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11718. judithathome - 10/21/2004 6:02:46 PM

Speaking of comsumers, just saw a blurb in my paper about the new Hello Kitty! Mastercard for kids ages 10 through 14...yes, get your paws on this little pink and white card and you can run up credit card debt just like mommy and daddy!

11719. PsychProf - 10/21/2004 6:02:49 PM

Ms No...I only know one side here, and so do you. In any case, even if the customer is right, it is just plain scarie to deal with irate people...perhaps if we knew both sides, and what it is like to deal with that anger in that workplace, we might view the situation differently. And...I do not see where "losing one's temper" because one thinks one is right has justification.

11720. judithathome - 10/21/2004 6:09:43 PM

It may not be a justification but it is certainly understandable.

11721. PsychProf - 10/21/2004 6:11:15 PM

And...I agree with Judith, in a way, ie the calling of the police seems to be conterproductive and an overreaction. BUT...I was not there. I find our society increasingly angry, from the shopping arena to the road. Rage seems to be accepted and, even, the norm...encouraged as a solution to conflict.

11722. Jenerator - 10/21/2004 6:40:11 PM

I have seen more and more students get arrested.

As for the Walmart incident, I would have called the cops if I felt threatened, or if the customer was being excessively abusive. I don't tolerate abuse and I don't expect others too, even if they work at Walmart.

That said, I hate Walmat and because of their crappy products and lousy service, I don't shop there.

11723. judithathome - 10/21/2004 6:42:37 PM

Society is constantly barraged with messages that say rage is the way to go for conflict resolution. From music, movies, TV, video...violence is the way to go, we are being told.

Bush even did it in the second debate...he charged Charlie Gibson to make make his point because he lost his temper.

11724. PsychProf - 10/21/2004 6:50:29 PM

Well Judith, look at the posts here!!!

11725. PsychProf - 10/21/2004 6:52:15 PM

And I don't understand...if one has to support a family, or whatever, what is wrong with working at Walmart? Because it doesn't agree with someone's political ideology?

11726. judithathome - 10/21/2004 6:53:37 PM

But this is more like rage once removed...I am talking about images of violence repeated over and over.

Hmmmm...you may have a point there!

11727. PsychProf - 10/21/2004 6:59:32 PM

I meant the posts here on THIS topic...

11728. angel-five - 10/21/2004 7:02:48 PM

It's a weakness to lose your temper and it's foolish to lose it at some flunky and I agree that while it's often quite understandable, it's also counterproductive in most cases IMO. Much mo betta to make other alternatives unattractive to them although some times you're just gonna end up losing your temper at the inveterate and bovine stupidity your undertrained and underskilled 'sales associate' is going to have on display.

11729. Magoseph - 10/21/2004 8:04:07 PM

Because it doesn't agree with someone's political ideology?

Not really, Prof, it's more basic than that.

There are two points of view on the subject of Wal-Mart, almost evenly divided. Those who believe Wal-Mart brings lower prices to the consumer and those who believe this happens to the detriment of small business owners who are forced out of business and in the long-run, the quality of service more than offsets the lower prices. In addition, those without automobiles, the very poor, are without access to retail establishments as the Wal-Marts are established on the highways far from the villages or cities.

Wal-Mart almost invariably wins as they come in with top attorneys and are normally able to get into Federal Courts where the cost of opposing them legally moves out of range for the locals. That’s what happened in the next town to us here.

In respect to employment, there’s no question that local jobs are created. The quality of the replacement income is a debatable issue. I believe it depends on the regional policies of Wal-Mart—for example: even if you can make a case in respect to clerks who obviously have to speak English, the offset is certainly debatable—for instance, if the maintenance of the store is contracted out and brings in, as it usually does, a flood of illegal aliens, most would agree that most gains are knocked out, as the area deteriorates and real-estate values fall. This negative could be extended to trucking and many other maintenance aspects.

11730. judithathome - 10/21/2004 8:21:46 PM

We have a very funny situation here in my village. Due to the closing of the base (now a Reserve base) a lot of land that was leased by the military came back to us and we have inherited a superb golf course and club house...that club house was built to resemble a castle in the 1920s and is a real standout in the cookie cutter golf world of today.

Anyhow, we are selling lots and acres around and across from the golf club. Very expensive group of condo/apartments going up edging the course and even more expensive dwellings going up across the highway from it. Those start at $350,000 and rise to who knows how much.

Into this mix, on the other side of the highway from the pricey condos, is a huge tract of commercial property. My village has a tenative agreement with WalMart to let them build a mega-store on that property. It's really funny...this huge WalMart may be right across the highway from these really expensive condos and apartments. I'm wondering if the value of the (already sold) condos is going to go down after WalMart comes in?

11731. Magoseph - 10/21/2004 9:29:43 PM

No, it won't where you are. Dallas and its suburbs will provide employes who won't have to live in your area.

11732. Jenerator - 10/21/2004 9:47:14 PM


Typically, commercial zoning helps to add value to property, but I suspect that the Walmart SuperCenter will have the opposite effect.

The people who bought the condos should have done some research before buying.

11733. judithathome - 10/21/2004 10:11:54 PM

Jen they'd have had no way of knowing something that wasn't even in the offing at the time.

11734. Ms. No - 10/21/2004 11:06:35 PM


Uh.....I was agreeing with your last statement preceding my post -

On the other hand, if Wal-Mart is anything like similar establishments over here, one's temper is the first thing one loses upon entering.

Most customer service these days is at the very least frustration-making and much of it downright enraging.

I said nothing at all about whether or not it is appropriate to verbally abuse salespeople or call the police on law-abiding citizens.

11735. wonkers2 - 10/21/2004 11:38:59 PM

The Cap'n's argument was with the store manager, not with the sales person. The sales person agreed with the Cap'n that the knife was defective. He called the store manager so that she could be made aware of this fact. The discussion with the manager began on a very calm and quiet note, but escalated when the manager apparently failed to comprehend that The Cap'n's principal motive was to inform the store that Wal-Mart was selling a defective product far below their usual standards. But the Cap'n became irate when the manager denied that the product was defective or inferior and refused to make an adjustment. Later, store employees described to The Cap'n several incidents where the same manager had been quite harsh in firing and disciplining employees of the store for minor errors and infractions. His respect for Wal-Mart was greatly diminished by this and the stupid incident over the defective pocket knife.

11736. Ms. No - 10/22/2004 12:25:29 AM

Ah, the power-madness of lower management.

11737. concerned - 10/22/2004 12:31:28 AM

Re. 11709 -

I rather wish I was there to see it. But I'm learning through rather bitter experience that it might be more productive to simply and clearly state your case, and if that doesn't give a satisfactory result, later run your grievance up the corporate ladder while taking care not to offend any individual excessively.

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