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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 10195 - 10214 out of 11806 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
10195. concerned - 3/6/2012 1:57:04 AM

Leftist Double Standard! Leftist Double Standard! Leftist Double Standard! Leftist Double Standard! Leftist Double Standard! Leftist Double Standard!

10196. concerned - 3/6/2012 1:59:24 AM

A 30 year old co-ed screaming like a 2 year old for thousands of dollars of free contraceptives. You can't imagine how impressed I am by this vile little succubus, which is probably exactly what she does each day to classes and back.

10197. iiibbb - 3/6/2012 4:05:18 AM

How do you feel about Viagra being generally covered Conc'd?

10198. iiibbb - 3/6/2012 4:10:03 AM

Thousands of dollars

lifetime I guess.

Viagra is $5 a pop... so for an active guy, that's easily the cost of contraception - later in life.

10199. Wombat - 3/6/2012 4:53:23 AM

It's possible that SOC has never had sex. We know from his past writings that he has a problem with women.

10200. concerned - 3/6/2012 5:52:26 AM

I've had more sex than Wombat - we know from his past writings that he's post erectile.

10201. concerned - 3/6/2012 5:53:41 AM

But as long as Wombat is willing to pay, he can simulate the real thing.

10202. concerned - 3/6/2012 5:55:36 AM

I half expect to see a news item where Wombat is arrested in an trenchcoat hanging around Georgetown Law School.

10203. concerned - 3/6/2012 6:10:53 AM

Re. 10198 -

Well, Ms. Fluke is not a guy, later in life. Perhaps she has something rather lucrative going here that she enjoys -0bama reveals what a disingenuous low life scumbag he is, trying to use this against Rush - I say let's see the two go at it in a cage match. If it's in Chicago, I'll even travel to see it.

Wombat - are you trying to defend what you think is Ms. Fluke's honor here, you worthless piece of shit? I'll kick your pussy ass.

10204. concerned - 3/6/2012 6:35:25 AM

Ms fluke wants unlimited Uncle Scam gravy to fuck her brains out and Wombat want to guard her whore ass with his life. What an idiot.

10205. Wombat - 3/6/2012 5:22:35 PM

The more SOC blusters and rages, the more likely it is that my semifacetious--and provocative--comment hits close to the mark. Jest sayin'...

10206. Wombat - 3/6/2012 5:24:55 PM

I am also awed by the Republicans' ability to charge headlong off a cliff. It's like President Obama is Bugs Bunny and the Republicans are Yosemite Sam.

10207. iiibbb - 3/6/2012 5:39:04 PM

Road Runner / Coyote.

Sam always got blown up.

10208. Wombat - 3/6/2012 5:48:23 PM

With respect, while I take your Roadrunner analogy, there are plenty of Bugs Bunny cartoons where Yosemite Sam kills himself by other means. This includes cliffs and high diving boards. Incidentally, I hope you will expose your kid(s) to these cartoons. Not only are they funny from a slapstick standpoint, but as the kids get older, they appreciate the other aspects of humor they provide. Just last weekend, my 15-year-old son and I enlivened a long drive by seeing which Beatle song sounded funniest when sung by Elmer Fudd.

10209. iiibbb - 3/6/2012 5:53:41 PM

My kid is doomed (as I lie squarely in the "geek-nerd" category.

But, unlike me who was in the bottom 20%, my kid is also in the 90th growth percentile.

And he will be taking Judo or something.

10210. iiibbb - 3/6/2012 5:55:23 PM

Another nerd is on it

10211. Wombat - 3/6/2012 6:04:42 PM


10212. vonKreedon - 3/6/2012 6:59:12 PM

10213. thoughtful - 3/7/2012 2:00:26 AM

There are a bunch of the old bugs on YouTube. Some of my favorites being baby buggy bunny and Ali baba bunny...but there were so many good ones!

10214. concerned - 3/7/2012 5:28:12 AM

Bill Maher is the biggest misogynist I have heard about for years. Why is he still on the air?

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