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11592. iiibbb - 6/26/2015 3:47:47 PM

Hooray for gays

11593. judithathome - 6/26/2015 9:55:30 PM

One of the NY escapees has been shot and killed...Richard Sweat...the one FOX News alleged was "well endowed".

11594. Trillium - 6/27/2015 5:33:06 AM

LOL where was that and how did the reporter know?!

This is amazing:
Video shows lax security

"The entire process isn't visible in the video, but you can clearly see the bag being hoisted up the wall. This at a time when this maximum security prison was in lock-down with a tense manhunt underway....the video went viral, with more than 5 million hits, sparking a lot of questions and debates and even mockery about just how secure this prison is....The video also sparked an angry response on social media from corrections officers and their families. They say that using ropes to hoist lunches, carry-out food and other supplies to guards working long shifts in the tower is a long-standing tradition at Clinton-Dannemora. A tradition that they say doesn't threaten security."

Sure, but ....explain how the heavy equipment reached the prisoners...

11595. judithathome - 6/27/2015 5:52:58 PM

where was that and how did the reporter know?!

It was played over and over by other news organizations...it was on FOX News and they don't HAVE to actually have any proof of what they claim...it has been ever thus...they hear it, they report it as gospel.

11596. arkymalarky - 6/27/2015 10:08:50 PM

what if Matt killed Sweat?

11597. judithathome - 6/28/2015 12:58:10 AM

According to the police, they told Sweat to surrender and he refused so they shot him.

11598. arkymalarky - 6/28/2015 1:04:36 AM

No, matt is the one who was shot. Sweat is still missing. I just wonder when Matt shot at that camper, if he wasn't purposely shooting at the camper but at someone else. That he may have killed his partner once he had a gun, thinking he had a better chance of escaping without him. And they just haven't found the body yet. Not likely, but I think possible.

11599. judithathome - 6/28/2015 6:47:02 PM

God...why can't these guys have regular names...

11600. judithathome - 6/28/2015 6:48:55 PM

Whatever...the DEAD one is still the one who allegedly was well-endowed.

Except for brains.

11601. arkymalarky - 6/28/2015 7:35:08 PM

The more I think about it and the longer it goes, the more I think that that very well may have happened. Matt, the dead one, killed sweat, which is why they still can't find him. I wasn't following the endowment story. They need to go back to that original cabin and look around it for a body in the weeds or look for circling buzards or something.

11602. arkymalarky - 6/28/2015 9:00:10 PM

Wow. I was wrong. They got him.

11603. judithathome - 6/28/2015 10:32:12 PM

Yes, and now we'll be hearing about it for yet another week...

11604. arkymalarky - 6/30/2015 6:40:13 PM


11605. judithathome - 7/1/2015 5:23:18 PM

Finally got back in...for how long, I've no idea.

11606. judithathome - 7/1/2015 6:31:08 PM

Macy's dumped Trump today....

11607. judithathome - 8/1/2015 8:04:34 PM

Absolutely disgusting Breaking News:

The brother of slain Cecil the lion, named Jericho, was killed today in Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe, a senior park official told CNN.

Jericho was gunned down by a hunter operating illegally, said Johnny Rodrigues, head of the Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force.

Cecil was also killed illegally, and Zimbabwe is seeking the extradition of American dentist Walter Palmer on accusations that he and others illegally hunted the lion, authorities said.

11608. judithathome - 8/1/2015 8:06:31 PM

Okay...I think we should round up several of these BIG GAME hunters, strip them down, and let the relatives of the animals they have hunted so assiduously come after THEM...because, after all, animals deserve the chance to bag trophies, too.

11609. vonKreedon - 8/2/2015 12:46:53 AM

Happily, Jericho may still live. An update to an article on Jericho's death says that people monitoring his GPS collar report, "He looks alive and well to me as far as I can tell."

11610. judithathome - 8/2/2015 5:39:53 PM

I'm certain that makes Cecil, the dead brother, feel better....

11611. judithathome - 8/12/2015 11:11:18 PM

From CNN:

Former President Jimmy Carter says, "Recent liver surgery revealed that I have cancer that now is in other parts of my body."

Carter, 90, had a "small mass" removed from his liver earlier this month. At the time, he received a prognosis for a full recovery.

Carter said he will receive treatment at Emory University in Atlanta.

I can't believe this man is 90 years old...and here's hoping he has a full recovery...the absolute BEST "former" President EVER...a totally selfless man who did more good than any other "former" President. Class act and wishing the very best for him!

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