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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 10603 - 10622 out of 11806 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
10603. robertjayb - 1/14/2013 6:32:07 AM

Today's is not your father's NRA or your grandfather's or even the NRA of my gun-toting and hunting youth. Friends and foes alike can profit from an article which is second-lead in today's online Washington Post. I will attempt a link but it is easily found.

Second thought. I won't. Look it up.

10604. judithathome - 1/14/2013 6:47:11 PM

Just as the Republican party is not the party of 20 years or even 10 or 5 years ago, the NRA's members with common sense seems to be shrinking, too. And the people who DO have better sense are not speaking out and saying their organization has been taken over by nutcases...a least the most outspoken ones seem to be in that catagory.

And they are taking they cues from the worst of the Republicans, using "compromise" as a curse word and demanding everything be their way or the highway....creating a stranglehold on any small steps toward progress.

10605. judithathome - 1/14/2013 6:48:37 PM

Pardon the typos...seem=seem; they=their. And whatever else is in there. I just woke up....

10606. judithathome - 1/14/2013 6:49:13 PM

Ha...even made a typo in the correction!

10607. arkymalarky - 1/15/2013 4:30:07 AM

Sane NEA members should do what GHW Bush did and send them their membership cards.

10608. arkymalarky - 1/15/2013 4:30:59 AM

NRA. Grrrr

10609. iiibbb - 1/15/2013 5:14:06 AM

it is infinitely easier to sympathize with the NRA right now.... that's how fucked the Republican party is to me.

NRA's problem is their tin ear. They are still right on several counts based on what I see from Biden and Feinstein.

10610. judithathome - 1/15/2013 9:23:06 AM

Mostly on representing gun manufactuters and the obscene profits from said enterprises....they are backed by and support the cause of those who make guns.

I guess you could say banks are right on several counts, too, but I don't want bankers telling the government what it can and cannot do.

The Republicans seem to always seem to side with special interests against the American public...Grover Norquist is cowtowed to over the people who voted them into office and now, we are supposed to step aside and allow a group representing gun makers to decide against common sense when it comes to gun control.

And please, don't tell me this organization is supported by gun owners and their dues alone...that canard won't fly.

10611. judithathome - 1/15/2013 9:31:12 AM

NRA and Who Serves On Their Board

It's long but worth the read....

10612. iiibbb - 1/15/2013 4:33:45 PM

This bill will ban all semi-automatic weapons... and anything with a magazine over 7 rounds. I just moved to this state. I've been waiting 6 months to even consider moving my 3 handguns here (which are in another state). I'll probably be selling 2 semi-auto rifles because of it.

So basically this law is going to seriously affect me, a normal citizen, and do what to a criminal?

Not a fan.

10613. iiibbb - 1/15/2013 5:35:29 PM


10614. iiibbb - 1/15/2013 5:51:53 PM

However, at the end of the day this is more an inconvenience than anything. I have an affinity for less dramatic weapons. The one I will regret "losing" is my Glock, which will have to reside out of state until such time that I can regain possession of it.

At the end of the day I do think this is a state issue over a federal one... so I'll live with it. I can probably use it as an opportunity to get a couple of guns I've wanted by getting rid of a few I have been looking to get rid of.

10615. iiibbb - 1/16/2013 7:10:16 AM

I'll tell you one thing. Cuomo has his eyes on the presidency. I'm telling you now that I would never vote for anyone who pulled a ramrod job like this on people.

The GOP would have to run someone Palinesque to get me to vote for Cuomo now.

10616. thoughtful - 1/16/2013 4:44:43 PM

So many people are supporting gun control because they think it will be effective in preventing another sandy hook....it won't. Even if not a single additional gun was sold, there are still 300 million of them out there. Another nut will just use an older gun.

We need to improve our mental health system and we need to stop glorifying killing and inuring our youth to a death culture. (Stats are an 18 year old has seen an average 200,000 acts of violence in the media/video games.) We need to instead make empathy and compassion laudable efforts. We need to honor the intelligent over the brutal.

I don't know how to do that except one person at a time. That's how we've fought racism and sexism and sexual orientation bias. We need to fund mental health. We need to change our approach to the drug war.

But all of that is hard...much harder than saying, no more ammo clips over 7 or 10 or whatever....

10617. arkymalarky - 1/16/2013 5:00:29 PM

You have to do both, and opposing any gun regulation at all is not helping the NRA's cause. And the video games/ violent TV movies, music, etc, doesn't fly, statistically or otherwise. Attacking the first amendment to prevent any regulation of the second in light of this country's gun proliferation isn't going to cut it.

And now the NRA is focusing on Obama's children. BIG mistake. It's like they want to align with the fringe.

10618. Wombat - 1/16/2013 6:32:46 PM

Thoughtful's argument rests on at least one assumption that is not as strong as it appears, namely the number of firearms that are out there. How many of the oft-quoted 300 million firearms are actually avalable for misuse? I also find it ironic that the pro-gun right has appropriated a liberal shibboleth (violent films and games) as an attempt to hinder limits to gunowners.

Here's an alternative campaign: In addition to licensing and tracking firearms, treat firearms like tobacco products: regulate them, tax them, study their effect from a public health standpoint (and also subject pro-gun claims to rigorous analysis), and publicize the findings.

10619. iiibbb - 1/17/2013 12:20:51 AM

All I can say is that the obstinance of Republicans toward climate change, gay marriage, etc.... have made them so unpalatable, the rights they care about are being eroded.

Fucking morons.

10620. iiibbb - 1/17/2013 12:38:56 AM

Fix the f-ing budget.

What is upsetting to me is that the Democrats have cast aside their mandate to go on this gun control excursion.

Fix the f-ing budget.

Our next president is going to be a damn Republican because of this crap. It's going to be 1994 all over again.

10621. Wombat - 1/17/2013 12:58:04 AM

I don't think the "gun-control excursion" is going to cost them many votes that they haven't already lost. It's another avenue along which the crazification of the Republican party can proceed. The debt limit looms, with the Republicans either abandoning their insanity to raise it or--if possible--become even crazier. The budget battle--or continuing resolution--will follow. Care to bet on how that is going to turn out?

10622. judithathome - 1/17/2013 1:38:24 AM

Rush Effin' Limbaugh

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