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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 10254 - 10273 out of 11806 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
10254. vonKreedon - 4/18/2012 8:42:40 PM

Martin was killed in a walkway between two sets of apartment buildings:

F marks the spot of the killing. This is from an aparently well reasoned piece on the missing 2:30 between the end of Zimmerman's 911 call and 911 calls from neighbors.

10255. vonKreedon - 4/18/2012 9:24:14 PM

Despite having an aging portrait in his attic, Dick Clark is dead at 82.

10256. concerned - 4/18/2012 9:51:33 PM

That's just my dad's age. Wasn't Dick Clark known as the world's oldest teenager about 25 year ago?

10257. OhioSTOPAS - 4/18/2012 9:57:10 PM

I'd give Dick Clark's life a 100. You could dance to it.

10258. concerned - 4/25/2012 11:44:08 PM

Well, the MSM can no longer call George Zimmerman a 'White Hispanic', now that it turns out he has some black ancestry.

Soooo...., what is the proper term for him, Mustefino-Hispanic, or Quintroon-Hispanic or perhaps, Hexadecaroon-Hispanic?

10259. arkymalarky - 4/26/2012 4:03:43 AM


10260. concerned - 4/26/2012 4:08:29 AM

Why do I think you wouldn't have a chance to make the cut for Zimmerman's jury?

10261. judithathome - 5/9/2012 8:58:04 PM

President Barack Obama just endorsed gay marriage.

10262. judithathome - 5/9/2012 11:16:09 PM

I expected SOME sort of response to this history-making news.....

10263. arkymalarky - 5/9/2012 11:28:48 PM

I just hope he wins reelection. We're in deep doodoo if he doesn't. I personally wish he'd waited.

10264. judithathome - 5/10/2012 2:16:01 AM

He's been getting cremated by Republicans since Sunday...they certainly weren't going to let it go and in addition, the LGBT community was pushing back big time.

I agree those votes weren't going to Romney anyhow...they would have voted for him regardless...but the shit the Citizen's United folk were dumping on him was relentless.

10265. concerned - 5/13/2012 4:15:54 AM

Re. 10262 -

I posted something in a lighter vein in politics. 0bama's 'I was agin' it before I was for it' - just show me the money' attitude is pretty hilarious, to tell the truth.

10266. concerned - 5/13/2012 4:20:11 AM

Re. 10264 -

You must really value the melanin content of the most divisive president in US history more than anything else.

10267. judithathome - 5/13/2012 4:23:03 AM

That's really bordering on a racist remark, Conn'ed.

10268. concerned - 5/13/2012 4:34:16 AM

Re. 10264 -

You must really value the melanin content of the most divisive president in US history more than anything else.

10269. concerned - 5/13/2012 4:34:30 AM

Anyway, the above is not why I originally wanted to post to this thread:

Are Baby Boomers Stealing Jobs from the Young? (Part 1)

Firstly, note the hostile tone of the title - whoever came up with this seems to wish everybody age 55 and over would just go away so that younger people could take *their* jobs.

I think I have somewhat of a unique perspective on this. I am now in the second of two successive jobs where I was the first new employee hired in a while for a given department whereupon several younger (in their 30's) electrical engineers were hired with the idea that I would 'mentor' them then management would throw me away like last week's garbage.

To a certain extent, this happened in the last company. I was doing 4 times the work of anybody else, and as soon as I finished, I was shown the door first as part of a 'personnel reduction' plan. However, I later found out that apparently at least as part as a protest, all the other guys who were hired after me left the company because of their lousy engineering personnel practices leaving them with only one hardware engineer who was a 'lifer' with the company.

In my current position (I'm now 57) and in an electrical engineering avionics department where my cohorts all all under 40. My boss, who's 35, btw, clearly intended to milk me for my experience and give all the plum assignments to the younger guys, quite likely probably intending on laying me off after he felt I was out of things to contribute.

But now he's finding out that my experience and the creativity that comes from really knowing what I'm doing just doesn't automatically come from whomever he can find who doesn't have that kind of experience.

So, contrary to me 'stealing' the jobs of all these younger guys, it may well turn out that in the long run, I'm a significant factor in keeping them in *their* jobs.

Of course, in all this mess, I have been subjected to considerable unnecessary stress from idiotic management bias and decisions which is not a good thing considering my hypertension.

The political arena has been a great help in developing my ability to suffer foolishness (if not fools per se).

10270. concerned - 5/13/2012 4:45:41 AM

That's really bordering on a racist remark, Conn'ed.

Not at all. By your reasoning, anybody who suggests anybody else might be acting from racist or racialist motives would themselves be a racist (if they're white, that is, LOL). IMO, what you posted is basically just the old playground taunt: "I know you are, but what am I?".

Btw, I believe most of the most racist people in the US today are Democrats.

10271. concerned - 5/13/2012 4:49:31 AM

I think most white Democrats are still overcompensating for their party's slavery past in some way or another.

10272. concerned - 5/13/2012 4:54:39 AM

sick, sick, sick....

10273. arkymalarky - 5/13/2012 5:53:20 AM

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

You just can't admit the fact that race has nothing to do with our support of Obama.

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