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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 10802 - 10821 out of 11806 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
10802. anomie - 3/27/2013 6:21:28 PM

The marriage question seems simple if we think of it as what it really is - a religious sacrament. As such, the government has no business teling people how to practice religion. For all practical purposes (especially since divorce is so common and accessable), the government treats marriage as a contract, sometimes with children as an interested third party. But these are secular concerns and should be enforced without regard to gender. So the government shouldget out of the "marriage" business altogether. Marriage is something people do within their religious context. If the government has an interest in protecting contracts between couples, then it's obvious they should do so equitably without regard to gender, etc.
Gotta believe someone on the court is thinking this way. I can even imagine Scalia agreeing that a rose by any other name is still a "contract" and should be enforced equally. I mean, if the equal protection clause can give us Bush in 2000, it ought to give us this.

10803. judithathome - 3/27/2013 6:39:41 PM

i The marriage question seems simple if we think of it as what it really is - a religious sacrament.

I have never once thought of my marriage as a religious sacrament. And millions of others don't think that way, either.

If it were simply a "religious" union, we wouldn't need to register it with the government.

10804. judithathome - 3/27/2013 6:40:27 PM

Sorry, the quote should be italicized....I keep forgetting shortcuts don't work here.

10805. anomie - 3/27/2013 7:17:40 PM

Judith, you make the point for me. Our society treats marriage as little more than a contract now. It has less and less of its historic religious aspects in the minds of most people. So it's a little hypocritical for folks to be so protective of its traditional religious definition. It's a contract. If the court were deciding the issue on the basis of contract law, I believe it would be settle easily in favor of equal protection.

10806. judithathome - 3/28/2013 6:39:18 PM

You're right...but I fear they aren't going to lean that way.

10807. judithathome - 4/1/2013 7:16:16 PM

Anyone else worried about Dennis Rodman's new best friend in North Korea?

10808. judithathome - 4/1/2013 9:40:05 PM

Dozens Indicted In Atlanta Cheating Scandal

This is depressing.

10809. arkymalarky - 4/1/2013 10:32:18 PM

Welcome to the world of high-stakes testing. I'll love watching Michelle Rhee Suffer the same fate one of these days

10810. arkymalarky - 4/4/2013 3:17:13 PM

I've decided not to go to yahoo any more. They're getting really out there IMO

10811. anomie - 4/5/2013 2:36:27 AM

I don't like their teaser headlines. I just ignore them and check the Daily Mail for all the hot gossip.

10812. arkymalarky - 4/5/2013 3:28:40 AM

They started interspersing that With some conservative Whack job Opinion pieces

10813. anomie - 4/5/2013 5:40:14 PM

Whack job conservative opinions are everywhere these days. Shame.

10814. arkymalarky - 4/5/2013 5:58:52 PM

True, but Yahoo was putting them in at the top With the news headlines

10815. judithathome - 4/8/2013 4:03:00 PM

Maggie Thatcher dead at 87.

10816. iiibbb - 4/10/2013 8:33:11 PM

What a waste of money. In a time when budgets are tight, should the USDA really go about a re-branding effort? What a waste of taxpayer money.

10817. iiibbb - 4/11/2013 2:08:15 AM

apparently the update recended today

10818. judithathome - 4/13/2013 5:55:45 PM

This is about the media...I have noticed in the last few days how crudely FOX News is covering the gun debate. Sean Hannity is calling the parents of dead children "fake" and "actors" and Rush Limbaugh is parroting right along with him.

Are these guys so far removed from simple humanity that they ridicule parents who have lost their children?

Mitch McConnel bristled to the point of apoplexy that his wife's ehtnicity was mentioned in a tweet but he has nothing to say to the media about his implied plans to ridicule a woman who's suffered from depression ?

I don't know about y'all but I think this is digusting...it shows a severe lack of empathy AND sympathy and a lack of connection to anything remotely compassionate in their natures.

10819. arkymalarky - 4/13/2013 7:14:54 PM

I think they're getting desperate for attention they're not getting. They're losing unless they can find more ways to game the system than gerrymandering and their extremes are getting worse. I think they will continue to radicalize and marginalize themselves and people can't resist watching a train wreck, so attention focuses more on them the more extreme they get. No one seems to legitimize them in the discussion any more. They just laugh and point. It still amazes me how fast views on gay marriage have shifted. Unfortunately all this makes states like mine more reactionary. The AR legislature has gone crazy with Koch bought wingnuts. There's a major threat there IMO. The Kochs have spent mega money in rural states to control their legislatures.

10820. arkymalarky - 4/13/2013 7:16:18 PM

That's the back door they're trying to exploit.

10821. judithathome - 4/13/2013 8:13:11 PM

Arks, did you get my email yesterday?

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