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12208. thoughtful - 11/22/2004 3:47:47 AM

pelle, artificial flowers? No, of course not. I'd never stoop to something so crass. I have 'everlasting' flowers! I even admit to using 'everlasting' plants in some areas of the house too where watering would be most inconvenient...on top of book cases and such... and/or where there's not enough light to keep real plants alive. Though I do have real plants and flowers as well. (In fact Phil the phaelanopsis is getting ready to bloom again!)

I have a hanging 'everlasting' plant in my office that must look pretty realistic as the plant man came by and was ready to water it before he realized it was fake.

12209. Ms. No - 11/22/2004 6:51:15 AM


That would've been my Mamaw's birthday as well -- it seems to fall on Thanksgiving more years than not. Does Mose get a cake and a celebration even when it's on T-Day? Give her my felicitations!

12210. Ms. No - 11/22/2004 6:54:43 AM


Be an angry young man as long as you like. The alternative is crotchety and who wants to be that? Maybe when I'm 80 I'll take pleasure in scaring the neighbor kids off my grass just for the hell of it, for now, I refuse to grow up.

12211. Magoseph - 11/22/2004 3:28:21 PM

Welcome back, Dubai--I agree with Ms. No, don't change too much. I have bouts of being feisty around here from time to me, usually if Kuli or Concerned provoke me. Now, Kuli takes the fun out of my outbursts--he just tells me to take a nap, or my meds.

Photographers, check out The Good Life. Christi, I sent e-mails to both my sons that requested they sent me pictures resized 640x480.

I'm certain to after the regular state legislative session ends, hopefully by the end of February.

Arky, that's a long time.

12212. Jenerator - 11/22/2004 4:13:34 PM

Hi Dubai, good to see you again!

And YOU, Christi!!! Congratulations on having such a talented child, I wish she was one of my students (we yearn for kids like her!)

12213. Magoseph - 11/22/2004 5:14:00 PM

Now, I wonder what's happening with Neato and Anomie.

Where is Mac this morning? Every morning at my coffee hang-out, the usual frequenters of the place are asking each other the same questions--Where is So-and So, and what about Smith and Jones--isn't about time we check on them?

It's easy to do that here, but in our Mote cafe, we have to wait until they show up. Yeah, well, all I can hope is that they will be lurking in here one of these days.

12214. Magoseph - 11/22/2004 8:55:53 PM

Anybody wants to post their Thanksgiving's plans, so the rest of us know what you're up to?

12215. Max Macks - 11/22/2004 11:29:31 PM

I dont think you meant me.

World Crossing is acting so strange I thought
I best see if I could still get to the Mote

12216. Magoseph - 11/22/2004 11:47:14 PM

I meant Macnas, Max, but I'm very glad you are with us today, and I sincerely hope that you'll be back. How are you? Are you going to have turkey Thursday?

12217. arkymalarky - 11/23/2004 12:56:45 AM

MsNo, I didn't realize it was your grandmother's birthday too. Mose gets a big Thanksgiving feast this year, but no special event with us. Her grandparents will probably do something and her friends are taking her to Brauhaus (great German restaurant in Hot Springs) one day next week.


It is a while, but it's the first time I actually feel I can see something of an end to all this in two years, so it seems almost short to me.

12218. Ulgine Barrows - 11/23/2004 10:32:07 AM

Hey Ms. No, Thanksgiving also reminds me of favorites gone, and gone.

I almost told a child in the post office to stop shrieking, 'it hurts my ears' today. 'Get off the lawn' will be next.

12219. Ulgine Barrows - 11/23/2004 10:34:32 AM

Magoseph, we're having twenty for dinner. I hope I can pull it off. I am up late, obsessing. Which is not the thing to do.

I should begin a big renovation of the kitchen, yes, that's the ticket. Much better than obsessing.

12220. Macnas - 11/23/2004 10:39:19 AM

Twenty? Jaysus, I don't think there has ever been more than 8 people at one time in my house ever......Get off the lawn!...Get out of my house!..

12221. Ulgine Barrows - 11/23/2004 10:40:26 AM

According to the Martha Stewart thanksgiving planner, I should spend my day tomorrow, ironing tablecloths and napkins.

I think I'll buy some meat, vegetables, and wine, instead.

12222. Ulgine Barrows - 11/23/2004 10:41:55 AM

Oh, that made me laugh.

12223. Magoseph - 11/23/2004 12:42:22 PM

I went ourside for the paper and when I came back, I flipped the wrong switch and the outside circuit system went off--blaring alarm and bright lights. Flexy never woke up, but the neighbor closest to our house came over in his pajamas and robe. I greeted him in the same garb and we chatted for a while drinking coffee. He just called to joke that we can meet in the night undetected now since the racket did not disturb his wife either.

Ulgine, you will have a buffet-style meal, won't you?

12224. Ulgine Barrows - 11/23/2004 12:54:46 PM

Keep calm. Sit down.
That's something to wake up to.

12225. Ulgine Barrows - 11/23/2004 1:07:28 PM

Why yes, buffet style is OK. But I'll have table laid out in advance. Plates won't match, who cares?

Husband and I can wait on the crowd, too. We like them, the cuteheads.

We need to drag the table leaves out from under the bed.

12226. thoughtful - 11/23/2004 3:21:07 PM

wow, 20 is a lot for dinner. We used to get at most about 14. mother and i would slave away in the kitchen for hours. planning ahead was also a time consuming task. So much effort ahead of time and within minutes, the food is consumed and the meal is over.

This year we're heading to a restaurant as it's just the 2 of us...restaurant is in an old new england colonial inn so the atmosphere should be cozy...just right for tgiving day.

We'll also stop by the nursing home to visit MIL. We used to have dinner with here there, but she's deteriorated so much that there's little point in doing that any more. She barely says a word any more, ever. Poor lady, 90, blind, hard of hearing, mentally deteriorated, but her body systems keep her running....a little food processor.

After overeating, we'll probably take one of our walks...help burn up all those calories!

Friday a.m. we'll be heading to the mall to man the 'angel tree' where gifts are collected for needy children. I'm expecting to enjoy big crowds of people on the busiest shopping day of the year.

Rest of the weekend will consist of work...I have so much on my plate and no time to get it done. Yikes!

12227. christipeters - 11/23/2004 5:22:50 PM

Thanksgiving is my Mom's 77th birthday. She's spending the day with my big brother.

It will just be my daughter and I here. Since it's just the two of us, instead of doing the traditional dishes for Thanksgiving, I am cooking each of us our favorites. So for my daughter that is salmon, cheddar potatoes, corn on the cob, and pumpkin pie with cool whip. For me that is steak, baked potato, asparagus and apple pie with vanilla ice cream.

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