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11613. judithathome - 8/18/2015 7:56:22 PM

Trump might think about donating to help with THIS situation...Rosie O'Donnells Daughter Missing

11614. judithathome - 9/3/2015 9:49:49 PM

Don't know if anyone saw that photo of the drowned child on the beach this weekend...a child whose parents were hoping to bring him to better life.

It was on Rachel Maddow's show last night and it broke my heart. And take it from me...I have a hardened heart.

This Is The Photo But I Warn You: IT IS GRIM

11615. judithathome - 9/23/2015 9:55:43 PM

My heartfelt thanks to the Pope from coming to visit the USA...it's been an entire morning and afternoon without any coverage of Donald Trump.

11616. judithathome - 10/2/2015 9:59:35 PM

As a matter of fact, the father of the Marysville High School Shooting was just convicted of 6 counts of illegally owning the guns that his son used to kill his schoolmates, then himself. It turns out he had a restraining order on him. He faces up to 11 years in Prison.

Unfortunately, this news was lost to most of the media.

11617. judithathome - 10/4/2015 8:57:59 PM

Okay, I heard something from a discussion panel on one of the political Sunday shows today that gave me pause: ISIS puts out slick propaganda videos aimed at young people...to get them to leave home and come join them in their war against the world. The panel agreed that the videos were "slickly" produced and seem to have worked really well on many young Americans, male AND female, causing them to leave the US to try and join up with the ISIS organization overseas.

The discussion centered on the videos and how young people watch them over and over...the "discussers" agreed to a man that because of the kids being young and their brains still in developmental stages, they are more prone to being swayed into believing and acting on what they are seeing/learning.

So....why is it that "experts" can agree THIS happens and the same experts think violent video games that teenagers play over and over for hours on end...that these sorts of viewings/participating DO NOT cause kids to become more violent/detached from reality? That they don't cause kids to have a jaded view of any conflict resolution rather than the one resulting in bloodshed and dead bodies strewn out at their feet?

11618. arkymalarky - 10/4/2015 9:20:14 PM

Because nobody's trying to sway them into a particular belief. They're just reacting. They react the same way when they're playing Angry Birds. Certain people are vulnerable to certain things and certain people are not. There are certain books certain people shouldn't read and movies certain people shouldn't watch. I think the horror genre is gross and twisted in a lot of ways. I don't understand people's fascination with all the vampire and zombie series, to say nothing of series that are supposed to be more realistic like Breaking Bad, etc, and wonder about how they're able to look at that stuff without being affected irl; but lot of people watch with no effect on their view of real people and real things. it's just like going through a haunted house for them.

11619. arkymalarky - 10/4/2015 9:24:22 PM

People who are attracted to the kind of thinking that the guy in the latest shooting in Oregon was doing, have so many things going on that are wrapped up in their own inability to function in the world and so they are absorbed with not just video games but horror movies and real life accounts, etc. It's not a cause and effect but a correlation. If ir were, 90% of the kids I've taught the last 35 years would be killers.

11620. iiibbb - 10/5/2015 4:28:33 PM

I know there are probably an innumerable number of misanthropes who'd never kill anyone.

I was treated horribly as a kid. I've joked with friends about how if I ever went crazy I'd find businesses with 1 of 2 double doors locked and rampage.

I have played violent video games.

I've trained with guns at pistol practicals.

But please. The idea of actually hurting people is still deeply abhorrent to me... no matter how awful they might be.

11621. judithathome - 10/6/2015 12:58:23 AM

Fine...nothing has changed since I was a teen in 1950s....there is NO explanation for why teenagers today snap and kill fellow teens.

It's all just a mystery....(eyeroll)

11622. arkymalarky - 10/6/2015 2:33:55 AM

No, it's not a mystery, but it's certainly not video games. If only the solution were that simple. I frankly don't understand why people don't wink at the violence in television and movies, but are appalled by the violence in rap music and video games. Like Jay Z said, Scarface the movie did more than Scarface the rapper to me, so that ain't the blame for all the shit that's happened to me. Or something like that.

11623. judithathome - 10/6/2015 10:23:23 PM

Well, I'm coming at this from the "repetition" mode that actually, the military uses to train soldiers...

I appreciate what you're saying but I just cannot see how playing violent video games in which young minds "kill enemies" over and over for hours on end...how that doesn't have some sort of "imprint" on young brains.

I have told this story before but one year at Christmas at a friends' house...the mother of two young sons had given them the video games they'd requested...I walked into the room where they were gleefully playing one of them and the EIGHT YEAR OLD yelled out to his older brother "Go ahead! Shoot her in the vagina!!"


11624. arkymalarky - 10/6/2015 10:39:09 PM

I knew a woman who let her to opposite gender single-digit age children watch porn. That's a parenting issue as much as anything. I've taught 35 years and known hundreds of kids who played video games, and that's just not the issue. They shouldn't be able to get that many guns and that much ammunition. I believe in rating music, movies and video games, but I don't believe in taking them off the market when it would be so much more productive to take away the actual ability to get an Arsenal when you are mentally unstable, or when you're not, for that matter. Another rapper, Eminem, rapoed his own observations about negligent parents, including his, speculating on various misattributions of causes of teen violence. He wrote about being in a movie watching an 8 year old with his 17 year old uncle as Swarzenegger shot up people with an uzi. If you're going to look at the video games, you've got to go for all of it. The books they read and the movies they watch and the TV series they're exposed to are all a part of that package. But the fact remains that the vast majority of people, adults or teens, are not driven to violence because of it. In violent people you can look at many other reasons for what they did, and some of them are not Teens and didn't play video games at all.

11625. arkymalarky - 10/6/2015 11:38:55 PM

Looking at a lot of the kids I've taught, it frankly surprises me that more don't do that. I've had kids grow up to be fine who I would have never imagined based on what I knew of their families and their parents and what they were exposed to through various media and real life.

11626. arkymalarky - 10/6/2015 11:42:07 PM

I've had kids who I truly thought were dangerous, some I still think are dangerous. A lot of times people know that these kids are troubled, including their parents, but they really have no idea what to do about it because there's so little recourse. The American mental health system is a tragic joke.

11627. judithathome - 10/8/2015 6:41:14 PM

Breaking News: Kevin McCarthy just withdrew his name as candidate for Speaker of the House. Couldn't get 218 votes for the speakership...

11628. arkymalarky - 10/8/2015 7:09:06 PM


11629. Ms. No - 10/9/2015 10:30:28 PM

I was listening to some Representative this morning on NPR -- I don't remember the name, but he's part of the "Freedom" caucus or whatever -- and he was going on about how they (the conservative Republican Reps) don't need a Speaker who is ideologically the same as them, just someone willing to let all the factions have a voice. Apparently the Boehner & McCarthy were shutting them out and not letting them be heard and that's why they haven't been able to legislate.

Yeah, the Republican party's problem is that the far-right conservatives aren't being heard.


And these guys really believe they are persecuted. Totally disconnected from reality.

11630. arkymalarky - 10/10/2015 2:13:30 AM

Yeah, I'm listening to them right now. The Republicans created this monster. Now they're going to have to see if they can possibly contain it.

11631. Ms. No - 10/10/2015 3:02:56 AM

What's that saying about if you raise a vicious dog expect to get bit?

11632. arkymalarky - 10/10/2015 6:28:06 AM

And they've gerrymandered in such a way that the lunatics will never give up the asylum

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