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12172. thoughtful - 11/20/2004 12:28:06 AM

thanks magos, I enjoy doing rooms, and am sure, given the bedding you posted and your description, that yours will be just terrific.

12173. Magoseph - 11/20/2004 12:36:50 AM

I'm going to try, but I doubt that I'll post pictures of it. I don't have a camera. My sons provide me with pictures usually.

12174. judithathome - 11/20/2004 1:10:24 AM

Thouhgtful! Great job on the bedroom. And I love that you have teddys on the bed!

That is an impressive job on the shade and the flowers in the vase match the border perfectly. I recall the den, or study, that you did a few years ago, wit burgandies and greens. You definitely have a knack for decorating.

We have used various things in our house that we've collected over the years in our travels and our hunts at estate sales and malls. Things that people have given us, too. Some people think my house is like a museum and it is, really...a museum of a life.

12175. sakonige - 11/20/2004 1:51:17 AM

very pretty bedroom. I get way too much dust in my house for that kind of thing, though, for some reason. Maybe I leave the windows open too much, but all that fru-fru stuff doesn't work worth a damn for me. I have to have easily cleanable surfaces. Everything has to be dustable and/or washable.

12176. judithathome - 11/20/2004 4:19:20 AM

Well, everything in any room is dustable or washable in some form or another.

But I know what you meant. ;-)

12177. arkymalarky - 11/20/2004 4:36:40 AM

Beautiful, Thoughtful!

12178. sakonige - 11/20/2004 5:18:11 AM

I don't know why, but I get swamped with dust. I can't believe other people have to spend as much time dusting as I do or the world would be a lot freer of nic-nacs and draperies.

12179. angel-five - 11/20/2004 6:19:55 AM

You might try buying one or two of those ionic breeze things. The people I know who have 'em love 'em.

12180. sakonige - 11/20/2004 6:37:32 AM

might be a good idea. I have a conventional dust-sucker thingy in my bedroom. It is amazing how much stuff it picks up. I think a lot of it is pollen.

12181. arkymalarky - 11/20/2004 7:46:18 AM

I need to get one of those too. We have lots of dust, and you're right it's probably pollen here, too. I'm allergic to about everything, but not much to dust, thank goodness. I have two purifiers, but I'm not good at keeping the filters changed.

12182. Ulgine Barrows - 11/20/2004 9:03:01 AM

12162. thoughtful, it looks fab. I could dive on into that bed and feel comfy.

I'm with sakonige on the dusting - I use my vacuum to dust. The florals you have would get sucked up, oops.

Not my style, I'm a contemporary angle kinda gal, but it sure does look inviting. The orangish bedspread complementing the blues around the room, brilliant!

12183. Ms. No - 11/20/2004 5:40:05 PM

Lovely room, Thoughtful, but I'm in awe of your curtains. No way in a million years could I make anything that looked as good as that. You are so way craftier than I. I occasionally luck out when decorating but I really don't have much eye for consistently creating it.

12184. Ms. No - 11/20/2004 5:45:17 PM

Gah! Dust!!

I live on a very busy street with lots of big trees so if I leave my windows open --- which is pretty much all summer long --- I get this combination of black road dust and tree pollen on everything. Next summer I may have to invest in a window AC unit to avoid turning everything inside my house gray.

I've got a lot of dust-attracting stuff. Candles and stone jars and lamps and wall sconces most of which haven't yet been unpacked since the organization of furniture and flat surfaces in my home is still a bit fluid.

It may turn out that I have to buy stock in Pledge.

12185. judithathome - 11/20/2004 8:04:37 PM

Get those little Swiffer dusters for cleaning surfaces other than floors...they are a boon to dusting.

Pledge has a tendency to remain on the surface and collect even more dust but then it becomes goopy dust.

12186. christipeters - 11/20/2004 10:55:21 PM

Surprise! I'm back!

I don't have the interface problems when I post from home and now that I am unemployed, I have more time to play on the internet.

So, how y'all been?

12187. Magoseph - 11/20/2004 11:03:16 PM

Hello, what a nice surprise to see you back, Christi. What on earth happened with your job? Have you decided to retire--aren't a little too young for that?

12188. christipeters - 11/20/2004 11:14:46 PM

Massive reorg, gutting my division, resulted in my being laid off as of last Tuesday. (along with a LOT of other people) Great separation package though.

I'm actually still officially working for my company until Dec. 16. However, my only "job" is to find another job, preferably in the company. There are job openings set aside for internal filling and a subset of those are set aside specifically to be filled only by one of us that are being laid off. I have use of my office and company assets for that use until 12/16.

My company also contracted an outplacement service for all of us that we have access to until we have a job or decide to quit trying. Plus there's soe educational benefits too that I haven't quite scoped out yet.

To tell the truth, I just emerged from shock and got my brain working again yesterday.

12189. Ms. No - 11/20/2004 11:17:55 PM

Christi!!! Wonderful to see you --- I am literally running out the door but I'll look forward to seeing you here in the Cafe more often!

12190. judithathome - 11/20/2004 11:19:03 PM

Christi, hello! Sorry to hear about your job. There seems to be a lot of this going around in North Texas.

How is Lil Darlin'?

12191. christipeters - 11/20/2004 11:25:48 PM

Not so little anymore! She's 16, a Junior in high school with her eyes firmly fixed on the College prize. I'm sure I bragged enough in the past that y'all remember she's always been in the GT program and always been on the high honor roll. This year she's taking four AP classes (US. History, Latin 4, Studio Art, and English) her other 4 classes are Pre-AP GT Pre-calculus, Pre-AP GT Physics, and a two class block of Heath Science that includes clinicals at the local hospital. Her current rotation is in the cath lab. She's in SIX service clubs, too.

(Makes me tired just to type it)

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