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11738. concerned - 10/22/2004 12:32:51 AM

Re. 11713 -

Only four posts later, someone's claiming it's GWB's fault.

Sorry, magoseph, but that's demented.

11739. concerned - 10/22/2004 12:48:09 AM

My political skills are nothing to be proud of, but I believe I succeeded in salvaging an Ebay transaction where I was virtually certain I was going to be ripped off by employing diplomacy (or just being a non-insulting pain in the ass).

I had won the auction, had had my checked cashed by the seller, and then all communication with the seller ceased. No response to three emails where I cajoled, begged and finally threatened negative feedback (would have been my first ever - btw, I have personally received 100% positive feedback over 260 transactions to date). When I tried to post negative feedback, I found that the seller had terminated her Ebay membership. Finally a month later as a last gasp effort, I got her phone # through ebay and called her, leaving a message where I pleaded with her again to honor the transaction.

Voila. I got an email response, she apparently reactivated her ebay account, sent me the item, and I left positive feedback, only noting a 'slight delay' in the feedback. I left open the option that everything was an 'honest mistake' all along on her part, although I rather suspect otherwise, to tell the truth, since she has had occasional prior negative feedback that pointed out similar nonresponsiveness as I experienced.

In the future, I'm going to vet the feedback of sellers (and buyers as applicable) a little more closely on Ebay before submitting bids, etc..

11740. wonkers2 - 10/22/2004 12:54:38 AM

Wonkers agrees with all comments that The Cap'n's approach was not the best way to deal with the situation. Another store employee gave wonkers the phone number of Wal-Mart's 800 number complaint line at headquarters in Arkansas. He plans to use it to make his points about the defective product and the defective store manager whose mal-treatment of employees is consistent with Wal-Mart's media stereotype.

11741. concerned - 10/22/2004 1:01:37 AM

Of course, I suffer from the added disadvantage of being a great big tall hulking person whose usual distracted attitude is interpreted as something less flattering by many, apparently. I don't think I'll ever really master 'grin and bear it', but at least I've learned to stop scowling when aggravated by sub-par salespeople.

11742. Ulgine Barrows - 10/22/2004 8:32:36 AM

11688. wonkers2

I see others have asked the same thing about $2-buck Chuck with soda water.

I've no idea what you're on about, yum in my tum.
From the name, I think not.
What in the world are you talking about?

I think I'd rather have some improperly-termed sparkling Chablis.

11743. Ulgine Barrows - 10/22/2004 8:36:33 AM

11243. arkymalarky - 8/27/2004 11:11:51 PM
PCWorld and Cnet have saved my computer butt, I must say.

You know what larky, I used to trust CNET, but no longer.
Another sad passing. I got some bad stuff from a download there.

11744. Magoseph - 10/22/2004 2:43:43 PM

Only four posts later, someone's claiming it's GWB's fault.

Sorry, magoseph, but that's demented.

You and I have a real problem, concerned dear, one with Clinton, the other with Bush.

Good morning, everyone!

11745. RickNelson - 10/22/2004 3:12:10 PM

The Cards won, that does make it a good morning. Despite Republicans running the U.S. to hell.

11746. wonkers2 - 10/22/2004 3:40:05 PM

3-buck Chuck is the kindly, derisive name for Charles Shaw California wine sold at Trader Joe's by the case for about $3 a bottle. The chablis is drinkable but the red is a little rough.

11747. marjoribanks - 10/22/2004 4:34:48 PM

I haven't stepped in one of those big giant stores for at least a decade.

Actually, the correct term is had not because now I'm trundling off to Target twice/thrice weekly to load up on all kinds of camping and sports equipment to cram into the container that's being shipped off to India.

It's not terrible quality, but it is really amazing how everything is made in China. Everything.

11748. Magoseph - 10/22/2004 4:45:56 PM

The Cards won, that does make it a good morning.

The Cards, what's that, Rick?

11749. angel-five - 10/22/2004 5:30:55 PM

That'd be the St. Louis Cardinals, the second best team in baseball.

11750. marjoribanks - 10/22/2004 5:36:42 PM


11751. angel-five - 10/22/2004 5:58:20 PM

Oh, like your judgment on matters of baseball is of any import, there, Pejorawanks, you bucktoothed Yankees fan.

11752. angel-five - 10/22/2004 6:04:46 PM

Joe Torre continues, as he always has, to deeply impress me as a man of character and strength and penetrating intellect. Perhaps we can acquire him someday.

11753. PelleNilsson - 10/22/2004 9:00:12 PM

How did the Cafe transmogrify into the Sports thread?

11754. Magoseph - 10/22/2004 9:08:47 PM

The Cards won, that does make it a good morning. Despite Republicans running the U.S. to hell.

They just want to have a good day, Pelle. Wabbit didn't complain, so no harm is done. No one talks about politics any more in my local coffee shop either, they talk about sports too. Give us a break, we are all so stressed these days, you know.

11755. PsychProf - 10/22/2004 9:11:02 PM

I'm gonna show Pelle first hand what a wedgie is.

11756. Jenerator - 10/22/2004 9:42:56 PM


Jen they'd have had no way of knowing something that wasn't even in the offing at the time.

Zoning is established years beforehand, often as much as 30 years. I guarantee you they could have found out that Walmart was coming ~ especially if it was freeway zoning.

Prospective home buyers should always, always, always check the zoning for any unused land around or near their potential property.

My guess is that the condo buyers you're speaking of would have found that Walmart had been in the works for five years, had they investigated.

Oh, and don't count on a real estate agent being truthful in this regard. Instead, check with the planning and zoning commission/board for the city that the property is located in.

11757. judithathome - 10/22/2004 10:01:37 PM

Jen, no disrespect but you don't know what you are talking about in this instance. I can guarantee you they wouldn't have known WalMart was coming in the last six months. And I know this for a fact because I was on the zoning committee and we never even cleared the land for commercial use til ten months ago. In fact, five years ago, we didn't have title to the land.

WalMart has only become interested in this property in the last 2 months because they are closing a near-by store and want to find a larger parcel of land on which to re-open a megaWalMart. We may not even get the bid.

But your advice, while good, would have had no bearing on what the condo buyers could have discovered from the zoning board because we hadn't even decided what we were going to do with the land. Had they waited for our five year plan, which we now have, it would have been too late anyhow.

And let me tell you, anyone willing to shell out $350,000 on up for an apartment certainly wouldn't rely on an untruthful real estate agent. That's a rather large investment and I doubt they would do that lightly without some input they trust.

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