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12721. iiibbb - 12/15/2004 6:09:44 PM

An ombudsman is an impartial arbitrator. If you go through channels and can't get a satisfying result, ombudsmen are supposed to smooth things over. I've only worked at one place that's ever had one... and the only thing they ever said is that you have to go through normal channels before tapping them.

12722. wonkers2 - 12/15/2004 6:34:31 PM

Concerned, one other question--is he a Democrat? Is he familiar with your political inclinations? I spent most of my career with a car company as a closet Democrat. Even so, I was under suspicion as a result of opinions I occasionally expressed on various issues!

12723. wonkers2 - 12/15/2004 6:35:15 PM

If your boss is a Dem, maybe you should consider leaving the dark side!

12724. concerned - 12/15/2004 10:02:53 PM

Re. 12722 -

Believe it or not, at work, I've been fairly apolitical. I did mention to one other employee (not in my department) that I voted for GWB, but I've also been somewhat critical of the Iraq War at work. Maybe that's my problem - not wearing my patriotism on my sleeve enough?

12725. Max Macks - 12/15/2004 10:03:37 PM

Good morning , or good noon.
It's high noon where I am.

Just thought I would lurk in and
mention that Oz of Random Int'l.

gave The Mote a nice plug in my forum
that I have in World Crossing.

12726. Magoseph - 12/15/2004 10:10:31 PM

A very interesting conversation, concerned dear, thank you. I hope that you continue it.

Ali, I have a picture for you in The Good Life.

I have received a Christmas package from my brother and his wife-this time, papillotes, a fougasse, and a foulard en cachemire.

12727. wonkers2 - 12/15/2004 10:15:00 PM

From my experience in Michigan and DC, my impression is most government employees are Democrats with a few moderate Republicans.

12728. judithathome - 12/15/2004 10:23:02 PM

Well, damn..I'm getting a cold and I have tickets to a play tomorrow night.

12729. thoughtful - 12/15/2004 10:52:24 PM

take cold-eeze...it has zinc in it and is known to significantly reduce the severity and length of colds...a real immune-system booster.

suck one lozenge every 2hrs. Not all zinc lozenges are known to help as they have other ingredients which counteract the zinc activity....cold-eeze has studies backing up its efficacy.

12730. alistairConnor - 12/15/2004 10:55:35 PM

A fougasse indeed! That was daring.

I hope it was still in working order. (i.e. edible)

12731. Max Macks - 12/15/2004 10:55:49 PM

Those Swiss cough drops

dont have the name in front of me , are also
good..Riccola or something like that...
What play do yo have have tickets for Judith.

12732. alistairConnor - 12/15/2004 10:56:35 PM

Just a bit of amateur philology -- I would be very surprised if "fougasse" wasn't closely related to "foccacio".

12733. Max Macks - 12/15/2004 11:11:57 PM


;please enlighten me-- who is the BIG CHEESE
in The Mote nowadays?

12734. Ms. No - 12/15/2004 11:29:44 PM


When my stepdad was sick over the holiday he was only in bed for one day --- he ate lots of almonds (high in zinc) and dried apricots. The boost seemed to do him well.

12735. alistairConnor - 12/15/2004 11:42:22 PM


Wabbit is Da Man --
She always has been.

12736. judithathome - 12/15/2004 11:51:32 PM

Max, it's called Comic Potential (I think) and is about a futuristic TV comedy writer who hires a robot to star in his program. It's by Alan Ayckbourn.

12737. judithathome - 12/15/2004 11:52:01 PM


12738. Magoseph - 12/16/2004 12:58:48 AM

Ali, la fougasse est un peu escagacée (comme on dit dans le midi), ausi plutôt rassie mais très bonne quand même. On l'a déjà mangée et maintenant Flexy s'apprête à allumer un des cigares cubains que Jeannot lui a envoyés, juste pour l'odeur, dit-il--il ne fume pas. J'ai immediatement envoyé les chocolats à mes fils de peur de les manger tous.

12739. Magoseph - 12/16/2004 12:59:31 AM

Excuse my French, folks!

12740. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 12/16/2004 3:23:07 AM

No excuses necessary -- I'm duly impressed, le big time!

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