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12401. Magoseph - 12/1/2004 12:16:54 PM

Won, I wonder if Abs tried this restaurant. We have one here in Lake Geneva. My DIL wants to go there next time we go to the hairdresser. Tell me, how was your food?

Hello, Mac and Ali. We had snow last night, not much, only a couple of inches.

12402. Macnas - 12/1/2004 12:41:21 PM

Hello Mago. It's getting steadily colder here, 'though snow is doubtful.

We are getting many strange bird migrations here at present, such as flights of Ruddy duck and the like, where as before we might only have seen a few pairs now and then.

Also, Snipe and Woodcock numbers are well up. I don't know what this means, but it could mean a very hard winter ahead.

12403. alistairconnor - 12/1/2004 12:51:30 PM

How about peeling onions? That's the local folk wisdom about predicting a hard winter here : either they peel easier or they don't, I can't remember which.

There's also the "white man chop much wood" school. Modernised : the price of fuel oil is high, so winter will be high.

12404. alistairconnor - 12/1/2004 12:53:30 PM

Our inch or two of snow from the night before last is still on the ground - temperatures around zero, roads icy in places. I picked up my snow tyres last night, so I'm feeling a bit safer.

Remind me to post some pictures of the "real" Lake Geneva, Mago -- from this summer's bike trip.

12405. Magoseph - 12/1/2004 3:47:16 PM

Oh, I will, Ali--I wonder how this place near us, on Lake Michigan, ever got its name. My paper is late--I get aggravated if I can't solve my brain ticklers, especially if I can't go outside.

Mac, Flexy noted the same about unusual birds in this area, a while ago, and he wondered about a harsh winter too.

12406. judithathome - 12/1/2004 4:00:57 PM

Thoughtful, call a local antiques mall or store and ask if they have any costume jewelry dealers. Then ask for their phone #s and call and see if they either DO repair or know someone who does.

The woman I buy from has her husband do repairs..he is quite good and has a ton of loose stones of every color. Probably dealers in your neck of the woods do, too.

12407. christipeters - 12/1/2004 4:12:33 PM

judith - You know, I adore each and every one of those pieces. I still get compliments on the pieces you gave me after we were robbed and I was jewelry-less. I love wearing them.

12408. thoughtful - 12/1/2004 4:29:10 PM

Thanks judithah. There is an antiques mall in the area i've never been to...good excuse to go!

12409. wonkers2 - 12/1/2004 4:38:01 PM

Mago, we ejoyed the food at Cactus. I had a rib eye steak cooked Mexican style. My prospective daughter-in-law had a Mexican vegetarian dish. I didn't realize Cactus was a chain. The food was good and the prices reasonable.

12410. Ms. No - 12/1/2004 6:02:32 PM

Okay, now I feel like a complete wimp. I hadn't yet turned the heat on in my apartment and last night I looked at the thermostat and thought "Hmm....63 degrees inside the house, I could maybe turn the heat on," but now I'm going to feel like a big baby if I do. You people have SNOW already and it was a balmy 42F in Burbank this morning when I woke up --- outside the house. I've no idea what the temp was inside because I didn't check.

I think the first thing I'll do is seal the windows, though. It's an old place with sash windows so they're draughty. There's an icy breeze that blows directly into my shower.

12411. Macnas - 12/1/2004 6:16:00 PM

Into the shower? Agggh!

12412. Macnas - 12/1/2004 6:18:44 PM

63degF is about 17 or so deg.c. Comfort level is at around 21 deg.c (69 or 70 deg.F), so either put on a wolly jumper or turn the damn heating on!

12413. iiibbb - 12/1/2004 6:23:30 PM

This should get everyone in the spririt

The dance at the end is quite interesting.

12414. alistairconnor - 12/1/2004 6:24:17 PM

There's an icy breeze that blows directly into my shower.

Lauging -- not for the visual image (ok, not only!) but those Pacific Rim old wooden houses... lived in a few... unheatable.

12415. thoughtful - 12/1/2004 6:31:54 PM

I remember when we stayed in la jolla in january. we froze our butts off! we were never so cold! Here we were right on the beach with the wind blasting off the ocean in a room where they didn't even attempt to cover the air conditioner! (First thing we did in our room was block off that puppy with the spare blanket. Much better.) The halls were all just covered walkways open to the weather which only seemed to aggravate the wind. We had to stop in the lobby and there it was 40 degrees and they had the front and back doors wide open! Mind you this was during the energy crisis in so cal a couple of years ago. We were so appalled that we felt so cal deserved the high energy prices if they were going to be so foolishly wasteful of what they got. I mean it was the middle of jan and they still had the xmas lights on in town. ridiculous.

We couldn't wait to get back to new england to warm up!!'

Well, I don't want to overstate the case. We did go hot tubbing in the moonlight which was absolutely incredible...until we got out of the tub, soaking wet and froze all the way back to the room. And during the day it warmed up very nicely, especially inland once we got away from that ocean breeze...more like a gale actually.

12416. PelleNilsson - 12/1/2004 6:34:32 PM

We once stayed in an English B&B where we got hot water bottles to take to bed. And we needed them.

12417. alistairconnor - 12/1/2004 6:42:34 PM

Ahhh my cold-water flat in Greenwich with the sash windows and the wind from Siberia... and the mad Polish countess upstairs...

12418. Ms. No - 12/1/2004 6:49:04 PM

Dang, AC, I want to come live with you it always sounds interesting!

12419. Ms. No - 12/1/2004 6:51:06 PM


Yeah, I've been wearing sweaters around the house and I do wear my wooly-booger socks to bed, but I think I can hold off on using the heat another month if I cover my windows to keep the draughts out. I have a LOT of windows.

Mostly if I'm not bustling around I just make my dog lay on my feet and that seems to do the trick.

12420. Ms. No - 12/1/2004 6:56:31 PM


Yes, the winds here can be freaky. The past few days we've had a chill wind blowing, but right around Christmas we'll probably get the Santa Anas which are warm and bring the smell of barnyards with them. Christmas day will probably be a sweltering 70F. When I flew to Texas last week, however, it was colder in LA than Dallas by nearly 20 degrees.

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