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11174. judithathome - 7/16/2013 4:39:58 PM

"Lawrence ODonnell is clueless"

I posted that link in order for people here to read the Florida law as it has been amended. Why that makes someone with an opinion different than yours "clueless" is rather arrogant.

I suppose if it had been from a "newscaster" from FOX, he would be deemed brilliant.

11175. anomie - 7/16/2013 5:03:15 PM

Using Fox is hitting below the belt, Judith.

11176. judithathome - 7/16/2013 5:10:48 PM


I used FOX because Zimmerman did.

11177. arkymalarky - 7/16/2013 6:17:18 PM

3i is once again right and very clear about it. Manslaughter laws are there to protect us against dumbasses and the Onion is there to point them out. I love the Onion. That piece is exactly right.

11178. arkymalarky - 7/16/2013 6:19:32 PM

Sorry, Anomie, but if you want to find agreement with your line of reasoning on this issue Fox is the only place to go.

11179. anomie - 7/16/2013 6:53:00 PM

Oh I don't know, seems like the jury room would be a resonable place for me. I don't need validation from the Fox news nutbags - a stopped clock is right twice a day. But it just goes to show how this is a bad case to hitch your civil rights wagon to.

11180. iiibbb - 7/16/2013 7:04:53 PM

And a bad example for gun rights as well. I am not pleased that this is the picture 95% of the population has in the head when they think of someone with a concealed carry permit.

Zimmerman is a putz who's made my life a little more difficult because he is a buffoon.

11181. Trillium - 7/16/2013 8:26:12 PM

So call me arrogant and even disgusted, Judith, that a person with O'Donnell's power and platform would choose to disregard an assault and head injury as though it were nothing. Newscasters have the power to educate and sway public opinion. o'Donnell is unworthy of his power and position by leaving out the main point that resulted in a young man's death.

11182. judithathome - 7/16/2013 9:24:24 PM

I said in a later post that I made that link because he showed the way the two laws read before and after Stand Your Ground...I wasn't endorsing O'Donnell's point of view or asking anyone to do so.

I just don't happen to agree with you that he is clueless...that's all. Just because he doesn't agree with your opinion, that doesn't make him clueless. I guess it does in your opinion but that doesn't necessarily jibe with the reality of the situation...he has a different attitude about the trial...so what? That doesn't make him stupid, it just makes him opinionated, like everyone else.

And trust me, he has in the past schooled the public, most recently in the case of the IRS "scandal"...he pointed out the way the actual law read, something the senators chairing the hearing evidently had not noticed. After his show on the actual law, he was even quoted by one Senator hearing the evidence who later thanked O'Donnell for pointing out the wording of the law.

So I will take and appreciate his cluelessness any day...

11183. anomie - 7/16/2013 10:57:32 PM

ib3, how has Zimmerman made your life more difficult?

11184. anomie - 7/16/2013 11:04:44 PM

Arky, I give you credit for leaving open the possiblility that Martin attacked Zimmerman. Such possibility is not passing the lips of the commentators I see on CNN and MSNBC. Instead we get the clueless comments about how he was shot for no reason, etc...as Trillium pointed out. Or they say something like, "...and then a situation occurred. That Martin may have attacked and beat Zimmerman is the elephant in the room everyone wants to ignore, and it's why this is a bad test case.

11185. anomie - 7/16/2013 11:05:01 PM

Arky, I give you credit for leaving open the possiblility that Martin attacked Zimmerman. Such possibility is not passing the lips of the commentators I see on CNN and MSNBC. Instead we get the clueless comments about how he was shot for no reason, etc...as Trillium pointed out. Or they say something like, "...and then a situation occurred. That Martin may have attacked and beat Zimmerman is the elephant in the room everyone wants to ignore, and it's why this is a bad test case.

11186. iiibbb - 7/16/2013 11:43:47 PM

By making defensive gun use less acceptable in the public eye, laws that permit concealed carry will be harder to pass or made harder to get. I live in NY right now. After Sandy Hook the passed the SAFE act. I have every expectation that permits will be harder to get, renew, or have privaleges added because of public perception that people with guns will behave like Zimmerman

11187. arkymalarky - 7/16/2013 11:57:00 PM

my contention was always that he had a right to attack him. I agree with 3i about how the laws will probably change, but I'm all for that. I could see that concealed carry in states like mine anyway, was just going to grant permits willy nilly to anybody who wanted one.frankly I think that will continue to be the case in states like mine.

11188. iiibbb - 7/17/2013 12:06:36 AM

The permit process has to be fairly open. The bigger issue is consistent standards for justified force. Florida is very strict about open carry and discharging a weapon, but then so loose about self defense. I still say anything goes in a residence... but ultimately if you know the rules then you should know what to say or not say

11189. arkymalarky - 7/17/2013 12:16:05 AM

so setting questions of consistent application based on race aside, the woman who fired a warning shot in Florida might have gone free had she just shot her ex husband.

11190. anomie - 7/17/2013 12:22:47 AM

Yes. I did read that she shot into a room where she knew there was children. But still.

11191. anomie - 7/17/2013 12:24:31 AM

i3b, I don't see why you blame Zimmerman. He had a gun for self defense. He used it. Why not blame the insane interpretation of the second amendment we're living under?

11192. arkymalarky - 7/17/2013 12:29:37 AM

"I followed somebody because he's black and he scared me! and he scared me because he hit me because I followed him so I shot him!" yeah I can'timagine why anybody would blame Zimmerman for the scenario that played out.

11193. judithathome - 7/17/2013 12:38:03 AM

The juror who spoke out last night made the statement "Black, white, Hispanic, Asian...I don't think it would have mattered...George would have done what he did regardless."

Nice. Good to know. Especially since the gun is gone from the police department...more than likely, in George's hip pocket.

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