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10949. PincherMartin - 6/26/2013 8:14:59 PM

"I looked up that video clip you posted Pincher... oh the irony of you choosing that one. I hope Karma bites you in the ass."

For a lady who claims to be all sweetness, you sure are nasty and hurtful in your comments.

10950. iiibbb - 6/26/2013 8:31:41 PM

I've never called myself sweet... or a lady. Mostly because I am not really that sweet... and I'm not a woman.

However, you are still an asshole and I hope you reap the rewards.

Be careful who writes your obituary... you are on a bad trajectory.

10951. PincherMartin - 6/26/2013 8:45:38 PM

You make no pretense to being sweet? That's good. Maybe we can reap the karmic rewards together then, asswipe.

Since we're now in this as a team, you should know that a proper asshole doesn't care what his obituary says. He knows it's just another press release. He won't bother posing in the mirror, staring at his reflection, so he can guess how it will play with the unlucky fuck the local paper forces to write about dead guys.

But thanks for the laugh. The idea of you sitting at home thinking about your how your actions in your life relate to your future obituary is a very tasty one.

10952. iiibbb - 6/26/2013 9:31:03 PM

You are very obtuse if you think that's the core message of that video.

10953. iiibbb - 6/26/2013 9:31:41 PM

But it is telling that I figured you'd interpret it that way.

10954. PincherMartin - 6/26/2013 9:55:12 PM

Hey iiibbb,

How's that obituary looking?

10955. judithathome - 6/26/2013 10:32:25 PM

Jeez, is traffic slow at TPW or something?

10956. PincherMartin - 6/26/2013 10:35:01 PM

Can't a guy just enjoy your company, Judith?

10957. arkymalarky - 6/26/2013 10:53:17 PM

step 1:toss a provocative statement with no basis in fact, using an unpleasant word like mistake to describe children.

step 2:wait for responses.

step 3:answer responses as though, contraory to all of the evidence, you're the reasoned rational one.

step 4: keep responders engaged in Trivial Pursuit until they get bored or mad.

step 5: if respondents choose the former, ratchet up comments to a level that will elicit an emotional response.

step 6:continue to respond content free,smugly self satisfied and totally delusional about the image of yourself you're creating. Lather, rinse, repeat.

After what, 15 years of this crap? You'd think people Like Pincher Martin would find better ways to entertain themselves.

You know, back in the day people used to worship at the altar of PE. To some degree I feel like a number of them tried to emulate the style without ever really realizing that it doesn't work without the substance, to say nothing of the fact that people who try to imitate the styles of others are rarely effective at whatever it is they think they're pulling off.

10958. arkymalarky - 6/26/2013 11:05:34 PM

I almost forgot step 7: throw in a little humor, Dr went, showing that you've got some disarming charm, and your intentions are being totally misconstrued.

10959. arkymalarky - 6/26/2013 11:06:20 PM

dry wit. Gotta love voice to text

10960. PincherMartin - 6/26/2013 11:24:49 PM


I enjoy your insults. You're far more honest and entertaining when you insult me than when you engage in the trivial social flatteries with the few other dwindling posters here who wouldn't shed a tear or even give a shit if you died a horrible death tomorrow. This forum could use a little more honesty. So I applaud your clumsy attempt at it.

But you keep insisting I'm sacrificing accuracy to deepen the malice in my comments, and that's just not true. While it may be something you're not very good at it, I can be accurate and provocative at the same time.

There's not a single statement I've made in this thread that I would back down from. They reflect my beliefs. And while I am being deliberately provocative for effect, you (and others here) just don't know how to counter my arguments, so you wail about my rudeness. The best you've come up with so far is to suggest I'm like Rush Limbaugh - a plainly ridiculous statement since when has Rush ever used evolutionary arguments to convince his audience?

There's no need to worry, Arky. I'll be gone soon. There's not enough here to keep me hanging around for more than a week. And then you and the other ladies can go back to your online sewing circle, where you can pass along little tidbits of information and gossip. I wouldn't even be here if Alistair was where he was supposed to be and showed he was prepared to pay off a debt. But he isn't, and so here I am. You can take it up with him when he gets back. Or don't.

10961. judithathome - 6/26/2013 11:26:29 PM

I wonder if you could do an entire messege voice-to-text that would resemble nothing you actually said? Ha!

10962. PincherMartin - 6/26/2013 11:37:25 PM

For you, Judith, I can do anything.

Except leave.

10963. arkymalarky - 6/26/2013 11:55:24 PM

oh yeah. I've done it. What's funny is if you're in a hurry and send without reading it first. One day Stsn thought I was going nuts over a text I sent him through voice. it was hilarious.

10964. arkymalarky - 6/27/2013 12:47:23 AM

I knew I remembered posting it:

Of course Ranchita has no money because calling my purse so I'm not on a DB-15 yellow red velvet home anyway I'll call you when I pinworm going that night zero. But I have no money to buy gas. I'm on E yellow.

I found it n the teaching thread.

10965. arkymalarky - 6/28/2013 5:33:34 PM

OK you Texans, does Wendy Davis have a good shot at being governor? Dkos is all over the prospect of her running. Do you think she might?

10966. judithathome - 6/28/2013 6:10:23 PM

Given the Republicans will do everything they can to keep Dems away from the voting booth, I'm not sure she does.

The last election scared Perry a lot because it was close...for Texas. Hence the draconian voting laws he's instigated.

I feel like she could do better than anyone else who might be up for it...except for Julian Castro. But who knows?

It's a long shot mainly because the natural gas people own Perry but she had some of them on her side for the senate run. It was one of her "faults" according to some in this town.

I'd like to think she could do it because she undoubtedly would have almost every woman in Texas on her side. Especially the poor ones who will be missing their MedicAid which Perry is taking away. But whether those women will actually vote is another story.

Cecile Richards, daughter of the former governor, and head of Planned Parenthood, could have a lot of influence and has said she backs her 100%.

I can guarantee a nasty, dirty fight the likes of which we've never seen before if she runs. And I say that knowing how dirty and nasty Texas politics have been in the past.

10967. judithathome - 6/28/2013 6:12:23 PM

You'd think anything negative would have come out during her senate run but after the way Perry attacked her yesterday, I foresee some REAL nastiness ahead...truth will have nothing to do with it.

10968. judithathome - 6/28/2013 10:26:08 PM

Okay, this is a must-see...or at least, read: I saw it last night on Lawrence O'Donnell's show.

Tammy Duckworth Schools Contractor

I don't know if the tape shows it or not but she ran over her time and apolgized for it and the head of the committee said "That's okay...it was time well-spent."

Also, this guy went to West Point Prep School. And he went from there to San Diego State and played quarterback for the college football team with his alleged "disability". He never served in the military or put his life on the line in a war.

I'd be willing to bet he has Disabled Vet car tags, too.

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