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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 10910 - 10929 out of 11806 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
10910. iiibbb - 6/25/2013 8:29:57 PM

Actually yours is lacking. The court, after all, agrees with me asshole. Fallen Fox fights as a woman, asshole.

You are just an asshole, asshole.

10911. iiibbb - 6/25/2013 8:33:03 PM

The ship has sailed. I'm only agreeing with the result, and inevitable results.

You are the incoherent transient jibber-jabbering about how the world doesn't fit your reality.

Go find a bridge before the other trolls get them all.

10912. PincherMartin - 6/25/2013 8:37:57 PM

Citing the court's decision is an appeal to authority. It's not an argument, you dumbass. Judges are not scientists. They can, and usually do, make their rulings for all kinds of reasons that have nothing to do with science. They also can misuse science.

"Fallen Fox fights as a woman, asshole."

Yes, "she" does. And the Olympic Committee has also ruled in a similar fashion. That's because many international bodies are governed by the same sort of European and American nitwits that you rightly see as your ideological brethren.

10913. PincherMartin - 6/25/2013 8:45:52 PM


"The ship has sailed. I'm only agreeing with the result, and inevitable results."

You can no more predict the future than you can study the crack of your ass without a mirror.

One possible future is that parents will have the ability to simply get rid of these genetic misfits before they are even born. By aborting them. Homosexuals and transgenders and babies with Down's Syndrome would then go the way of the old circus misfits who are removed from the population before they even enter it.

10914. judithathome - 6/25/2013 8:49:05 PM

You can see that the women here don't care about athletic competition, which is what most of us men suspected from the beginning.

By "here", do you mean the Mote?

10915. PincherMartin - 6/25/2013 8:51:09 PM


10916. PincherMartin - 6/25/2013 8:51:20 PM

Gooble, Goggle

10917. iiibbb - 6/25/2013 8:58:07 PM

One possible future is that parents will have the ability to simply get rid of these genetic misfits before they are even born. By aborting them. Homosexuals and transgenders and babies with Down's Syndrome would then go the way of the old circus misfits who are removed from the population before they even enter it.


just, wow...

you are a degenerate to boot.

10918. iiibbb - 6/25/2013 9:00:45 PM

You would have me accept your authority? Fuck that.

10919. PincherMartin - 6/25/2013 9:02:20 PM

Well, if you're a parent, would you want you kid growing up to be gay?

Of course not. If we can screen for gayness genetically, or if we discover that the condition is caused by a pathogen, then it will be pretty easy to remove it from the population.

And I suspect most parents of potentially gay children will want that. And even those who don't want it will be forced to deal with the consequences of a world in which gayness is a lot less prevalent than it is today. And so they, too, will be forced to join in the movement.

10920. iiibbb - 6/25/2013 9:18:05 PM

I want both of my kids to be happy. I am not concerned if they are gay. I know, and am friends with, plenty of gay people. There are several gays close on my wife's side of the family.

I would not deny these people a damn thing. I don't consider them defective.

I think you are fucked up in your head.

And even if they found a in-vitro "cure" ... you suggest that the gays out there would or should be treated any less than humans? I sure hope your not suggesting that.

Whatever the cause, people are who they are. As long as they're not hurting anyone I've got nothing to say about that... and when you talk about the impact transgenders will have on female sports... you call me when that problem actually manifests itself. Fox isn't even that highly regarded as an MMA artist-- 3 rounds to take a 2-2 fighter is her best fight so far. Certainly Rhonda Rousey would kick her ass. And it's not unanimous in MMA either.. Jon Jones supports her"

And if you ask me... Joe Rogan... who objects to Fallon... has a little too many fantasies about being fucked by a big dude...

perhaps like you the idea of it hits too close to home?

10921. PincherMartin - 6/25/2013 9:34:21 PM

"I want both of my kids to be happy. I am not concerned if they are gay. I know, and am friends with, plenty of gay people. There are several gays close on my wife's side of the family."

We were talking about the future, not today. You don't have a choice as to whether your kids are abnormal or not.

But if you do have a choice, and you still choose for your kids to be abnormal, you're sick in the head. Why would you do that to them when you have a choice? What kind of parent are you? For religious reasons?

"I would not deny these people a damn thing. I don't consider them defective."

That's because you don't understand biology. They are, in fact, defective. A man who wants to fuck men exclusively has something wrong with his biology. Evolutionarily speaking, it doesn't work.

We don't know exactly what it is yet. But in the future we probably will. And when we do, we'll be able to cure it.

"Whatever the cause, people are who they are."

That's just ignorance talking. You've given up because you know you're losing the discussion.

Most people, including you before I schooled you, are incredibly sensitive to potential cause and effect in humans. We want to know why some people are aggressive and some people aren't. Why some people do well in school and some people don't. Why some people score with the opposite sex and other people struggle to get dates.

Variety in humanity and its causes are fascinating, and only an ignoramus thinks otherwise.

"...perhaps like you the idea of it hits too close to home?"

Wow, is that a slur against man-on-man buttfucking? I thought you were against that kind of thing, iiibbb?

10922. iiibbb - 6/25/2013 10:23:13 PM

"We were talking about the future, not today. You don't have a choice as to whether your kids are abnormal or not.

But if you do have a choice, and you still choose for your kids to be abnormal, you're sick in the head. Why would you do that to them when you have a choice? What kind of parent are you? For religious reasons? "

I don't really think of gay as abnormal in the sense that you seem to think. What I want my kids to be is honest and decent to other people. I want them to apply themselves to their chosen vocation. I would want that above anything superficially conformist.

I'll take a gay son who is kind an descent over a heterosexual person who jilts old people out of their retirement.... for instance

10923. iiibbb - 6/25/2013 10:27:34 PM

"...perhaps like you the idea of it hits too close to home?"

Wow, is that a slur against man-on-man buttfucking? I thought you were against that kind of thing, iiibbb?

No... I'm not... particularly if it's consensual...

but you and your ilk seem to have the idea that treating GLBT like their humans results in a society where people are jumped by GLBT buttfucking zombies.

You haven't schooled shit. It is not your place to declare yourself victor in a debate simply by merit of your own conceit.

10924. iiibbb - 6/25/2013 10:31:04 PM

I don't have a choice about who my son is. In many ways, he doesn't have a choice about who he is.

I will take him as-is. I love him as is. He doesn't need to do anything or change anything about his nature.

If I were to choose something I can't choose... I'd pick fulfilled, loved, and happy over all other possibilities by a long long margin.

10925. PincherMartin - 6/25/2013 10:36:05 PM

"I don't really think of gay as abnormal in the sense that you seem to think. "


At least 95 percent of the population wants to fuck the opposite sex. And since that is how the species evolved, how is wanting to exclusively fuck someone of the same sex not abnormal?

"I'll take a gay son who is kind an descent over a heterosexual person who jilts old people out of their retirement.... for instance"

You're creating a false tradeoff of negative features.

Being gay doesn't preclude the possibility that your son will still want to jilt old people out of their retirement money. We've had gay serial killers, so why not gay Bernie Madoffs?

10926. PincherMartin - 6/25/2013 10:40:46 PM

"You haven't schooled shit. It is not your place to declare yourself victor in a debate simply by merit of your own conceit."

Why not? You did it at the end of #10901, and with much less to back up your conceit.

"but you and your ilk seem to have the idea that treating GLBT like their humans results in a society where people are jumped by GLBT buttfucking zombies."

What does this even mean? I don't pretend they're normal because I'm not ignorant of biology and evolution. You treat them as normal because you are ignorant.

10927. iiibbb - 6/25/2013 10:41:13 PM

It is a perfectly reasonable response. The example being that if I could control one element... you being the one arguing that homosexuality or transgenderism is a "negative".

So if I could control one dial I would be sure to turn before touching the gender expression dial is to make sure the honesty dial was turned way up.

Obviously when given the choice... your parent's should have kept their hand on the fucking asshole moron knob instead of making you heterosexual.

10928. PincherMartin - 6/25/2013 10:46:44 PM

"I don't have a choice about who my son is. In many ways, he doesn't have a choice about who he is."

This is hilarious.

Your son is who he is because he's your son. You share a common genetic coding that was nonrandom in its sorting, but also has some variability, which is why one child of yours will often be quite different from another in both personality and looks.

But mistakes happen. And your unwillingness to even hypothetically protect your children from those avoidable mistakes is a sad quality in a parent.

"I will take him as-is. I love him as is. He doesn't need to do anything or change anything about his nature."

This is a good quality in a parent when you have no choice. It's a detestable quality when you do.

10929. iiibbb - 6/25/2013 10:54:43 PM

"This is a good quality in a parent when you have no choice. It's a detestable quality when you do. "

And I plainly have no choice if my child is GLBT.


"But mistakes happen. And your unwillingness to even hypothetically protect your children from those avoidable mistakes is a sad quality in a parent. "

You fucking asshole moron fuckwit.

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