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11302. thoughtful - 10/1/2013 8:33:45 PM

I wish they would just shut down the national weather service so it would force airlines to stop flying...then congress would fix it...it certainly worked when the air traffic controller cutbacks caused flight delays...heaven forbid congresspeople not be able to get home for their long weekends...the rest of us can go pound sand.

When we start defaulting on our debt and our debt rating falls and interest rates thus the deficit and/or taxes rise as a result, do you think the tea baggers might get it then???

11303. arkymalarky - 10/1/2013 10:46:30 PM

Mose is a librarian, and she's very upset about the LOC being closed due to the government shutdown.

11304. iiibbb - 10/1/2013 10:47:32 PM


I mean it in the derogatory sense and not aimed at people with actual mental disabilities.

But instead at those who lack the capacity to critically analyze, or worse, wallow in deliberate ignorance.

I spoke it fully aware of the connotations it holds, and wish it to be fully re-branded to apply to these hypocrites and morons that have elected the current GOP (e.g. "stopping Obmamacare is more important than keeping government open because closing government is the lesser of two evils"; "we can't afford these programs, when we can't afford something at home, we don't buy it" -- as if they are apples and apples.... and where were this responsible party when we had the tax surplus? "government should not be in the business of making a profit so we need tax cuts"... instead of paying down the debt.

I am angry about it... and so I used that word. Sorry if it offends.

[ri-tahrd, for 1–3, 5; ree-tahrd for 4]
verb (used with object)
to make slow; delay the development or progress of (an action, process, etc.); hinder or impede.

seems to apply to Republicans right now.

11305. arkymalarky - 10/1/2013 10:49:09 PM

You are so right, Thoughtful. This madness will only stop when these people actually feel the effects of what they do.

11306. robertjayb - 10/2/2013 2:11:40 AM

"wallow in deliberate ignorance."

Thanks for the phrase, psychprof. I will enjoy using it.

11307. thoughtful - 10/2/2013 4:05:59 PM

Love that expression, isbs...it so perfectly captures it...

wallow in deliberate ignorance

11308. psychprof - 10/2/2013 6:42:11 PM

Isbs coined that fine phrase,not me.

11309. robertjayb - 10/3/2013 9:15:17 PM

Gunfire in the Capitol!

To be expected in the Banana Republic we're becoming.

11310. judithathome - 10/8/2013 7:13:56 PM

You can thank the ignoramuses in DC for this:

Death Benefits For Soldiers Killed This Week In Afghanistan Denied

11311. arkymalarky - 10/28/2013 11:04:45 PM

Lame. October 7th?

11312. Trillium - 11/5/2013 11:41:11 PM

I don't know where to put this story, but it popped up alongside something else I read about, and I can't NOT post it. Here's a couple of parents who literally shipped their wild teen off to Siberia.

Mother sent Sofia Petrova to Siberia


11313. judithathome - 11/6/2013 7:58:19 AM

Good lord! That poor kid...even if she's slanting the truth a bit, that's harsh punishment.

11314. judithathome - 11/11/2013 6:00:32 PM

This video says it all...talk about poor people in dire need of help!

Devastating Typhoon Leaves 10k Dead...And Counting...In Philippines

11315. judithathome - 11/11/2013 6:00:55 PM


11316. Jenerator - 11/12/2013 11:59:35 PM

Undercover video shows Dallas “navigators” apparently coaxing an Obamacare consumer to lie

ACORN and NPR at it again.

11317. judithathome - 11/13/2013 5:36:50 AM


Don't you mean Brietbart?

11318. judithathome - 11/18/2013 9:05:04 PM

George Zimmerman arrested in a "domestic disturbance"...not with his wife but with his girlfriend.

11319. judithathome - 11/19/2013 10:43:42 PM

Zimmerman, as soon as he can scrape up $900, will be out on bail. $9,000 bond. Must wear an ankle monitor which he has asked the court to pay for since he is "destitute". Oh, and he must surrender his arsenal of guns while out on bail.

Don't we ALL feel safer now?

11320. judithathome - 11/20/2013 12:10:16 AM

Well, guns aren't the only way a person can cause mayhem...Virginia State Senator(D) Stabbed By Son Who Later Kills Himself

Seems the son was taken in for emergency care under "mental issues" but there was no bed available so they released him.

What a wonderful health care system we have!

11321. arkymalarky - 11/20/2013 12:14:31 AM

Like OJ Simpson and Joren Vandersloot, Zimmerman's character will get him. Who else may die in the interim is the question.

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