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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 10213 - 10232 out of 11806 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
10213. thoughtful - 3/7/2012 2:00:26 AM

There are a bunch of the old bugs on YouTube. Some of my favorites being baby buggy bunny and Ali baba bunny...but there were so many good ones!

10214. concerned - 3/7/2012 5:28:12 AM

Bill Maher is the biggest misogynist I have heard about for years. Why is he still on the air?

10215. vonKreedon - 3/7/2012 5:40:47 PM

Yeah, Maher has said some despicable things over the years. I assume he's still on HBO for the same reason Rush is still on Clear Channel - he makes them money.

10216. judithathome - 3/7/2012 7:35:45 PM

A 30 year old co-ed screaming like a 2 year old for thousands of dollars of free contraceptives. You can't imagine how impressed I am by this vile little succubus, which is probably exactly what she does each day to classes and back.

I knew you were an obsessive but I never thought you were a disgusting piece of shit overall...this is an example of a person so obsessed with the "other" that they become that which obsesses them...I just thought that with you, it was politics rather than sex.

If you had read up on Ms Fluke instead of just listening to Fox News and that over-blown pile of lard that is Rush Limbaugh, you'd have learned that the "almost $3,000" she referred to was what her friend, a LESBIAN, had to pay for birth control pills that she needed to fend off ovarian polycystic disease, a very painful and sometimes life-threatening disease that only women can get.

It wasn't because either woman is having sex night and day...it was because ONE woman was threatened by disease...and eventually lost her ovary due to it.

So I would advise you to shut the fuck up until you get your facts straight and stop parroting the most odious man in the world.

And tell me...when those other people you cited made their disgusting remarks, did you do anything other than carp about it on-line? Or did you contact their sponsors and demand they be chastised via their advertisers for verbally raping a woman's reputation?

Yeah, I didn't think so.

10217. bhelpuri - 3/8/2012 7:51:50 AM

Not only are they funny from a slapstick standpoint, but as the kids get older, they appreciate the other aspects of humor they provide.

Yo Wombat,

Youtube is fantastic for classic cartoons. While depriving my kids of TV, I have simultaneously carefully fed them Tex Avery's back catalogue, etc, via the web. Imagine, my 4-yr-old's favourite is Chilly Willy!

10218. bhelpuri - 3/8/2012 7:53:10 AM

I've had more sex than Wombat.

lame Internet boast, connie. next you'll be claiming your disk is harder.

10219. concerned - 3/9/2012 12:38:31 AM

Re. 10216 -

JAH - It's cool, just think of me as Bill Maher trying out some edgy new laughlines.

10220. concerned - 3/9/2012 12:43:00 AM

Ruh Roh! Gallup unemployment up 0.5% in February

Looks like some Category 5 economic headwinds might pick up 0bama by his floppy ears and blow his reelection chances away after all.

10221. concerned - 3/9/2012 1:02:58 AM

0bama fun fact: The Federal Government has run a deficit every month since 0bama was elected president. Prior to the ascension of 'The One', the record number of consecutive months that the government ran deficits was 11.

10222. Wombat - 3/9/2012 4:44:53 PM


Ruh Roh! SOC is full of it. (Actually that's no suprise.) Unemployment rate stays the same.

10223. Wombat - 3/9/2012 5:18:50 PM

Not to render SOC's factoid meaningless or anything, but the US government ran a deficit from 1970 to 1997, according to US government figures collected on usgovernmentspending.com.

10224. judithathome - 4/4/2012 4:19:53 PM

If you see any newsflim of those tornados from my area yesterday, those rectangular things flying around like the Wicked Witch of the West are really semi truck trailer rigs.... they look like Tonka toys but they are 53 feet long and weigh about 5 tons empty. (My husband's business uses them so he knows)

10225. OhioSTOPAS - 4/4/2012 5:42:29 PM

Those pictures of flying trailers were amazing. I've never seen anything like it.

10226. concerned - 4/10/2012 10:06:13 PM

Police have arrested the woman who was stalking Alec Baldwin. It turned out to be Tina Faye. Jes' Funnin!

10227. OhioSTOPAS - 4/11/2012 2:07:26 PM

As a lawyer (although admittedly just a corporate desk lawyer), I am amazed and appalled by the conduct of George Zimmerman's now ex-attorneys. If you terminate a relationship with a client, you need to make necessary notifications that you no longer speak for the ex-client, and that you will no longer receive or relay communications or notices intended for the ex-client. Period.

These guys are going on talk shows (they booked themselves on "Today" this morning), divulging attorney client communications and other non-public information about the client: "We told him not to talk to the prosecutor's office, but he did." "He has left Florida." "He doesn't return our phone calls." (Really?)

I don't understand what the lawyers' game is. Are they trying to strong-arm Zimmerman into paying them for their "work" so far? Do they think they are in some kind of legal jeopardy that can be reduced or dispelled by publicly turning on their ex-client? Are they just shameless publicity hounds who want to keep their faces on TV for a few more days? I am as much baffled as anything else.

10228. vonKreedon - 4/11/2012 3:25:19 PM

Yeah their conduct has been shocking. I couldn't believe my ears when they suggested that their former client has PTSD or some other mental health issues.

10229. judithathome - 4/11/2012 6:57:19 PM

I don't understand what the lawyers' game is.

They want publicity. In that regard, they have been successful.

10230. Wombat - 4/11/2012 6:59:09 PM

Perhaps they have also decided that Zimmerman is a loser in every conceivable way. Anyway, his dad will bail him out.

10231. OhioSTOPAS - 4/11/2012 8:07:44 PM

It's being reported that the special prosecutor is going to charge Zimmerman with a crime. No details about what the charge will be, or when this action will take place.

10232. judithathome - 4/11/2012 11:25:47 PM

Second degree murder...she just announced it.

This came in from CNN:

George Zimmerman is in Florida and has surrendered to the state Department of Law Enforcement, his lawyer told CNN legal analyst Mark NeJame.

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