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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 11009 - 11028 out of 29250 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
11009. angel-five - 8/19/2004 3:17:01 AM

He could pass as Jack Osbourne!

Look who left a while ago, honest!

11010. judithathome - 8/19/2004 3:35:05 AM

Hmmmmm....look what I just came across. Could it be our friend Pelle, man of many hats, is hiding hs skills as a coiner of words under his...funnel?

The Origins of "Asshat"

11011. PsychProf - 8/19/2004 3:42:08 AM


11012. angel-five - 8/19/2004 3:53:48 AM

When I was walking around Ikea I half expected to come upon a 'unusual hat' section.

11013. thoughtful - 8/19/2004 4:33:54 AM

j@h and PP, Thanks for the compliment...but it surprises me. I didn't think it was that good.

11014. judithathome - 8/19/2004 5:13:10 AM

See? You never know when you'll make an impact, Thoughtful!

11015. anomie - 8/19/2004 6:35:29 AM

A5/Woden pic

After seeing A5's pic I was going to make a joke about him having only the one girlfriend. But after seeing Woden's pic, I can see he's perfectly well off. Speaking of the superficial, that is. Good luck to you both in relationshipland.

(Thanks Judith)
(Thanks Woden)

11016. anomie - 8/19/2004 6:36:19 AM

Thoughtful 11007: Thanks for the guffaw today in the office!

11017. anomie - 8/19/2004 6:40:49 AM

FTR, I like Ikea, (except when it's too crowded), and I like eating there too. Great coffee. I like figuring out the shortcuts. I don't think Vegas has a store yet, but when I furnish the house there, I'll truck stuff in from San Bernardino.

11018. Magoseph - 8/19/2004 7:55:46 AM

How can this be--a vodka made in France and named Grey Goose?

11019. anomie - 8/19/2004 8:09:02 AM

Don't know. Nice bottle though.

Must be good stuff. Says "imported" right there in plain english.

11020. Magoseph - 8/19/2004 8:15:52 AM

It is weird, though, Ano, I mean that it's imported from France. By the way, I didn't know you had grown kids. How many, do you mind telling me?

11021. arkymalarky - 8/19/2004 8:47:13 AM

Hey all.

Great picture, Res.

Had my first day with students. Much better load than last year with several very small classes.

Bob killed a copperhead in our garage yesterday. Now I'm afraid to go to the van to go to work. It doesn't seem to bother me in reverse when I'm getting out after coming home from work.

11022. anomie - 8/19/2004 9:12:40 AM

Hi Arky,

Thank goodness for teachers like you who go back year after year without actually murdering any of the students.

11023. Magoseph - 8/19/2004 9:15:21 AM

Good evening, Arky. Have you seen this post Message # 10969 from Ohio?

11024. anomie - 8/19/2004 9:19:58 AM

I really know zip about Vodka, imported or otherwise, (except how to drink it, that is). It is a strange name for a French product though. But then, there's that restaurant named the French Laundry. What's that about.

Kids: A boy and girl (man and women) a year apart, both living in Florida, which is another reason I took this job instead of loafing out west. We were very close when they were young, and we've managed to stay that way despite my moving around. It's nice to be closer to them here for a while.

11025. anomie - 8/19/2004 9:21:13 AM

Female Olympic vollyball players wear bikinis, I see. Nice sport. Ha!

11026. Magoseph - 8/19/2004 9:23:39 AM

Ano. how far are you from them?

11027. anomie - 8/19/2004 9:29:29 AM

About 350 miles. A good few hours drive. I've been down twice, and the route is pretty easy. Its the Orlando area. They grew up in Ft Lauderdale and moved up to Orlando about ten years ago.

11028. angel-five - 8/19/2004 10:13:43 AM

Gray Goose is good stuff.

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