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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 10686 - 10705 out of 29250 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
10686. judithathome - 8/7/2004 5:53:47 AM

I'm married to the most wonderful man in the world. Of course.

10687. Magoseph - 8/7/2004 6:03:28 AM

tmesis, now I have to know what kind of woman you would be interested to date.

10688. tmesis - 8/7/2004 6:29:53 AM

I'm not too particular, but generally I like broads who are charming, compassionate, and don't mind joking about farts. Which rules out all the conservative broads I've met. Other than that, I like intelligence, good taste, fluency in a language I don't speak, nice tits etc. but don't insist on any of them.

10689. arkymalarky - 8/7/2004 6:33:45 AM

Darn. And I'm already taken.

10690. Magoseph - 8/7/2004 8:19:20 AM

Me too, that's too bad. Tell me, how could any woman resist such a smooth man as you?

10691. tmesis - 8/7/2004 9:00:40 AM

My ex says she got tired of receiving socks for her birthday. And that my penis was much too large.

10692. arkymalarky - 8/7/2004 10:13:01 AM

Hahaha! You just can't please some women.

10693. Ulgine Barrows - 8/7/2004 3:26:24 PM

broads who are charming?

How quaint, 1940s-like, tmesis.

My dad called women "broads".

I think that commercial about the techie gal who 'blasts' is funny.

Who wants to take home the lion?

10694. Magoseph - 8/7/2004 9:05:07 PM


10695. greystoke - 8/7/2004 11:03:41 PM

My wife doesn't mind joking about farts, but if she actually smells one she acts like she's going to puke. Of course hers smell like roses.

Just thought I would share.

10696. tmesis - 8/8/2004 1:34:15 AM

Try farting on her head in bed sometime. Neat.

10697. Magoseph - 8/8/2004 2:17:44 AM

Hey you guys, cut out the vulgarity in this thread, please!

10698. greystoke - 8/8/2004 2:30:09 AM


Your suggestion is shocking to a gentleman like me.

I usually pull the sheets up over her face while she nods off and then cut loose.

10699. arkymalarky - 8/8/2004 2:33:09 AM

You two obviously don't have partners who understand the fine art of getting even. Bob and I were talking with friends just the other day about our personal policy of MAD. It's served us well for over 22 years.

10700. greystoke - 8/8/2004 2:44:17 AM


Do you mean you never play practical jokes on Bob because he will "one up" you?

Or do you mean that you do it in such a way that you won't get caught?

10701. arkymalarky - 8/8/2004 2:51:47 AM

I mean that we both know that if one dares, retaliation will be swift and complete.

We developed this policy years ago with "wet willies."

For those who don't know what those are, you lick your finger and stick it in someone's ear. The important question to answer in MAD policy is whether it's better for two people to be miserable or no one to be miserable. Since the Wet Willie Days we've successfully maintained the latter, and we both know that if one gets tempted to cross that line the response will be rapid and severe.

10702. arkymalarky - 8/8/2004 2:52:36 AM

What's the fun of playing a practical joke that the victim doesn't figure out?

10703. greystoke - 8/8/2004 3:04:00 AM


Well there is the amusement of seeing some poor, innocent child taking the fall for a cleverly planned "disaster". In the best ones, the child actually thinks he was responsible.

Of course the instigator must confess all sooner or later.

Maybe when the kid reaches adulthood Or gets out of therapy. Whichever comes first.

10704. tmesis - 8/8/2004 3:38:41 AM

Does sakonige have a history of clinging intractably to arguments she knows to be stupid?

I'm just wondering if she actually believes in what she's saying.

10705. judithathome - 8/8/2004 4:02:13 AM

People are what they are.

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