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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 10922 - 10941 out of 11806 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
10922. iiibbb - 6/25/2013 10:23:13 PM

"We were talking about the future, not today. You don't have a choice as to whether your kids are abnormal or not.

But if you do have a choice, and you still choose for your kids to be abnormal, you're sick in the head. Why would you do that to them when you have a choice? What kind of parent are you? For religious reasons? "

I don't really think of gay as abnormal in the sense that you seem to think. What I want my kids to be is honest and decent to other people. I want them to apply themselves to their chosen vocation. I would want that above anything superficially conformist.

I'll take a gay son who is kind an descent over a heterosexual person who jilts old people out of their retirement.... for instance

10923. iiibbb - 6/25/2013 10:27:34 PM

"...perhaps like you the idea of it hits too close to home?"

Wow, is that a slur against man-on-man buttfucking? I thought you were against that kind of thing, iiibbb?

No... I'm not... particularly if it's consensual...

but you and your ilk seem to have the idea that treating GLBT like their humans results in a society where people are jumped by GLBT buttfucking zombies.

You haven't schooled shit. It is not your place to declare yourself victor in a debate simply by merit of your own conceit.

10924. iiibbb - 6/25/2013 10:31:04 PM

I don't have a choice about who my son is. In many ways, he doesn't have a choice about who he is.

I will take him as-is. I love him as is. He doesn't need to do anything or change anything about his nature.

If I were to choose something I can't choose... I'd pick fulfilled, loved, and happy over all other possibilities by a long long margin.

10925. PincherMartin - 6/25/2013 10:36:05 PM

"I don't really think of gay as abnormal in the sense that you seem to think. "


At least 95 percent of the population wants to fuck the opposite sex. And since that is how the species evolved, how is wanting to exclusively fuck someone of the same sex not abnormal?

"I'll take a gay son who is kind an descent over a heterosexual person who jilts old people out of their retirement.... for instance"

You're creating a false tradeoff of negative features.

Being gay doesn't preclude the possibility that your son will still want to jilt old people out of their retirement money. We've had gay serial killers, so why not gay Bernie Madoffs?

10926. PincherMartin - 6/25/2013 10:40:46 PM

"You haven't schooled shit. It is not your place to declare yourself victor in a debate simply by merit of your own conceit."

Why not? You did it at the end of #10901, and with much less to back up your conceit.

"but you and your ilk seem to have the idea that treating GLBT like their humans results in a society where people are jumped by GLBT buttfucking zombies."

What does this even mean? I don't pretend they're normal because I'm not ignorant of biology and evolution. You treat them as normal because you are ignorant.

10927. iiibbb - 6/25/2013 10:41:13 PM

It is a perfectly reasonable response. The example being that if I could control one element... you being the one arguing that homosexuality or transgenderism is a "negative".

So if I could control one dial I would be sure to turn before touching the gender expression dial is to make sure the honesty dial was turned way up.

Obviously when given the choice... your parent's should have kept their hand on the fucking asshole moron knob instead of making you heterosexual.

10928. PincherMartin - 6/25/2013 10:46:44 PM

"I don't have a choice about who my son is. In many ways, he doesn't have a choice about who he is."

This is hilarious.

Your son is who he is because he's your son. You share a common genetic coding that was nonrandom in its sorting, but also has some variability, which is why one child of yours will often be quite different from another in both personality and looks.

But mistakes happen. And your unwillingness to even hypothetically protect your children from those avoidable mistakes is a sad quality in a parent.

"I will take him as-is. I love him as is. He doesn't need to do anything or change anything about his nature."

This is a good quality in a parent when you have no choice. It's a detestable quality when you do.

10929. iiibbb - 6/25/2013 10:54:43 PM

"This is a good quality in a parent when you have no choice. It's a detestable quality when you do. "

And I plainly have no choice if my child is GLBT.


"But mistakes happen. And your unwillingness to even hypothetically protect your children from those avoidable mistakes is a sad quality in a parent. "

You fucking asshole moron fuckwit.

10930. PincherMartin - 6/25/2013 10:54:57 PM

"It is a perfectly reasonable response. The example being that if I could control one element... you being the one arguing that homosexuality or transgenderism is a "negative"."

It is a negative. If you're gay, your options for love are much narrower than if you're not. That's not a subjective opinion. That's arithmetic. (If you're a transgender, they're even worse.)

When only one to two percent of males are gay, and you allow your son to be gay when you could have thrown that biological switch to delete that option, what you're saying is that you don't want him to be open to loving the other 50 percent of the population which is made up of women.

You've narrowed his options. You've ghettoized him. And why? Because you're too scared to flout a modern-day Western consensus that's only developed in the last decade.

You had a choice for giving him a better life. Instead, you choose not because you're too afraid of an ignorant liberal consensus. That's pathetic.

10931. PincherMartin - 6/25/2013 10:56:00 PM

"And I plainly have no choice if my child is GLBT."

We're talking about a hypothetical future in which you do have a choice, you nitwit.

10932. PincherMartin - 6/25/2013 11:00:13 PM

"So if I could control one dial I would be sure to turn before touching the gender expression dial is to make sure the honesty dial was turned way up."

The thing you're not understanding is that you'll be able to control more than one dial.

Don't you have a fucking remote control? When you adjust the volume, do you think you lose the ability to change channels? When you change channels, do you think you lose the ability to mute?

Just based on our short conversation, the thing you should probably worry the most about in your children is their IQ. Because if they got your score, they're in a world of fucking hurt.

10933. iiibbb - 6/25/2013 11:08:32 PM

"And I plainly have no choice if my child is GLBT."

We're talking about a hypothetical future in which you do have a choice, you nitwit."

I'm talk about reality today you fucktwit

10934. PincherMartin - 6/25/2013 11:20:26 PM

"I'm talk about reality today you fucktwit"

No, dumbass, you were talking about the future, which is how we got off on this jaunt. See your #10911.

This is the problem with dumb people. They always forget what they say and have to be reminded.

10935. iiibbb - 6/25/2013 11:31:00 PM

I'm comforted by the fact that in future world, your parents, when informed what a douche you'd be if permitted to live... would not be selected.

10936. PincherMartin - 6/25/2013 11:36:58 PM

I'm discomforted by the syntax of that sentence. My parents ... would not be selected? Because I'm a douche?

Pray our Brave New World won't select for verbal clarity, iiibbb, or I'm afraid your line will end in a muddle of words.

10937. Ms. No - 6/25/2013 11:37:06 PM

I'm completely serious, Ms. No.

How unfortunate for you.

Just because you're ignorant of basic biology and human development doesn't mean the rest of us have to be.

My understanding of human biology is just fine, but your apparent inability to understand the difference between sex and gender is scientifically behind the times.

Your views are also profoundly anti-woman. etc. etc. blah blah blah

Really? You want to revoke my FemmeCard? Bring it baby. My vagina can whip yours any day of the week.

10938. PincherMartin - 6/25/2013 11:39:58 PM

"My understanding of human biology is just fine, but your apparent inability to understand the difference between sex and gender is scientifically behind the times."

That gender studies you wandered into as an underclassman was not a science class, Ms. No, no matter what the professor told you.

"Really? You want to revoke my FemmeCard? Bring it baby. My vagina can whip yours any day of the week."

Given its size, I have no doubt that's true.

10939. arkymalarky - 6/26/2013 2:28:09 AM

Fact free hypotheticals, false premises, misapplication of terms, and mismatched analogies leading nowhere, all topped off with a shallow and chauvinistic pejorative. How long before the word Feminazis is applied?

10940. Ms. No - 6/26/2013 3:27:17 AM

Hard to use Feminazi after he already said I hate women. I think that's why he called me a whore.

It must drive him nuts that flinging his poo like a rabid chimp doesn't make him right.

10941. PincherMartin - 6/26/2013 7:24:42 AM


"Fact free hypotheticals, false premises, misapplication of terms, and mismatched analogies leading nowhere, all topped off with a shallow and chauvinistic pejorative."

You're more than a little vague about where you identified all of these errors of mine. The application of basic statistical knowledge on gays to evolutionary thinking about fitness is not a "fact-free hypothetical", for example.

But I'm sure you knew that already.

"How long before the word Feminazis is applied?"

You have Rush Limbaugh on the brain 24 hours a day. Do you ever stop thinking about that fat guy? Do you dream of him when you sleep?

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