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9490. concerned - 11/28/2012 9:53:29 PM

And don't try to bully me any more with your insults.

9491. concerned - 11/28/2012 11:19:29 PM

Obama Must Side With The Egyptian People, Not Morsi

Let's see what 0bama's made of (as if we really didn't know already). If he sits this one out and doesn't try to put the brakes on Morsi's power grab, 0bama will have proved himself just as deceitful, incompetent corrupt, uncaring and as much an all-around POS as I always knew he was.

Remember, Lefties, as the smartest woman in the world (your description) once said: "Dissent is good." I'm good with that.

9492. concerned - 11/28/2012 11:51:00 PM

From the Weekly Standard:

President Barack Obama singled out the American ambassador to the United Nations, Susan Rice, for praise at a cabinet meeting today.

"Susan Rice is extraordinary," said Obama. "Couldn't be prouder of the job she's done."

The cabinet applauded, during the brief photo-op.

Rice has been under fire recently for misleading the American people about what happened in Benghazi, Libya on the night of September 11. It is rumored that Rice will be nominated to be the next secretary of state.

Obama also thanked the cabinet writ-large. "I just want to say thank you to this extraordinary cabinet for a job well done," said Obama.

So, 0bama is 'proud' that that Susan Rice went out on about five talk shows to cravenly mislead the American people about the Benghazi massacre when Hillary Clinton and Leon Panetta refused.

What a disgusting excuse for a US 'president'. At least in Watergate, nobody died.

9493. Wombat - 11/29/2012 12:13:59 AM

You are confusing open-minded with empty-headed. No, I tell a lie. Your mind is open to every whacko theory or speculative report that makes "lefties" look bad. On everything else, not so much.

9494. concerned - 11/29/2012 1:26:20 AM

All I do is tell the truth and give occasional opinions. Lefties make themselves look bad. For instance, here you pop up and instead of discussing the world events I bring up and either agreeing or disagreeing with specific points, you do nothing but attack me. You should know better than that such tactics will suppress my posting by this point in time.

9495. concerned - 11/29/2012 1:31:42 AM

How Obama Aids And Abets Hamas Attacks

What sort of US president would fail to condemn this ramping up of, and indeed works to enable Hamas' Israel terror?

The worst one in US history.

9496. concerned - 11/29/2012 1:33:40 AM

Gee, Wombat, is there any way to make 0bama look anything but bad here?

9497. concerned - 11/29/2012 1:35:25 AM

C'mon - tell me anything good resulting from 0bama's mideast foreign policy *in real world terms*, not in sappy Ivory Tower driveling. I double dog dare you.

9498. Wombat - 11/29/2012 2:27:33 AM

Please describe alternative policies, then.

9499. RickNelson - 11/29/2012 3:17:48 AM

Hey concerned, HOW yuh been. Good!

We're out of Iraq! That's an Obama success.

Obama's Libya policy coincided with a majority of regional and world leaders. Khadafi is gone! Time will show the world whether the regional and world leader coalition succeeded.

Syria and Iran are isolated. That's the regionally accepted course at this time. That's success.

The Saudis have not moved into an "Arab Spring", that's regional stability, and good for the global economy for the time being.

Israel is responsible for Hamas, and whether Hamas shoots scores more rockets than ever before has nothing to do with Obama. Nothing! Israel has capabilities you must be aware? Right!

Turkey is stable, and the Armenian genocide was acknowledged for the first time. Amazing development for Turkey. Caveat, it's not a national statement, but it's been mentioned by a leader, thus, we again can examine the significance of that era.

The Balkans are sort of stable, and Obama has supported counter measures against the sex trade.

Obama has connections in one of the regions most dangerous states, Yemen. He's able to strike at known terror cell leaders and operatives. As for myself, I'm not fighting the drone issue.

There are many more concerned, care to take just one of these and give praise where it's due?

9500. Wombat - 11/29/2012 3:58:15 AM

In formulating policy alternatives, Concerned, you will need to factor in the following realities:

1) Thanks in large part to Obama's predecessor, the American public has no desire for prolonged military interventions.
2) Thanks to Obama's predecessor, we cannot afford a prolonged military intervention.
3) The US military--because it has been in sustained combat since 2003--is stretched to the breaking point, particularly the ground forces.

You might also bear in mind, if this penetrates your bubble, that when push came to shove, Romney's proposed foreign policy in the Middle East and Afghanistan was essentially the same as Obama's.

9501. Wombat - 11/29/2012 4:00:14 AM

In formulating policy alternatives, Concerned, you will need to factor in the following realities:

1) Thanks in large part to Obama's predecessor, the American public has no desire for prolonged military interventions.
2) Thanks to Obama's predecessor, we cannot afford a prolonged military intervention.
3) The US military--because it has been in sustained combat since 2003--is stretched to the breaking point, particularly the ground forces.

You might also bear in mind, if this penetrates your bubble, that when push came to shove, Romney's proposed foreign policy in the Middle East and Afghanistan was essentially the same as Obama's.

9502. Wombat - 11/29/2012 4:00:43 AM

Soory about the dupe.

9503. Wombat - 11/29/2012 4:05:38 AM

Here are some more figures from the Israelis.

Fatalities resulting from Terrorist Attacks in Israel:


9504. Wombat - 11/29/2012 4:09:41 AM

Let's try that again:


Source http://www.shabak.gov.il/SiteCollectionImages/english/TerrorInfo/reports/2010summary2-en.pdf

9505. Wombat - 11/29/2012 4:18:38 AM

Let's see about rocket attacks from Gaza from 2005-2010:


Mortar Attacks from Gaza, 2005-2010:


Source: http://www.shabak.gov.il/SiteCollectionImages/english/TerrorInfo/reports/2010summary2-en.pdf

9506. Wombat - 11/29/2012 4:33:18 AM

Let's go to Concerned's IDF source, and let's go back to 2001. (Note that these figures combine rocket and mortar attacks)


Source: http://www.idfblog.com/facts-figures/rocket-attacks-toward-israel/

9507. Wombat - 11/29/2012 4:45:12 AM

Is there a pattern here? Other than Concerned's continuing uncritical use of selective statistics without a recognizable context from obviously biased sources? Again Concerned substitutes opinion for analysis.

Using Concerned's (sorry, the International Business Daily's) laughable methodology, it is obvious from these figures that the Bush administration "aided and abetted" Hamas far more than the Obama administration has.

So we have definitively established that Concerned continues to be a fucking moron who has the analytical capability of a five year old.

Without further analysis, we can probably also say that the changes in the level of rocket attacks by Hamas (mostly Islamic Jihad, actually) has little if anything to do with whoever might be the US President.

Maybe Concerned can try this shit on Acey's web site, where he would be the voice of reason, at least some of the time.

9508. Wombat - 11/29/2012 4:51:23 AM

Apologies for the obscenities, but rampant stupidity brings out the worst in me.

9509. RickNelson - 11/29/2012 1:56:04 PM


What a tool!

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