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10564. arkymalarky - 7/27/2004 8:24:15 AM

When Mose cleans she takes no prisoners. I quit trying to go through her bags of stuff to see what she was getting rid of that I wanted to keep, but I rescued her children's books and some toddler stuff when we moved here. Bob's worse than she is, even though he's a major packrat. He hates it when you say it, but every cranny of space that holds his stuff is brimming with junk. When it starts getting to him he'll dump everything and then wish later he had something he'd chunked.

10565. jexster - 7/27/2004 9:01:58 AM

Robt..I can fix your cousin in law up with a spiffy

and a dashiki if ya want

10566. Macnas - 7/27/2004 4:17:13 PM

Very hip.

10567. Macnas - 7/27/2004 4:17:29 PM


10568. Magoseph - 7/27/2004 7:54:53 PM

Hello there, Mac, you have been super-busy lately, haven't you? I spent the evening for once watching the Democratic convention. I missed Monday night coverage. How are you?

10569. judithathome - 7/27/2004 9:46:57 PM

Wabbit, you can get glass panes and put them on top of the "side table" stacks of books. That way, you can rest drinks and stuff on them without damage.

From one who knows how to utilize surfaces.

10570. judithathome - 7/27/2004 9:52:22 PM

Arky, Keoni came home in an SUV from the rental place. It feels enormous. If you need ANYTHING from Texas, let us know...god knows, we have room to lug anything up there with us now.

10571. Macnas - 7/27/2004 10:26:06 PM

Hello Mago.

Yes I have been pretty busy of late, I have an inspection team on site right now, as follow up to my recent underground services review. So I'm out and about quite a lot.

I listened to some of the Dem.Con. on the wireless yesterday. The popularity of Clinton came through loud and clear, more so than the popularity of Kerry even...

10572. marjoribanks - 7/27/2004 11:18:12 PM


I hope you heard some of Obama, and you will be reminded of the name as time passes. His speech was electrifying, probably the best political speech that I have witnessed in several years of following this stuff.

Edwards, in my estimation, is likely to raise the roof again. It's a showcase of some of the best of the USA, this Dem gathering.

(Kerry, well, he has some tough stemwinding acts to follow)

10573. Magoseph - 7/27/2004 11:19:06 PM

Clinton looks terrific these days, except for a little puffing under his eyes. He is trim and looks "bien dans sa peau", as my brother said. Yes, he is a huge star everywhere he goes. I hope that he watches his back, though.

10574. Magoseph - 7/27/2004 11:21:08 PM

You know, Mac, things aren't the same for me in the morning if I can't find you anywhere. Thanks for answering my query.

10575. wabbit - 7/27/2004 11:22:42 PM

JaH, if I didn't have cats who try to circumnavigate the room without touching the floor, glass might work. What I need to do is cut some plexiglass. Or build a library. Yeah, that's the ticket!

10576. Macnas - 7/27/2004 11:45:31 PM

My pleasure Mago.

Marj, it is strange you should mention Obama. He was touted as one of the few active U.S. politicians who thinks globally with respect to domestic policy (cause/effect), on a program I was listening to last month. As you may gather, I listen to a lot of radio.

I have not heard his speech, as the Dem.Con. has limited airplay (tv or radio) over here.

10577. wabbit - 7/27/2004 11:55:12 PM

Mac, if you use IE and have a broadband connection, you can see the speech at MSNBC. The Democratic Convention website has the transcript available (but not on the transcript page, d'oh!).

10578. Magoseph - 7/27/2004 11:58:48 PM

A little bit of it here, Mac.
After retelling his life's story, Obama's 20 minute Clintonesque speech progressed into these words:

" . . . [A]longside our famous individualism, there's another ingredient in the American saga -- a belief that we are connected as one people.

"If there's a child on the south side of Chicago who can't read, that matters to me, even if it's not my child.

"If there's a senior citizen somewhere who can't pay for her prescription and has to choose between medicine and the rent, that makes my life poorer, even if it's not my grandmother.

"If there's an Arab American family being rounded up without benefit of an attorney or due process, that threatens my civil liberties.

"It's that fundamental belief-I am my brother's keeper, I am my sisters' keeper-that makes this country work. It's what allows us to pursue our individual dreams, yet still come together as a single American family. E pluribus unum -- out of many, one.

"Yet even as we speak, there are those who are preparing to divide us, the spin masters and negative ad peddlers who embrace the politics of anything goes.

"Well, I say to them tonight, there's not a liberal America and a conservative America-there's the United States of America.

"There's not a black America and white America and Latino America and Asian America; there's the United States of America.

"The pundits like to slice-and-dice our country into Red States and Blue States; Red States for Republicans, Blue States for Democrats. But I've got news for them, too.

"We worship an awesome God in the Blue States, and we don't like federal agents poking around our libraries in the Red States.

" We coach Little League in the Blue States and have gay friends in the Red States.

10579. Magoseph - 7/28/2004 12:00:45 AM

Oh, well, Wabbit, you beat me up to it. That Mac has a way with women in here, doesn't he?

10580. Macnas - 7/28/2004 12:06:47 AM

Yes indeed, I do have a way with women, usually called "no way".

10581. wabbit - 7/28/2004 12:24:35 AM

What a charmer!

10582. Magoseph - 7/28/2004 12:25:53 AM

Oh, Mac, a young man like you, with wife and kids, is wearing a sign that says: No way this guy is going to marry me!

10583. Macnas - 7/28/2004 12:28:59 AM

Ha! You misunderstood. I meant that I have no way with women. I always consider it a miracle that I'm married at all.

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