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10506. alistairconnor - 7/22/2004 11:53:48 PM

let's see... St Patrick put them all in a sack and threw them into the sea?

Yes, I would like to do Ireland. Not sure the hills are steep enough for our crew but...

... more likely it would be too expensive for the likes of us.

I'm going to propose Normandy for next year, if I can work out the logistics. But heck. With a cheap flight... I might ask these people for a quote, after all.

10507. Macnas - 7/23/2004 12:07:29 AM

Well, I was thinking more in line of the family, when the girls are a bit older, as opposed to the hardened cyclists you gad about with.

10508. iiibbb - 7/23/2004 5:32:51 AM

you want?

10509. Ulgine Barrows - 7/23/2004 2:46:44 PM

''When life gives you a smoking ban, make a Nicotini''

goes a favorite quote from Ft. Lauderdale's Larry Wald. Persecuted puffers flock to Wald's bar, Cathode Ray, to order up the Black Lung. The drink mixes a mystery concoction of nicotine-infused vodka with a darkening Kahlua shot.

I was never a quitter!

10510. judithathome - 7/24/2004 3:29:11 AM

Our electricity went out at noon yesterday while I was at the gym. Came home to no digital clocks,no air conditioning, no computer and no TV. Half the afternoon I read a book, then I went shopping as it started to get warmer in the house. Came home and went to dinner with my neighbors and Keoni met us at the restaurant on his way home from work.

We all get home and our electricity is STILL out. So we changed into cool clothes and went down to our neighbor's house (the dinner companions of earlier) and lolled around in their pool til the electricity finally came back on...after 11pm.

Their backyard looks like a manicured, exotic jungle. He has banana tress all over the place and blooming plumeria...it smells just like Hawaii. His pool is tiled in dark blue and it was simply wonderful out there. Plus the wife had baked an apple pie earlier in the day before the outage and we ate that with melting ice cream. Had to do our part to help them with the ice cream; couldn't let it go to waste!

10511. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 7/24/2004 4:43:19 AM

My barn burned down , , , and now I can see the moon!

10512. Max Macks - 7/24/2004 4:46:02 AM

Sounds like you have some pretty nice neighbors

CAme back to the Mote because I knew that wabbit
and alaistair

had posts relating to the Tour d France.

this year I learned from them that
the Tour has a different route each year...
different cities in France want the race
to go by them.

So I also learned that it aint just one
long contiguous stretch of road.

10513. Max Macks - 7/24/2004 4:48:09 AM

It seems to me that when I was here before
was a way one could set something so that
the most recent posts here were at the top

Do you people have to scroll thru the posts
to find the most recent near the bottom?

10514. arkymalarky - 7/24/2004 5:25:40 AM

You can set your preferences to bookmark threads, Max.


Sounds like y'all made the best of a power outage.

10515. Max Macks - 7/24/2004 5:50:58 AM

ok I re set the time hope what I see
when I post this will be Calif. time.

But arky...do you see the most recent post
at the bottom or the top??

and is there a way to change the sequence?

10516. Max Macks - 7/24/2004 5:52:45 AM

ooopppps wrong time.

if Greenwich is 8 hours later than
Calif then would I not say 8+ hours..?

10517. Max Macks - 7/24/2004 5:54:11 AM

I guess it had to be minus 8 ...

10518. judithathome - 7/24/2004 5:54:36 AM

The new posts are always at the bottom, Max.

10519. judithathome - 7/24/2004 5:55:42 AM

My time in Texas is set at -6...

10520. Max Macks - 7/24/2004 11:00:15 AM

Well, ok. I'll keep on scrolling.

JAH , home many time zones are there in Texas.?

10521. judithathome - 7/24/2004 11:32:12 AM

Just one, Max. Central.

10522. Magoseph - 7/24/2004 11:18:39 PM

Hello, hello, everyone! Where's everybody, getting ready for church, having breakfast, watching TV, what?

Beautiful day here, there's no rain or isolated storms predicted for a change. I'll spend the morning in the sun and the afternoon in bed since his evening we're going to my oldest son and his wife for dinner. Flexy'll take the chance being driven out there and he has promised to shut up in the car. What about you, what are your planned activities for the day?

10523. iiibbb - 7/24/2004 11:21:39 PM

Brunch... eggs benedict.... 5 minutes

10524. Absensia - 7/24/2004 11:31:15 PM

Morning Magos. I'm up early. I'm watching Armstrong ride to victory and about to head out to Starbucks for a latte, croissant and the New York Times. iiibbb, eggs benedict....ahhhhhhh.

10525. judithathome - 7/25/2004 12:41:20 AM

Our neighbors just left with their teenaged kids for Galveston. They'll be gone 5 days.

I remember doing that when I was a kid...we'd drive down to Galveston and stay in a motel right on the beach. I'd swim and lay in the sun and eat deviled crab from the stands along the strand. It was like heaven to me.

Then I went to Hawaii with Keoni and saw what real heaven was and what real beaches were and what a seaside paradise really was. The water in the Gulf is like dirty dishwater comapared to the beautiful blue green stuff in Hawaii.

Paradise is just a state of mind, anyhow...when your only exposure to the "ocean" is the Gulf of Mexico, it's there...when you cross the Pacific and end up in Hawaii, it's there.

And when the electricity is off for hours and you are at your neighbor's backyard pool, it's there.

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