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9464. resonance - 9/11/2012 4:35:18 PM

I don't think there's a hooting hope in hell for Romney to win. I think the smart money has Obama pulling close to 330 electoral votes. That lack of enthusiasm people can see among the Republican base ultimately boils down to a couple of things none of them want to say. One is that I think rank and file, working class Republicans do understand that the guy isn't looking out for them, and they aren't motivated to turn out to support him. The second is the fact that the Christian Right can't go full retard in favor of a Mormon.

There'll be a lot of analysis that dances around and tries to explain a Romney loss in other terms. But, at least if you ask me, those two are the ballgame, not counting all the unforced errors.

If you're thinking Romney has a chance, you're probably watching too much television. :)

9465. resonance - 9/11/2012 4:36:34 PM

Who's in or near China these days, anyone?

9466. bhelpuri - 9/29/2012 7:23:58 AM

How near are you talking about, Res?

I have gazed across its border three times in the last five years, and will (gulp) stray very, very close again in 2013.

9467. judithathome - 9/30/2012 8:45:11 PM

The second is the fact that the Christian Right can't go full retard in favor of a Mormon.

No, but they might go full retatrd AGAINST a black person whom most believe is a Muslim.

9468. concerned - 10/1/2012 7:06:42 PM

Naw, Kreedon. You seem addled by the echo chamber. Romney plays creakily like okay right now, but it is not going to last.

Why not?

9469. concerned - 10/1/2012 7:08:22 PM

So 'not' 'bat-shit' means everybody on the dole and subsumed into the Socialist Borg mentality?


9470. concerned - 10/1/2012 7:16:00 PM

Here's some news from a relative 'social paradise':

British workers 'are the most depressed in Europe' as one in four is diagnosed with the illness

A comment from a British expat responding to the article:

Socialism equals shared misery not prosperity... 26%? you work and don't get rewarded for it... you don't work and you get even more... I'd be depressed to if my neighbor was sitting at home on his fat rear with five kids getting a free "council house" and cash and the govt was taking half "my" paycheck to pay for it... and gas was $12 a gallon because I'm paying through the nose to fight an imaginary temperature rise 100 years from now! i have a dozen engineer friends that came over here to work and they'll never go back... all working for their green cards now... socialistic brain drain... smart people get out.

Sounds very demotivational to me.

So who here is a Socialist brain-drainer - raise your hand.

9471. concerned - 10/1/2012 7:28:51 PM

I don't think there's a hooting hope in hell for Romney to win.

Noted - resonance is doubling down on Zero.

9472. concerned - 10/1/2012 8:22:05 PM

I believe poverty is different in the US than in some parts of the world. For instance, where the average standard of living is much closer to subsistence level, having a roof over one's head and something to eat on a regular basis is still a big deal for a lot of the population, so Socialist redistribution naturally more attractive in such societies.

However, in the US, more than 90% of people below the poverty level not only have food and shelter, they also have heat and private transportation (a car).

Not only that these 90%+ of people have conveniences and even luxuries that I (solidly middle class in the '60's - '80's never had). Air conditioning, cell phones, microwaves, big screen TV's and better health care than I had through most of my life (and I'm NOT referring to 0bamacare).

So, by today's US standards, I grew up in extreme poverty, which dilutes the one-size-fits-all argument regarding poverty. For most people in the US, poverty is more of a status issue than a survival issue. In fact, I would submit that, except for those who are marginally competent mentally or emotionally, most of the homeless are people who are out of a job and out of resources in this Democrat economy and trying to gain employment. To minimize real poverty in the US, what is needed is not more taxes and handouts, but a healthier private sector that is not oppressed by excessive taxation and overregulaion and that will put more people to work.

9473. concerned - 10/1/2012 8:34:26 PM

What I mean by 'overregulation' is typically excessive and redundant paperwork, bureaucratic delay, and requirements for marginal studies (such as the one for syphilis wrt NY State fracking) that will have no impact on how safe or clean the final product or installation is but will send expenses and delays through the roof. My impression is that most of what we think is 'regulation' falls into this category and has nothing to do with actual improvements in the safety, reliability of cleanliness of what is regulated.

Btw, in my last, I didn't proofread at all, so some syntax is garbled.

9474. concerned - 10/2/2012 10:16:27 AM

Obama waives sanctions on countries that use child soldiers

Of course, 0bama tries to snow it over with some good sounding rhetoric, but he is supporting 'trafficking in persons' in several countries as defined by the State Department.

9475. concerned - 10/2/2012 9:30:09 PM

House committee: security requests denied in Libya

Ruh Roh! Darrell Issa is at it again. First Fast and Furious and now Libyagate.

9476. concerned - 11/24/2012 5:43:41 AM

The evil results of 0bama's misbegotten foreign policy keep piling up: Egypt's Morsi proclaims himself dictator

9477. concerned - 11/24/2012 5:45:37 AM

Looking more and more like 'One man, One vote, Once' as a result of the 'Arab Spring' in Egypt.

9478. concerned - 11/26/2012 9:44:48 AM

tweet from US embassy in Cairo today as riots occurring after Mohamed Morsi's assumption of dictatorial powers:

US Embassy Cairo ✔@USEmbassyCairo .@Sandmonkey We believe that the Egyptian revolution was an incredibly positive step forward and we want to see its aspirations fulfilled
25 Nov 12 ReplyRetweetFavorite

The Left's delusional tendencies, as well as their stupidity, know no limits.

9479. RickNelson - 11/27/2012 6:08:13 PM

US Embassy Cairo‏@USEmbassyCairo

The Egyptian people made clear in the January 25th revolution that they have had enough of dictatorship #tahrir

Amazing how narrow minded you are (un)concerned

9480. RickNelson - 11/27/2012 6:10:56 PM

Limbaugh is not the source of truth or anything akin to reality. Beck is and admitted liar.

FOX is a useless tool of propaganda.

MSNBC isn't far from FOX, but misinformation doesn't appear propagated by policy, as it is on FOX.

9481. RickNelson - 11/27/2012 6:14:23 PM

Did Obama do well during his S.E.A. tour? First POTUS to visit Myanmar! Did you see Aung tilt away as he kissed her? Too forward for her, and I don't recall kisses as a greeting in S.E.A.

9482. judithathome - 11/27/2012 6:25:14 PM

A tweet from someone calling themselves "Sandmonkey", Conn'd? Your sources continue to amaze.

9483. RickNelson - 11/27/2012 6:30:19 PM

It's the real tweet, but the context isn't real. Defining it to equate "left" attitude toward Morsi is preposterous.

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