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11487. judithathome - 12/4/2014 8:18:51 PM

News: the guy who choked Garner to death has a past, too.

...Pantaleo also came under scrutiny in 2012 when he was sued for allegedly falsely arresting and strip-searching a group of men in Staten Island. According to the New York Daily News, the NYPD settled the suit for $30,000 at the time without any admission of wrongdoing and Pantaleo remained on the force.

I heard last night that he has yet ANOTHER hearing pending. Seems everyone involved in these recent incidents get second chances...except for the victims.

11488. judithathome - 12/4/2014 8:34:52 PM

Mayor DeBlasio said he is moving the timeline up and equipping the police with body cameras this week rather than later this month...hello! There was video of THIS killing....and what difference did THAT make??

11489. judithathome - 12/4/2014 8:36:14 PM

Besides, if anything "awkward" does go down...how hard is it to say "Sorry...the body cam malfunctioned."

11490. iiibbb - 12/4/2014 10:35:02 PM

"There was video of THIS killing....and what difference did THAT make??"

It didn't make a difference, but it's making a difference.

11491. arkymalarky - 12/4/2014 11:33:11 PM

Video taping if what has gotten the conversation going so much in recent months. That cop beating a woman on the side of the road in Los Angeles for example. I think everybody needs to be video taping when they see suspicious interactions like that. The body cameras are for when the cops get you in the dark alley and nobody's there to videotape what they do to you. And they also protect the police from being falsely accused.

11492. arkymalarky - 12/5/2014 12:38:21 AM

As with teachers, police officers need to be paid more and subject to more scrutiny and higher standards than they are now.

11493. judithathome - 12/5/2014 12:42:47 AM

News flash: Boehner let the House vote today on a pressing issue of importance: they passed a bill to disallow Social Security to....NAZIS.

This is NOT a joke. They actually did that.

11494. arkymalarky - 12/5/2014 12:56:27 AM

I can believe that. I can't believe more of that ilk was elected to do that type of thing in congress for the next 2 years minimum.

11495. judithathome - 12/5/2014 2:23:29 AM

I can....the people who control media get the message out that favors their beliefs.

There's a reason FOX News is leading in the evening news ratings...more people watch it than watch actual news.

There is a genius in the Republican party named Frank Luntz...he is a genius because he understands and relies on "buzz words/phrases"...every day, he sends out a "word/phrase of the day" email and throughout the day, you will notice every single Republican repeats that word or phrase in the media. These words sink in to the people who refuse to think for themselves and soon, it becomes "the truth". Because everyone is saying it...on TV!

Does it matter that half the shit Frank Luntz outs out there are lies? Evidently not.

11496. arkymalarky - 12/5/2014 2:31:48 AM

yes, luntz has been at it a long time. fox had been losing viewership, but every business that has a TV has it on fox. that infuriates me.

11497. judithathome - 12/5/2014 2:34:40 AM

Here's something really funny about Luntz: Frank Luntz Caught Telling The Truth!

11498. judithathome - 12/5/2014 11:58:15 PM

I hope this opening to last night's Daily Show can be viewed without the "overplay" of another segment....

Jon Stewart: Hey, Are You My Secret Santa?

11499. arkymalarky - 12/10/2014 2:39:17 AM

When I agree with him, it's ok, but I never really like him, and when I disagree with him, I'm so frustrated when I can't just jump into the tv and throttle him. Chris Matthews. Ugh!

11500. arkymalarky - 12/11/2014 2:39:29 AM

Now if you really need money, you know, for something important like maybe a major surgery or something like that, robbing banks really works to get that money.

I don't know why the concepts of wrong, antithetical to basic values, and not having a leg to stand on in dealing with nations that disrespect human rights, etcetera etcetera are so totally lost on Chris Matthews. Whether or not torture works is not why we shouldn't be doing it. Not to mention there's never been evidence that it works. Anything with more than a single layer of complexity is completely lost on that maroon.

11501. judithathome - 12/11/2014 8:37:54 PM

I guess I'm hearing a different maroon...I think he's ridiculing Cheney and others who are claiming torture worked and are saying the Senate committee lied.

11502. Ms. No - 12/11/2014 9:52:34 PM

There are lots of things that seem like they should be true and even that people want to be true, but that doesn't mean they are true. Isn't that one of the foundational elements of Cargo Cult Science?

11503. arkymalarky - 12/11/2014 9:59:19 PM

it's the fact he even thinks it is a debatable issue, and he pissed me off in how he addressed guests wrt the issue, including Joan whatsherdrip of salon and one of the detainee's lawyers.

11504. arkymalarky - 12/11/2014 11:27:21 PM

Walsh...I could not remember her last name.

11505. arkymalarky - 12/12/2014 3:45:33 AM

Dick Cheney should never be mentioned in the news without prefacing the story with a background of his evasion of service in Vietnam. He talks awfully tough to have been such a coward.

11506. iiibbb - 12/12/2014 4:34:34 AM

The effectiveness or ineffectiveness of torture matters not at all. It’s a red herring.

It doesn’t matter if you're right or wrong about the effectiveness of torture.

It doesn’t matter if your motives are patriotic and your heart is pure.

It doesn’t matter if your cause is just.

It doesn’t matter how terrible your enemy.

Listen to me, it doesn’t matter if you’re a man of God, if you molest a child, you’re a goddamned child molester.

And it comes down to this: If you engage in torture, you're a torturer.

And you live in a country that tortures people.

It’s really just that simple.

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