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12840. thoughtful - 12/21/2004 6:22:33 PM

Today our sunrise is 7:15 and sunset at 4:22

Maybe someone can explain why there is variation around sunset/sunrise time this time of year...I mean last week, the sunrise was getting later but so was the sunset, only the sunrise was getting later faster than the sunset was. I always thought it would just be a steady progression toward shorter days at both ends until the winter solstice, and then a steady reversal. Of course we're only talking a minute or two, but it still seems odd.

12841. Ms. No - 12/21/2004 6:23:35 PM

I LIKE cold weather if I'm prepared for it. Nobody in LA is prepared for 36F in the middle of November. Hell, it rarely gets that cold here even in January or Feb.

So I ran the heat for four days but haven't turned it on since. I'll be at my step-dad's folks' place this weekend and it's toasty in their house....although I think I may be sleeping on an air mattress in the living room.

As the only single adult offspring I get to sleep like the rest of the "kids".

I think I may get a hotel. Sheesh, I can't believe I didn't think of this until just now.

12842. thoughtful - 12/21/2004 6:24:13 PM

We had a sharp cold snap yesterday. Morning started out at 5 and it cooled off to 4 during the day. Woke up this am and it was 2. Fortunately, it will be quick. Today it's supposed to hit 30 and maybe near 60 by Thursday...go figure!

Better believe we had our woodstove cranking all day.

12843. Ms. No - 12/21/2004 7:08:42 PM


Do I remember correctly that you had radiant heat installed in part of your house?

12844. Max Macks - 12/21/2004 8:21:10 PM

I thought you were flying .
That drive up #5 is sure boring , ain't it.

Thoughtful-- I had a friend who was an astronomer
explain why the light does not increase in even
minutes each day and the sun set in even increments
each day , but I probably didn't understand the
explaination !!-LOL-- and have forgotten it by now.

12845. thoughtful - 12/21/2004 8:35:21 PM

Ms No, no we don't have radiant heat. We were considering it as part of our new house project. We've decided against it for the main floor anyway as we want to have vinyl and carpeted surfaces which don't do well with radiant. Also radiant takes time to heat, and as we will be using our woodstove a lot, it won't provide us with the quick alternative we want. Now we are leaning to hotwater base board, though radiant is still under consideration for the finished basement which i'd like to finishwith a dyed concrete and area carpets where needed.

12846. RickNelson - 12/21/2004 9:01:10 PM

The Canadian Clipper sprinting down through N.D. and Minnesota will likely reach Texas. Arky you'll probably get this cold snap too.

We were about 30+F on Monday and are almost 9 today, with falling temps to about 6 by evening. Tomorrow we'll have a high about 3-5 and on Friday about 0. Oh well. Christmas day is likely to be 10-15. A heat-wave by comparison.

We've not had enough snow either. We had about an inch overnight. We might have a bit more, maybe.

I heard the whimpy news broadcasters out east this morning. Ohhhhhhhh, their having 22F! That's ssoooooooo, cold. HA!

12847. Ms. No - 12/21/2004 9:13:19 PM


Yeah, it's one of the most boring drives I've ever made with any regularity. I just make sure I've got good tunes for the CD player and then kind of go half-trance for the trip. I've made it so many times that it doesn't seem all that long anymore.

12848. Ms. No - 12/21/2004 9:18:10 PM


I'm researching radiant heat a bit for the shack. We're nowhere near putting in heating and cooling yet so the options are still pretty wide open. I'll be working with an acid-treated concrete floor in the studio/guest quarters and then hardwood in the main house. Cooling isn't much of an issue in the mountains and I think I'll be fine with just an attic fan, but it does get cold and snowy in the winter so good heat is a must.

12849. thoughtful - 12/21/2004 10:40:35 PM

radiant heat is not recommended under hardwood floors, though someone told me it's ok if you have the old-fashioned, kilndried, thick hardwood flooring that is not prefinished installed and you have to lower the temp on the water so as not to dry out and shrink the wood too much. I was in a house with radiant heat under prefinished hardwood and it made thefloor look terrible...warped some and gaps opened up...notgood.

radiant heat is best under concrete and ceramic and stone...massive stuff that holds the heat well and is not disturbed by the temp changes.

You might check hydro-air system as that can be used for both heating and cooling.

12850. thoughtful - 12/21/2004 10:42:51 PM

then again, if this is a sometime use thing, then you might want to consider electric heat. Very expensive to operate, but it means no furnace so no maintenance issues. We're most thankful that mom's condo which sits vacant for the winter months has electric heat so we don't have to worry about a furnace dying and all the pipes freezing.

12851. Max Macks - 12/21/2004 11:39:15 PM

I have two south windows in my apartment
and I get so much solar heat (when the sun is shinning)
that I often have to open the door or a window.

12852. Max Macks - 12/21/2004 11:41:50 PM

When I lived in San Franciso
and was rich intead of poor like now
I lived in a house that had radiant heat.
I guess pipes run under the cement floor and have
hot water circulate thru them.

So what happens if a pipe springs a leak I used to wonder,
Do the ever leak ? How would one know?

12853. wonkers2 - 12/22/2004 12:46:09 AM

The Cap'n came through surgery in fine shape today with a local anesthetic which permitted him to hear the O.R. conversations and join in occasionally. He asked the doctor, a cosmetic surgeon, if he had taken the Playboy breast test. He said he had and didn't believe one of the answers was correct. But his score was 19 out of 20. That led into a discussion between him and the O.R. nurse about breast surgery, when it's appropriate, why so many women go overboard, etc. The surgeon opined that shape was more important than size to which the Cap'n and the nurse readily agreed. The doctor said mostly topless dancers are the ones who want two sizes too big and that he turned those jobs down. Demi Moore's claims of not having breast surgery also came in for discussion as well as several others, e.g. Tyra Banks. All in all, not a bad surgical experience!

12854. arkymalarky - 12/22/2004 1:36:51 AM

One never knows what sort of valuable things one might learn during surgery.

Congrats on the smooth operation, so to speak.

12855. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 12/22/2004 3:19:49 AM

Ditto on the congrats, Cap'n.

Thought you'd find this site interesting.

12856. OhioSTOPAS - 12/22/2004 2:00:15 PM

The Cap'n insisted on a local anesthetic so he wouldn't have to ask someone to hold his beer.

12857. thoughtful - 12/22/2004 3:57:02 PM

glad for the news cap'n, and thanks for keeping us...er....abreast....of the situation!

12858. alistairconnor - 12/22/2004 3:58:02 PM

If I've followed correctly, the Cap'n had a supernumary nipple removed from his face?

12859. thoughtful - 12/22/2004 4:11:01 PM

I mean the surgery could've been a real bust.

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