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10705. judithathome - 8/8/2004 4:02:13 AM

People are what they are.

10706. judithathome - 8/8/2004 4:15:34 AM

Is Nottingham southeast of Liverpool?

10707. Magoseph - 8/8/2004 8:24:22 AM

Oh, I didn't see that, Juds, sorry.

10708. Magoseph - 8/8/2004 11:06:40 PM

Hello, everyone.

10709. alistairConnor - 8/8/2004 11:22:09 PM

I would have put it northeast, but what do I know. I've never been as far north as Manchester.

Which is about as far north as we'll get this time. Not actually to Manchester, but to the Welsh border.

10710. alistairConnor - 8/8/2004 11:23:38 PM

There is another little Swede - a girl this time.

Lucky for the Scandos that they have enthusiastic immigrants to boost their birth rate for them.

Who's going to pay for your long, happy, expensive retirement Pelle? New Swedes.

10711. PelleNilsson - 8/8/2004 11:47:34 PM

If Nottingham is north-east of Liverpool it is in Northern Ireland.

So what is your itinerary, alistair?. To Chester? Lovely city.

10712. alistairConnor - 8/9/2004 12:06:43 AM

Unless it's moved recently, Northern Ireland is to the northwest of Liverpool.

No, actually, we're not going as far north as Chester, or Manchester. We'll be going to Oswestry, which is a bit west of Birmingham, we'll be staying with friends for a couple of days. We'll be taking the ferry from Cherbourg to Poole, and going back Plymouth to Roscoff, just for variety. I've reserved three days in a camping ground at Crystal Palace, in the suburbs of London, twenty minutes by train from the middle of town.

We'll get to see at least one open-air Shakespeare, plus whatever's on at the Globe. Visit some castles. Fun stuff for the kids. Language immersion, get some CDs and videos.

10713. Ms. No - 8/9/2004 12:08:11 AM

"Nottingham is close to the centre of England at the heart of the East Midlands. It is approximately 120 miles from London and 50 miles north of Birmingham."


10714. alistairConnor - 8/9/2004 12:43:10 AM

So the answer, Judith, is yes.

10715. judithathome - 8/9/2004 5:17:45 AM


We'll get to see at least one open-air Shakespeare, plus whatever's on at the Globe

Say Hi to Kevin Spacey for me!

10716. arkymalarky - 8/9/2004 7:12:48 AM

I feel guilty for how much I'm enjoying this wine you and Keoni left, Judith.

And I meant to tell you, Mose said the other day that you and Keoni "give great presents!"

She's packing to move back Saturday. I've got a meeting out of town so I won't be able to help her. I have a workshop tomorrow and work all week. Kids start back the 19th.

It has begun. I'm having to beat myself to get going. I don't want to go to a job any more. I want to be Arky@Home. The students could come here. Or I could teach them from the computer. Anything that didn't require getting dressed "up" (meaning combed hair and something other than house shoes) and into a car.

10717. judithathome - 8/9/2004 8:26:09 AM

Glad you like the wine, Arky, but be advised: I can only vouch for two of the bottles. The stuff fom Greece was all Keoni's idea...we'd never had it before.

10718. prolph - 8/9/2004 9:20:48 AM

Heads up, so to speak, Persied meteor showers late night August11 to
morning of 12th. cresent moon nearly new moon and predic ted to be a
great shower.

10719. arkymalarky - 8/9/2004 9:47:01 AM

It's good stuff. Tell him he was right on. I just finished it off. ;-)

Hey Patsy! I always forget to stay up for that. I'm going to really make an effort to this year. My hours have been turned around all summer, so it shouldn't be hard.

10720. Magoseph - 8/9/2004 10:58:36 PM

Is Mac on vacation, or is he too busy?
Hello, everyone.

10721. alistairconnor - 8/9/2004 11:23:43 PM

He said something about Paris. But wasn't that next week?

10722. judithathome - 8/9/2004 11:24:03 PM

Good morning...tonight is our village council meeting. Gonna wear the Village Idiots Don't Forget shirts with all the others who are expressing our disgust with the three councilmen who fired our police chief. So far, almost half our police force has resigned.

10723. wabbit - 8/10/2004 12:04:13 AM

It's going to be raining here Wednesday-Friday. No Perseids for me. I may go out late tonight/early tomorrow to see if anything is visible.

10724. Ms. No - 8/10/2004 3:09:25 AM

Never, ever, ever go to Ikea on a weekend afternoon.

I must remember this in future. I had a couple of items to return --- I bought some silverware and a rack and potholders because I couldn't find the box mine were in. Naturally, the moment I got home with my purchases I found the box.

Not a big deal. Returns are easy at Ikea if you have your receipt. Walk in, take a number, return your items, leave.

I also needed a shelving unit for the bathroom. I knew exactly which one. So, I took a number in Customer service for my returns then headed up to the showroom figuring the timing would be perfect for me to shop and wait at the same time. I didn't get lost in the rabbit warren of the display rooms although I'm sure I didn't take the most direct route to the item I needed.

Found what I needed and headed to the self-serve warehouse only to find that it was a full-serve item.


Now, I'd already begun to get a little irritated by the sheer numbers of people in the store wandering around aimlessly. I'm a purposeful shopper most of the time. I know what I want, I find out where it is, I go get it and I check out. I'm not a meanderer.

I had no idea what "full serve" entailed. It's not complicated but it meant that I had to wait in line and check in with a salesperson who put my order through to the non-self serve warehouse.

This took just enough time that I missed them calling my number in Customer service by 5 numbers. I might have tried to weasel my way in, but that's not really my style and, besides, I'd been told that it would be probably half an hour before they could get my order up from the full-serve warehouse.

So I took another number in Customer Service and went over to check in at the Full Serve counter.

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