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9045. alistairconnor - 8/11/2014 6:54:48 PM

Sigh. Of all the French guys you chicks could have a crush on, it had to be Jean mmfing Reno. Oh well.

9046. judithathome - 8/11/2014 8:07:08 PM

Wabbit, the show you like is on ABC and is called The Amazing Race.

I am a TV junkie and will watch ANYTHING...

And yeah, I like Jean Reno...so shoot me!

9047. arkymalarky - 8/11/2014 8:07:26 PM

Very cool Wabbit!

Why Alistair? (Tho I don't personally have a crush. I like him and his birthday.)

9048. arkymalarky - 8/11/2014 8:11:37 PM

We took our living room TV to CO. I'm going to try garage/den only a while then move that one possibly upstairs and get another one. We're reworking our home/CO dynamic now that Stan is retired and it will take a few months I think.

9049. arkymalarky - 8/11/2014 8:14:30 PM

Oh and Wabbit next time you're here avoid the garage. It's spider central (and at least one mouse sighting by Stan and No ;)). I can't figure out how to control them.

9050. judithathome - 8/11/2014 10:53:38 PM

Get a cat.

And feel free to move the TV to "our" room. :-)

9051. arkymalarky - 8/11/2014 11:02:23 PM

Haha! That may happen! Not the cat, but the TV. Hobo and Mojo would love us to get a cat.

9052. judithathome - 8/11/2014 11:07:26 PM

You know, I don't see the problem with TV...I watch a LOT of it and I feel like it expands my world...just this weekend, I watched an intriguing documentary about the plight of lesbians living in Mississippi; two shows about photographers who have made careers out of doing something they love and are good at...two movies; something on the history channel that taught me things I hadn't previously known...and some enjoyable trash TV.

In between all this, I caught up on local, national, and international news and learned something about cooking a cut of steak I'd never heard of.

I guess I could have spent that time reading a book or checking out Twitter to see what sort of selfies my friends have posted. But I am not ON Twitter and my cell phone is somewhere in the house...no idea where...and when I read books these days, my eyes hurt and burn.

So I'm fine with being a TV geek...I feel as though it connects me to interesting things and that I learn things from it...as much or MORE than I'd learn from someone sending a selfie from the mall.

9053. wabbit - 8/12/2014 12:13:55 AM

Arky, try peppermint oil, mice hate it.

The Amazing Race, that's it JaH! I've seen a couple episodes, looks fun. I don't have a problem with tv, I watch a fair amount, I just can't seem to keep any interest in most tv shows, even ones I really like at first seem to jump the shark about a year or so in. I liked The Vikings at first, but don't know that I'll follow it anymore. I had weirdly high hopes for Penny Dreadful, but see my interest waning quickly. It's definitely me. I can read or draw for hours on end, but tv just isn't my thing. PBS is running the Jeremy Brett Sherlock Holmes series and I try to catch that weekly. I can't watch the news anymore, I listen to BBC on the radio. I like movies on tv, saves my hearing, movie theaters are way too loud. I have to wear earplugs.

I'm sure I told you, I took a fair amount of ribbing in college for not being as culturally knowledgeable about tv as one might expect. I finally asked my mother, didn't I watch a lot of tv as a kid? She said I watched in a week what most people watch in a day, and even then my interest was more in the commercials. Maybe that explains something. But I have fond memories of Creature Double Feature, Roy Rogers, the Bugs Bunny Roadrunner Hour, Jackie Gleason...

I've never tweeted. I took a selfie on my computer so I could try on eyeglass frames, does that count?

Speaking of eyes, I'm putting castor oil in my eyes at night 2-3 times a week. My eyes are very dry, the castor oil seems to help.

9054. arkymalarky - 8/12/2014 12:17:20 AM

I did that at the CO house, but since I hate it too I hope I don't have to use it at home. But we only saw one. In CO they ruled while we were gone. In AR it's the spiders in the garage/den.

9055. arkymalarky - 8/12/2014 12:27:35 AM

Sounds similar to my relationship with TV. I mostly use ifas background noise which drives Stan nuts. He wants it off. At CO I brought big bang theory and Gilligan's island and the fellowship of the ring which was in the dvdplsyer we brought. Thought we had Seinfeld but we didn't. Next year. It was nice to work on our house then laugh an hour or so.

I don't really get the contrast between TV and the cellphone age. For us it's a huge part of the type of life we have. It's all great for what people get out of it. Pick and enjoy what enhances your life and to hell with anyone's opinion. I've taken two or three selfies--one to show off fishing lure earrings a student made me.

9056. arkymalarky - 8/12/2014 12:29:07 AM

I have a twitter account but never use it. When I get my shit together (ha) I plan to start.

9057. wabbit - 8/12/2014 12:32:20 AM

I do like Jon Stewart's version of the news, though I rarely see it. My original comment was about "reality" shows, not meant to condemn everything on tv, and certainly not meant as a put-down of anyone who watches tv. Different strokes.

9058. arkymalarky - 8/12/2014 12:38:09 AM

I love Stewart and Colbert but rarely watch them. I go to bed and getting home from work I rarely make time to watch the repeat. Now that Stan is retired, that may change. It will be interesting to see how his retirement affects my routine. I told him I expect him to hand me my coffee as I drive out if the yard. I'd be retiring too had I not changed jobs, but if this year goes well Stan may have a few years on his own. TV will be part of that shifting dynamic.

9059. judithathome - 8/12/2014 12:45:54 AM

Robin Williams dead of suicide...Story

9060. wabbit - 8/12/2014 12:48:49 AM

I have two twitter accounts, mostly to tie up the names, have never used either one. I don't have any idea what I could tweet. I think I could come up with a few fun vines.

9061. wabbit - 8/12/2014 12:52:47 AM

Wow, that's a surprise. Very sad.

9062. arkymalarky - 8/12/2014 1:53:45 AM

Mose just told us about that not ten minutes ago. That is a shame.

9063. arkymalarky - 8/12/2014 2:08:39 AM

A kid put me on vine when I rapped that time but I've never used it. Another kid sent me the video so I'd know how crazy I looked.

9064. arkymalarky - 8/12/2014 3:15:54 AM

I thought he was older. Sounds like he was really struggling. His mind was so fast.

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