickly the handover takes place.

The official said the goal is still to have an agreement by year's end. And the U.S. ambassador to Iraq, Ryan Crocker, said he feels no pressure from the U.S. political calendar, and that Dec. 31 is "a clear deadline."

9007. jexster - 6/10/2008 2:20:03 AM

Darling of the Cheese Eaters: Obama Holds Mirror Up to the French
(Financial Times)

9008. jexster - 6/11/2008 12:14:13 AM

"We can't win, can't lose and can't leave," said a former CIA official with experience in the region, who requested anonymity. "We're stuck. It will be too unthinkably humiliating if we leave."

Guess again

Try Afghanistan

9009. jexster - 6/11/2008 4:45:06 PM

Bush Bombs Pakistan: 11 Pakistani Soldiers Killed

9010. jexster - 6/11/2008 5:26:03 PM

Death to Macacans

9011. jexster - 6/11/2008 7:53:33 PM

Pakistan: George McBush is a cowardly low life pile of elephant dung

9012. wonkers2 - 6/11/2008 8:49:02 PM

Madeline Albright in a NYT op-ed today says the concept of national sovereignty is making a comeback!

9013. jexster - 6/12/2008 12:41:02 AM

Xena Warrior Princess? Hillary's chief FP adviser? That one?

Guess she's polishin the ole resume

9014. jexster - 6/12/2008 12:41:47 AM

I just want to kill macaca people

They called George Bush a coward today

9015. jexster - 6/12/2008 9:58:17 PM

Same old surrender monkeys...

French Fried Appeasement - Sarko Invites Assad to Bastille Day

9016. jexster - 6/13/2008 2:05:27 AM

President of the Planet

Foreign nations overwhelmingly prefer Obama, survey finds

9017. jexster - 6/14/2008 8:21:42 PM

And McBush says they hate our values!

A regular fucking Hollywood Blvd, cept the heroin is cheaper

and the ho's too!

Sex trade thrives in Afghanistan

The girl was 11 when she was molested by a man with no legs.

The man paid her $5. And that was how she started selling sex.

Afghanistan is one of the world's most conservative countries, yet its sex trade appears to be thriving. Sex is sold most obviously at brothels full of women from China who serve both Afghans and foreigners. Far more controversial are Afghan prostitutes, who stay underground in a society that pretends they don't exist.

Customs meant to keep women "pure" have not stopped prostitution. Girls are expected to remain virgins until their wedding nights, so some prostitutes have only anal sex.

9018. jexster - 6/15/2008 6:01:02 PM

McBushWar Pakistan....

A Sober Assessment of Afghanistan

Outgoing U.S. Commander Cites 50% Spike in Attacks in East

9019. jexster - 6/15/2008 7:58:02 PM

La révolution Obama

D'ores et déjà, Barack Obama a gagné son pari. En quelques mois, il a révolutionné la politique américaine. Porteur d'un message d'espoir, il s'est placé au dessus des lignes partisanes et a réussi à entrainer derrière lui des centaines de milliers d'Américains.

9020. jexster - 6/16/2008 6:57:49 PM

6 wars, 11 defeats...

US is uneasy as Pakistan bargains with militants

American and NATO officials fear that truce negotiations in tribal areas will result in more violence in Afghanistan.

The Idiot of the US said the other day that they should have one of them jirgas

There having beaucoup jirgas

9021. jexster - 6/16/2008 6:59:02 PM

They're having jirgas too!

What a mess

9022. jexster - 6/17/2008 9:06:39 PM

How many more humiliating defeats will American tolerate?

Old-Line Taliban Commander Is Face of Rising Afghan Threat

9023. jexster - 6/18/2008 4:36:57 PM

Sixth War
11th Defeat

One PO'ed pak of Macacas

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — The Pakistani military is so angry over the American airstrikes here last week that it is threatening to postpone or cancel an American program to train a paramilitary force in counterinsurgency for combating Islamist militants, two Pakistani government officials said.

President Pervez Musharraf, left, last year with his successor as army chief, Gen. Ashfaq Parvez Kayani. The alliance between the United States and Pakistan has depended on the relationship between President Bush and Mr. Musharraf, whose power is waning. General Kayani has refused every suggestion of letting American forces operate in the tribal areas.

Some Pakistani officials are convinced that the Americans deliberately fired on their military, killing 11 men from the very paramilitary force the Americans want to train, an accusation the Americans deny.

The uncertainty over the program reflects how deeply scarred the United States’ alliance with Pakistan, already strained, has been since the June 10 airstrikes, Pakistani officials and Western diplomats said.

The $400 million training program is intended to combat militancy by fielding a paramilitary force, called the Frontier Corps, from among the tribes that live in the border areas. It was a compromise between American and Pakistani officials looking for the least intrusive way to fortify security in an area where the Pakistani government has rejected the idea of American soldiers and where even the regular Pakistani Army is often not welcome.

Ending or delaying the program, which is already under way, would deny the United States what little leverage it has in the tribal areas to combat a rising number of cross-border attacks from Pakistan into Afghanistan against American and NATO forces this year.

9024. concerned - 6/19/2008 5:24:29 PM

Europe Turns Back to Coal, Raising Climate Fears

Say, AC - looks like Yurrup is kissing any CO2 reduction goals good-bye.

9025. jexster - 6/19/2008 7:40:08 PM

Not John McShame!

The Turning point on Global Warming
By John McShame
Joe Mentum

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