10558. arkymalarky - 7/27/2004 7:46:34 AM I've been trying to deal with piles that have accumulated over the past two or three years while I was working on all this ed crap and Bob's dad was so sick, and I'm having a devil of a time figuring out what to do with them. I have the space if I just want to chunk them somewhere (which may have to work as a temporary solution before this weekend), but I don't, so it's going to take figuring and work getting spots set up for them.
In the meantime, when you and Keoni come, Judith, cover your heads before you open any cabinets or closet doors. ;-) 10559. arkymalarky - 7/27/2004 7:49:50 AM I just need to get off my duff and move rather than bemoaning. I go along quite well for awhile and then I stall out and just sit in awe at how much is still left to do.
That sounds so much like me it isn't even funny. I didn't realize how much I'd neglected until I had time to look around, then it just seemed too overwhelming to tackle. Once it's done and you can work on the look and the details you can add that are exciting, that's a lot of fun, so I use it as my carrot. 10560. Absensia - 7/27/2004 7:59:02 AM Wow, you two sound just like me. I clear places to store stuff, but get lazy and put clutter on those places before I get around to storing anything there and it all starts again. Before I moved, I had to get rid of a lot of my books. That really hurt, especially my cookbook collection. I spent a lot of time online, checking which recipes were online so the sting was not as great as it could be. I also gave my son a lot of my books so it wasn't like losing them. 10561. arkymalarky - 7/27/2004 8:08:06 AM My problem is stuff I use regularly that really needs easy accessibility. While I was working on trying to preserve rural schools the last year or so I had stuff thrown everywhere and was frantically working on it every spare minute. Now I still need to work on it and we're in the middle of several major projects, but I don't want it strewn everywhere. In fact, it's the source of 90% of what I'm trying to deal with. Everything else pretty much has a place but desperately needs going through and culled and reorganized--something I usually do in the summer but didn't the last two summers.
It's really amazing what two summers can do to put things in a mess.
I've got a major storage area for books, but I need to go through them. I'm not very sentimental about mine any more. I want those suckers gone. My dad has such a collection, though, I have access to whatever I want to read. I've only been interested in non-fiction and research stuff since before all the consolidation mess started. I guess because I taught lit for so long I get my jones for all that at work. 10562. arkymalarky - 7/27/2004 8:09:04 AM I'm not a neat person, btw, but I'm one who takes a mower to my stuff regularly and when I don't for a couple of years it really works on my attitude. 10563. wabbit - 7/27/2004 8:15:41 AM Ms. No, I have a similar problem (ok, not really a problem...) with books and not enough shelf space. I've got a shelf running all the way around the living room about 10" below the ceiling. In the bedroom, bookshelves go right across the window - no curtain required. Some are stacked into piles and serve as side tables. No wet glasses allowed! 10564. arkymalarky - 7/27/2004 8:24:15 AM When Mose cleans she takes no prisoners. I quit trying to go through her bags of stuff to see what she was getting rid of that I wanted to keep, but I rescued her children's books and some toddler stuff when we moved here. Bob's worse than she is, even though he's a major packrat. He hates it when you say it, but every cranny of space that holds his stuff is brimming with junk. When it starts getting to him he'll dump everything and then wish later he had something he'd chunked. 10565. jexster - 7/27/2004 9:01:58 AM Robt..I can fix your cousin in law up with a spiffy
and a dashiki if ya want 10566. Macnas - 7/27/2004 4:17:13 PM Very hip. 10567. Macnas - 7/27/2004 4:17:29 PM Sorry. 10568. Magoseph - 7/27/2004 7:54:53 PM Hello there, Mac, you have been super-busy lately, haven't you? I spent the evening for once watching the Democratic convention. I missed Monday night coverage. How are you? 10569. judithathome - 7/27/2004 9:46:57 PM Wabbit, you can get glass panes and put them on top of the "side table" stacks of books. That way, you can rest drinks and stuff on them without damage.
From one who knows how to utilize surfaces. 10570. judithathome - 7/27/2004 9:52:22 PM Arky, Keoni came home in an SUV from the rental place. It feels enormous. If you need ANYTHING from Texas, let us know...god knows, we have room to lug anything up there with us now. 10571. Macnas - 7/27/2004 10:26:06 PM Hello Mago.
Yes I have been pretty busy of late, I have an inspection team on site right now, as follow up to my recent underground services review. So I'm out and about quite a lot.
I listened to some of the Dem.Con. on the wireless yesterday. The popularity of Clinton came through loud and clear, more so than the popularity of Kerry even... 10572. marjoribanks - 7/27/2004 11:18:12 PM Mac,
I hope you heard some of Obama, and you will be reminded of the name as time passes. His speech was electrifying, probably the best political speech that I have witnessed in several years of following this stuff.
Edwards, in my estimation, is likely to raise the roof again. It's a showcase of some of the best of the USA, this Dem gathering.
(Kerry, well, he has some tough stemwinding acts to follow) 10573. Magoseph - 7/27/2004 11:19:06 PM Clinton looks terrific these days, except for a little puffing under his eyes. He is trim and looks "bien dans sa peau", as my brother said. Yes, he is a huge star everywhere he goes. I hope that he watches his back, though. 10574. Magoseph - 7/27/2004 11:21:08 PM You know, Mac, things aren't the same for me in the morning if I can't find you anywhere. Thanks for answering my query. 10575. wabbit - 7/27/2004 11:22:42 PM JaH, if I didn't have cats who try to circumnavigate the room without touching the floor, glass might work. What I need to do is cut some plexiglass. Or build a library. Yeah, that's the ticket! 10576. Macnas - 7/27/2004 11:45:31 PM My pleasure Mago.
Marj, it is strange you should mention Obama. He was touted as one of the few active U.S. politicians who thinks globally with respect to domestic policy (cause/effect), on a program I was listening to last month. As you may gather, I listen to a lot of radio.
I have not heard his speech, as the Dem.Con. has limited airplay (tv or radio) over here. 10577. wabbit - 7/27/2004 11:55:12 PM Mac, if you use IE and have a broadband connection, you can see the speech at MSNBC. The Democratic Convention website has the transcript available (but not on the transcript page, d'oh!).