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10654. judithathome - 2/4/2013 9:20:00 PM

Coming home from the hospital today, a truck in front of us lost a huge container out his truckbed and it blew right onto our car, bounced in front of us, and Keoni nearly lost control of the car trying to avoid it...we could have been killed passively.

It's dangerous everywhere...am I going to stop riding in my car? No.

10655. Wombat - 2/5/2013 4:52:31 AM

Richard III's skeleton identified. He appeared to have scoliosis, not kyphosis. "Crooked back Dick," yes, but not hunchbacked. Sorry, Shakespeare.

10656. thoughtful - 2/5/2013 3:13:41 PM

No you won't stop riding in your car, but you probably don't drive with bald tires....you do things to mitigate risk.

I feel safer having access to an equalizer. For me, it mitigates risk.

Saw Bob Costas on the Daily Show talking about the gun culture in this society and how it needs to change...I agree. We need a MADD for gun violence...we need to stop glorifying weaponry and violence and start glorifying education and compassion.

Neighbor of mine has a daughter who is going to school in OH and as part of her training, she's required to go into an inner city elementary school. She was told, under no circumstances was she to leave the classroom without an armed guard to escort her. Yes, an elementary school.

10657. thoughtful - 2/5/2013 3:22:18 PM

But there's little chance of reasoned discussion when you have nut cases like these guys running around...talk about a need for education!

Sandy Hook Hoax Theorists

10658. iiibbb - 2/5/2013 4:17:21 PM

That Costas interview was flawed. He's evaluating professional athletes. A group that has probably been coddled since they were in junior high school, and surely have questionable maturity and street smarts.

What he described has nothing to do with the gun culture that I am familiar with.

But we teach sex-ed in schools... we should teach some level of gun safety at least.

10659. judithathome - 2/6/2013 1:04:41 AM

Seriously? You don't think we should teach that a gun is not the answer to all problems?

How did it come to this in my country? How did guns become the ne plus ultra answer to everything?

10660. arkymalarky - 2/6/2013 1:25:36 AM

Gotta agree with 3i here. Lots of kids hunt and encounter guns whether in their home or not. We've always offered gun safety training at schools where I've taught. If they're around hunting or at home or go places where there could be guns they need to know about safety. The gun deaths in this area are almost all preventable accidents from hunting or careless handling. A good friend of mine's brother killed another brother that way when they were kids. Yes their dad was an idiot who left a loaded gun where his kids could get it, but I think everyone needs to know ibasic gun safety whether or not they own guns or shoot them.

10661. iiibbb - 2/6/2013 5:26:29 PM

Judith... I would make "a gun is not the answer to all problems" part of the safety curriculum.

10662. iiibbb - 2/6/2013 5:32:01 PM

It is amazing to me the people I'm presently debating with who don't even know the 3 basic safety rules.

They make these suggestions they think are perfectly reasonable, but violate long-standing safety protocols... one guy just proposed a lock to put in the end of the barrel.... seriously.

It is hard to talk to people like that.

I have have witnessed 5 negligent discharges in my life; 4 by reasonably safe people, one by a beginner. In all cases they were following the rules (except for the finger on the trigger part), but they were following the other rules--- pointing in a safe direction, treating it as it were loaded. So no one was hurt.

I don't know... gun safety in school is probably as likely to prevent gun tragedies as sex ed is to prevent STD's and pregnancies.

10663. thoughtful - 2/6/2013 8:47:53 PM

How much anti gun education will be required to offset the bombardment of stuff like this....and mind you this preview is approved for all ages....that the average child receives during the formative years of his life. The average 7 year old today will have already spent a year of his life in front of a screen.

Bullet to the Brain

10664. judithathome - 2/6/2013 11:20:20 PM

Reminds me of the article that said an innocuous movie trailer for...I forget the movie title...was shown prior to the release of a movie and business was slow the first week..until they showed the trailer with an off-screen gunshot at the end and business for the movie doubled immediately...there was no gun shot in the movie at all.

10665. judithathome - 2/6/2013 11:22:19 PM

We as a country have a very large appetite for violence.

And yet, what do the do-gooders carp about most? Sex-ed in schools...can't have that! They might become curious about sex and lord knows, we can't have THAT!

10666. robertjayb - 2/8/2013 4:28:34 PM

The more things change...

Cleaning out an old tool box I found a yellowed and grease-stained fragment from the now-defunct Houston Post of March 6, 1979. In a Doonesbury cartoon Duke is speaking on behalf of the NRA:

"and it is the position of the National Rifle Association that when it comes to arbitrary social controls, more is less! What is needed instead is a sense of restraint and fair play. If our once proud schools were to resume the teaching of...

From audience: Excuse me, Mr. Duke...

I want to get this straight, is it actually your view that the answer to rising handgun violence is a renewed emphasis on sportsmanship?

Duke: Exactly. We advocate a return to responsible gunplay.

Audience: In our once proud schools?

10667. ricknelson - 2/10/2013 4:39:02 PM

"gōng xǐ fā cái"

Celebrated with friends and my family last night. The eve celebration was awesome. The host family graciously celebrated with an appearance of the Lion Dance. Everyone was happy, ate very well and sought total enjoyment for the evening.

All the kids received " 'ang pow' " little red envelopes with money.

10668. iiibbb - 2/10/2013 5:14:56 PM

I just moved to New York. I've been here 6 months. I finally got to take the handgun safety class that is required to get a permit. Right now the wait period to get an appointment to review your materials is over 12 months. After that the wait to process those materials and actually get the permit is over 6 months.

So I'm going have been here 2 years by the time I can move my handguns here legally.

How many handguns do you think will enter the state in that time?

Does this seem like reasonable gun control?

10669. arkymalarky - 2/10/2013 6:20:12 PM

Sounds wonderful Rick!!

10670. arkymalarky - 2/10/2013 6:20:13 PM

Sounds wonderful Rick!!

10671. alistairconnor - 2/13/2013 6:52:35 PM

Sounds wonderful Rick!

Sounds wonderful iiibbb! ;)

10672. Ms. No - 2/13/2013 7:37:01 PM


No, it sounds ridiculous. The focus needs to be on corrupt manufacturers. There was a piece on NPR some six or seven YEARS ago, where they were pointing out that 90% of all illegal/crime guns can be traced back to about 10% of the manufacturers. Shut down those guys, or regulate those guys, and the gun problems go way down -- WITHOUT infringing on the rights of responsible gun owners.

Of course, the NRA is funded by and run for those very manufacturers who have discovered that using nut-bags like Heston and Nugent as the face of the NRA keeps the focus on individual gun owners rather than on mass producers and their profit margins.

So long as the NRA can keep the fighting focused between citizens nobody has time or inclination to look at the real culprits.

10673. iiibbb - 2/13/2013 8:34:14 PM

The most recent debate has changed my viewpoints a little. I don't know why the most vocal advocates (and I think this is largely because the press chooses these idiots) is the notion that we are defending the country as part of the militia.


I think the government has the prerogative to define the arms that may be held by militia members (in this case the so called "unorganized" militia). But here is the rub. I think the police should be held to the same restrictions (or at the very least standard patrol officers should be limited). So if officers patrol with a Glock with 17 rounds and an AR=15 and/or shotgun in the trunk, then I should be able to defend my home with the same thing.

I've got no problem with licensing for "official" militia membership. But that license should allow me to at least possess the arms outside of my home state in accordance with the laws of the state I visit... but at a minimum I should be able to possess them.

I've got no problem with a limit on the size of one's arsenal. Limit me to two or three defensive handgun per household, or an AR-15 per militia member per household. That's fine. If people want to have more, they can apply for some sort of waiver and register themselves in some other way.

Hunting arms would be exempt. So technically if you object to being on the government's radar with regards to arms, you are still afforded a means to protect yourself without being registered.

I find that neither side is amenable to these ideas, so I know I'm on the right track.

It accommodates everyone. It limits the proliferation of weapons, it permits self defense, it better defines militia membership.

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