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11216. judithathome - 7/17/2013 10:58:57 PM

Furthermore, if that person then darted around buildings and ran, it would be plausible that that person was up to know good.

How is that so plausible? He was visiting the fathers girlfriend's residence, possibly unfamiliar with which apartment he was headed for in the dark. You can bet that if someone started following me in the dark, I'd run, too...not an excuse o shoot him.

We have only the word of one man that Martin was doing these things....peering into houses, hiding in bushes, throwing the first punch...the jury believed that man and found him not guilty...they didn't find him innocent.

11217. vonKreedon - 7/18/2013 12:15:48 AM

If only Martin had run, or even simply continued walking on to his Dad's girlfriend's apartment none of this would have happened.

11218. judithathome - 7/18/2013 12:42:39 AM

Or....if Zimmerman had stayed in his truck the way the non-emergency 911 operator told him to..."we don't need you to do that". Pretty clear what they were advising.

11219. vonKreedon - 7/18/2013 12:52:29 AM

Yep, though Zimmerman did have a role as neighborhood watch captain that requires watching. At any rate, through they're decisions the two men unwittingly conspired in theh tragic death of Martin.

11220. Wombat - 7/18/2013 2:22:23 AM

What part of the word "watch" didn't he understand?

11221. judithathome - 7/18/2013 4:26:54 AM

The people on the phone that he was talking to were the people he usually called as part of the watch...they told him not to follow, probably as much for his safety as for the other guys.

He'd contacted these people before...over 40 times. He should have been used to the protocols.

11222. Ms. No - 7/18/2013 6:01:27 PM

The U.S. v. Trayvon Martin: How the System Worked

11223. judithathome - 7/18/2013 7:34:10 PM

Just this morning, locally, police killed a young black kid...for breaking and entering.

What they didn't know before shooting him was that he and his parents were staying with neighbors while their house was undergoing foundation repair...he was in the house to retrieve something he'd left behind. But it was dark, he "broke in" and a neighbor called the police and of course, he HAD to be guilty, right?

11224. judithathome - 7/19/2013 6:56:18 PM

Very moving and thoughtful speech just now by President Obama.

11225. judithathome - 7/20/2013 12:19:42 AM

Good article with excerpts of President Obama's remarks: Article

11226. arkymalarky - 7/21/2013 8:35:42 PM

Wow. Keith Olbermann and Nate Silver are both going to ESPN.

11227. arkymalarky - 7/21/2013 8:36:17 PM

John McCain gave Obama props. Good on him.

11228. judithathome - 7/21/2013 11:34:47 PM

Didn't Olbermann start there?

11229. arkymalarky - 7/22/2013 12:12:41 AM

I think so. But he was at Fox st some point I think. He's really been around.

11230. judithathome - 7/22/2013 8:34:09 PM

It's a baby boy for the Royals!!

11231. robertjayb - 7/23/2013 7:17:34 AM

Any doubt a grand jury will no-bill this woman?

Houston police said the woman was pumping gas when a man approached her and made sexual advances toward her. The woman told the man to go away, but the man continued to harass her.

Then the man walked toward her and pulled out a knife. Fearing for her safety, the woman grabbed a rifle from her car and shot him. He died at the scene.

11232. judithathome - 7/24/2013 1:56:41 AM

On National Hot Dog day....no, I am not making this up...Anthony Weiner drags his wife out in front of reporters to make excuses ONCE AGAIN for photos surfacing ONCE AGAIN of his...hot dog.

The Man Who Won't Be Mayor Of NYC

11233. judithathome - 7/27/2013 1:12:45 AM

VonK or anyone who knows about trials: the juror who is all over TV today saying Zimmerman got away with murder...if she had held out in the belief at trial that he was guilty and it had come down to a hung jury, could Zimmerman have been tied again? Or would double jeopardy apply?

11234. vonKreedon - 7/27/2013 2:06:15 AM

The crucial point that the juror made, IMO, wasn't that she felt he had committed murder, but that, given the law and the evidence presented, find Zimmerman guilty. I believe Zimmerman's lawyer called her the perfect juror and I'd take that as a compliment.

11235. vonKreedon - 7/27/2013 2:06:39 AM

...she couldn't find...

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