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9224. jexster - 11/26/2008 9:47:50 PM

Is Mumbai Burning?

Piyush Jindal mobilizing LA Natl Guard

9225. alistairConnor - 11/26/2008 10:10:56 PM

yeah my girlfriend is on the case. Night shift. They asked her to go in early.

9226. jexster - 11/26/2008 11:23:44 PM

Sheesh I figured Marji would be upset over the outcome of her Piglin Prognostication but I never thought she'd act out

9227. jexster - 11/27/2008 8:09:23 PM

Can't those people speak ENGLISH!

From Mumbai Twitter

    asanghi: Can you imagine a conversation between Pranab and say....um Obama? I'd pay to see that komma phool shtop #mumbai


Sounds like some sort of Indian insult

9228. jexster - 11/27/2008 8:12:00 PM

Werry Bollyvood

    gsik: The official NSG website has some funky background music http://www.nsg.gov.in/ #mumbai

9229. jexster - 11/27/2008 8:31:20 PM

After all this,the Hindi movie"Wednesday" strikes d right cord-hw long cn v hav politicians take us 4 a ride? #mumbai

Except I can't understand a damn syllable

9230. jexster - 11/27/2008 8:32:56 PM


A Wednesday

9231. jexster - 11/27/2008 10:25:59 PM

Sir! The Psycho has arrived. Somebody's going to die today!!

Our Hero

Hooray for Bollywood!!

9232. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 11/28/2008 12:11:31 AM

This is interesting . . .

War on Terror turns Moderates into Extremist! Deepak Chopra

9233. jexster - 11/28/2008 12:17:53 AM


I was just finishing Wednesday - cool movie

When a Twitter....

    nagster: Deepak Chopra's comments on the Mumbai attacks are ludicrous. A man who owns the Kama Space lounge in NYC talks of spirituality. Fraud!

I didn't know what he was talking about

Thanks Wiz!

9234. jexster - 11/28/2008 12:22:33 AM

I think it was the Mossad...they got caught and fled to the Chabad place

Just kidding..someone on Twitter is pushing that one

9235. jexster - 11/28/2008 1:07:51 AM

I didn't say it...someone on CNN did

"This doesn't reflect well on the intelligence of the Indians"

9236. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 11/28/2008 1:17:28 AM

Wonder what marj thinks and how it will affect him?

9237. wonkers2 - 11/28/2008 1:38:03 AM

Marj is in Goa which I don't think is near Mumbai. I'll look it up.

9238. wonkers2 - 11/28/2008 1:51:10 AM

Goa is quite a way south of Mumbai. It is a big tourist center which could make it a target. It is a former Portuguese colony but majority Hindu and 25% Christian and 7% Muslim. Maybe we'll get a report from Marj?

9239. jexster - 11/28/2008 6:10:25 PM

Doesn't Goa belong to Portugal?
If not it should

Beautiful Mumbai - Nariman "Beach"

9240. marjoribanks - 11/29/2008 9:32:47 AM

Yes, I am indeed several hundred miles away from dear old Bombay.

But this attack took place far too close to home nonetheless - I am South Bombay born and bred, and many family members live in the area which was targeted in this audacious sea-borne commando attack. The gunmen strolled down Colaba Causeway to Cafe Leopold (where many victims were gunned down) and then into the Taj - a route I must have taken at least 5000 times, and the bloodbath that ensued has accounted for at least three people that I personally know (which wasn't the case even at 9/11, even despite the proximity then).

The sight of armed gunmen striding Columbine-style through the landscape of my childhood has been an ugly, stark reminder of the times we live in, and the wrenching loss of even the illusion of safe haven that has at many times, and in many places, sustained me with its promise.

Bombay, now Mumbai, has astonishing resilience like no other place I know. Business will be as usual in a week, if that. The flow of money that animates the city will resume uninterrupted, if it hasn't already. But this attack has hurt - the marvellously open city of my childhood and early adult years is gone forever, and all these landmarks have become "targets" which will inevitably be "hardened." My children - who love this area, Colaba, where I grew up and where they often visit - will know a different place altogether, one that is no longer shielded from the killing winds that blow over our planet.

It is very sad.

I've lived through a lot already in my 40 years - outright war, devastating terrorist attacks, murderous riots, stick-ups and extortions and attempts at blackmail. But this astonishingly bold incident has me thinking bleak thoughts indeed, and I am extremely fearful about the world my sons are set to inherit.

9241. anomie - 11/29/2008 11:58:14 AM

I'm sure many share your sentiments whether they are locals or not. Stay safe.

9242. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 11/29/2008 4:39:31 PM

Thanks for the insight, marj and you're right on.

Angry young men without hope has become the lethal epidemic of our time--always ignored by those in pursuit of yet more money and power.

9243. judithathome - 11/29/2008 6:07:45 PM

Great to hear from you, Marj, and glad you and yours are okay.

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