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Host: Magoseph

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10907. anomie - 8/17/2004 6:25:50 AM

I was wondering about concerned too.

10908. wonkers2 - 8/17/2004 6:26:06 AM

Welcome back!

10909. anomie - 8/17/2004 6:29:41 AM

Thanks Wonks. Liked your photos in Escapes. Those are from your web site-no?

10910. judithathome - 8/17/2004 6:30:55 AM

Anomie!! Welcome back!

10911. Jenerator - 8/17/2004 6:30:59 AM


We need to see more of your fab pics!

10912. anomie - 8/17/2004 6:32:06 AM

Sailing - Did you ever think you ought to be something, but never quite made it? I should have been a big time sailor, but I never got beyond a 14 foot mono-hull in mild winds, and I was pretty shakey at that. But when I see your sailing pics I think that's where I belong.

10913. anomie - 8/17/2004 6:35:40 AM

Judith, Jenerator!

You're so nice. And I'm always so relieved to see you here...and Arky...Wonks, Pelle, and all the others....Ms No...and on and on.

I do have some pics to put up when I get the gumption. Less than fabulous though they may be.

10914. wonkers2 - 8/17/2004 6:36:08 AM

Well, come to Detroit and Cap'n Dirty will give you a lesson. But, then, nobody ever comes to Detroit!

10915. anomie - 8/17/2004 6:37:39 AM

And Magoseph! Thanks for letting me just barge in like this. I see you've been the perfect host. Thank you.

10916. anomie - 8/17/2004 6:39:33 AM

Thanks, Wonks. It's tempting. One of the problems is that various partners or companions didn't have the same enthusiasm for serious lessons...or they got sea sick.

10917. Magoseph - 8/17/2004 6:40:10 AM

Ano, it's so nice to see that you're back.

10918. anomie - 8/17/2004 6:49:11 AM

Thanks Mags'

I will tell you, I didn't want to be a downer, so I had to wait for my mood to improve and to get settled in the job and in Charleston. There are many good things about this location and I hope to discover them soon enough to keep my complaints and moaning at bay. I think I'm coming around.

(I always appreciate thread hosts. I think of you as wizards with special knowledge who can make things disappear. Can you make things appear too? Can you get me a single brunette, steady income, no kids...European passport preferred? Ha!)

10919. alistairConnor - 8/17/2004 6:51:29 AM

Ano -- Your experience with sailing mirrors mine. And I live at least three hours drive from any decent stretch of water, so it's not likely to change much before... retirement I suppose.

10920. alistairConnor - 8/17/2004 6:58:03 AM

I'm just coming to the end of a high-stress very busy period where everyone around me has been on holiday...

Now I get ten days holiday myself, I'll have to take care to slow down and enjoy it. Not try to pack stuff in.

The start of the holiday is an eight-hour (minimum) drive, leaving from work tomorrow at 5pm. On crowded motorways, probably with rain.

that should be restful.

10921. anomie - 8/17/2004 7:02:03 AM


But the forward (or angular, actually) movement under wind power, even at that amatuer level is something, sort of timeless, don't you think?. With rudder in hand (or is that the tiller?) I think of ancient peoples tooling around the Med discovering Crete or something. I feel like I'm sharing an ancient human experience I guess.

Motorboats are fun too, but a completely different mindset, and I have precious little experience there too.

10922. Magoseph - 8/17/2004 7:02:55 AM

Maybe you'll have time to say good-bye to us before you leave tomorrow.

10923. anomie - 8/17/2004 7:03:33 AM


We can only hope for a trip report...and a good and happy vacation for you too.

10924. Magoseph - 8/17/2004 7:17:27 AM

I always appreciate thread hosts. I think of you as wizards with special knowledge who can make things disappear.

I deleted two posts today instead of transferring them to the Inferno as I intended to do--not much of a wizard, I'm afraid.
As for finding you a single brunette with no kids, Ano, I'll ask around here and over there.

10925. anomie - 8/17/2004 7:55:52 AM

"afraid", "deleted", "Inferno" all in the same sentence, hidden cryptic clues, just scraping the surface of your real powers.

..and now I'm just being silly.
Ever since I found out this whole effort is done by volunteers, I've been very appreciative, and maybe we don't mention it enough.

We should role the credits occasionally...have nominations...give awards...make speeches.

We need a committee. An awards thread. A host.

Hmmm, who will be voted poster of the year?

10926. anomie - 8/17/2004 7:57:46 AM

Poster of the decade! Bring back the oldies!

...most of them.

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