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11567. Trillium - 5/6/2015 8:16:00 PM

Judith, are you aware of the Molly Norris controversy? AFAIK Norris is still in hiding. She was from Seattle, and proposed a "Draw Mohamed Day" back around 2010.

Molly Norris

Wiki Molly Norris

If a bunch of Scientologists had come after South Park cartoonists to murder them? Would the cartoonists have been at fault for incitement of "Fair Game" beliefs?

11568. iiibbb - 5/6/2015 8:16:31 PM

He hates these cans

11569. judithathome - 5/6/2015 8:17:55 PM

Jesus H. Christ...no, I am not, and frankly, I'm done with "arguing" anything on this forum if THAT is amount of understanding I'm getting here...

Have a nice fucking day.

11570. judithathome - 5/6/2015 8:27:22 PM

That last post was addressed to 3i3b's post in response to my post about abortion doctors...it's difficult to post in a forum that was created with 1990's technology when one is used to using "up-to-date" forums.

I would be more than willing to PAY to post here if we even had HTML shortcuts...

11571. iiibbb - 5/6/2015 8:43:10 PM

I don't see how you can complain about my level of understanding when you are comparing cartoon drawing to ISIS killing people as an expression of their free speech.

Pot meet kettle.... except I still don't see why anyone saying virtually anything that isn't a specific threat or doesn't immediately incite a riot or panic justifies killing them. You lose me.

11572. judithathome - 5/6/2015 9:50:05 PM

I'm sure I do and I see no need to try and explain myself further...hasn't worked thus far and probably never will.

Ta-ta, all.

11573. Wombat - 5/8/2015 10:43:20 PM

You could make the argument that since Geller and her crowd do believe that Moslems are reactionary zealots (that is in fact an overly mild characterization of Geller's crowd), their "art" show was equivalent to shouting fire in a crowded theater.

However, I hew to the broad definition of freedom of expression. However, je ne suis pas Geller.

11574. arkymalarky - 5/9/2015 2:28:25 AM


11575. judithathome - 5/13/2015 3:52:52 PM

Expect More Of This Until We Get Off Our Bums And Spend Some Money On Infrastructure

11576. judithathome - 5/13/2015 6:22:12 PM

Hey, Guys...AMTRAK Just Had A Massive Derailment in Philly...What're Ya Gonna Do? We're Going to Disn....Er, We're Gonna Cut Their FUNDING!!"

11577. judithathome - 5/13/2015 10:27:32 PM

Train Going TWICE The Speed It Was Supposed To Be....WTF?

The Amtrak train that derailed in Philadelphia on Tuesday night, killing at least seven people, was barreling through a sharp turn at 100 miles an hour or more, at least twice the speed limit on that stretch of track, according to the National Transportation Safety Board...

11578. judithathome - 5/15/2015 7:17:05 PM

RIP: B.B. King

Did you know that "B.B." stood for Blues Boy? Appropriate!

11579. judithathome - 5/16/2015 1:59:03 AM

Tsarnaev gets the death penalty.

11580. judithathome - 5/18/2015 6:43:54 PM

190+ arrested and 9 killed in Waco over the weekend...clash of the old fart motorcycle gangs! I had no idea the jail in Waco, TX would hold that many people.

I thought it might be younger guys but saw a TON of grey pony tails.

11581. Trillium - 5/19/2015 2:15:12 PM

Interesting oddities about the Waco incident: Twin Peaks has revoked the restaurant's franchise. Meanwhile, the restaurant owner claims that they were NOT asked to cancel biker reservations before the incident.

Who knows who is telling the truth (or not)?

Twin Peaks Story

"Late Monday afternoon the restaurant’s operators issued another statement in which they said law enforcement officials did not ask the operator or the franchisor to cancel the patio reservation on Sunday.

The event Sunday afternoon was not a Bike Night, the statement said, but instead the result of a “regular patio reservation made by a female customer who has been to the restaurant previously.”

“Based on the information to date, we also believe that the violence began outside in the area of the parking lot, and not inside our restaurant or on our patio, as has been widely reported,” the statement said.

“We are disappointed that the franchisor, Twin Peaks, made a sudden decision to cancel our Waco franchise before all of the facts are learned. We will continue to assist the authorities in any way possible that will assist in their efforts to bring the wrongdoers to justice,” the statement said.

"The statement said the restaurant has hosted seven Bike Nights since last fall “without altercations such as this.”

“We are in the process of gathering additional facts, and urge that people avoid rushing to judgment before those facts are fully known,” the statement said."

11582. Trillium - 5/19/2015 2:21:23 PM

Apparently biker gangs are heavily infiltrated by undercover cops. After an NYC "road rage" incident, one undercover cop was charged for his participation in an attack on an SUV.

That undercover guy was a Polish immigrant, and was later given the chance to travel back to Poland -- don't know if he ever returned, or not....but it makes you wonder who is doing what, and where, and why?

NYC Undercover Cop in Biker Gang

11583. Trillium - 5/19/2015 2:22:16 PM

During the upcoming Memorial Day weekend, there will be a massive Bike Rally near Myrtle Beach that has been occasion for considerable violence in the past. Will it happen again next week? Will police and SWAT teams respond, if the situation gets hairy? Stay tuned...

Community Concerns over Myrtle Beach Biker Event

11584. judithathome - 5/19/2015 6:25:07 PM

Shades of Marlon Brando! Not much has changed since the days of The Wild One.

11585. Trillium - 5/22/2015 4:41:49 AM

The Waco shootout is turning out to be more complicated. The nine men killed were apparently all shot by police (not by other bikers?) and most of the arrested had no criminal record. Lots of lawsuits to follow, most likely

Majority of bikers arrested have no convictions in Texas

A lot of the "bikers" were apparently older working people:

Aging Rebel Blog

11586. judithathome - 5/22/2015 6:59:50 PM

Don't worry...any lawsuits will likely be thrown out...Texas has a way with that sort of thing.

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