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12934. Max Macks - 12/27/2004 4:08:39 AM

Muchas Gracis wonkers.

so tell me are you male or female?
When we had our long chat here the other day
I had impression you were male, but then some post
somewhere made me think your female.

Is there a Mister and Mrs. wonkers2??

12935. wonkers2 - 12/27/2004 5:58:45 AM

W2 is male and there is a mrs. w2 and three offspring, one female and two males--an architect, a lawyer and a software engineer, all supporting themselves!

12936. angel-five - 12/27/2004 8:27:47 AM

This was the first Christmas we've had since my mom passed away. It was pretty hard on both my brother and I, but extremely hard on my father. He competently managed Christmas shopping and arranging and decorating and whatnot all on his own (he even put up two trees this year, because of all the ornaments) and he was happy (the more so to see his family) but it was pretty hard watching him as the day wore on. I guess lifelong love wouldn't be so special, if losing it didn't gut a man.

We did what we could, and I think he had a pretty good time much of the day, but in the end I guess there's no good way to spend your first christmas after you bury your wife. The ironic thing is that helping him was pretty much what made the season for me -- it helped me keep my mind off the fact that I was away from my girlfriend and that my mom wasn't there (which is no mean feat considering that she was always the centerpiece of any holiday with her organizing and hosting).

12937. angel-five - 12/27/2004 8:29:28 AM

That's how life is, I guess. My niece, who is nothing short of completely perfect AFAICS, was a pleasure to behold (she's a year and nine months so this was her first 'real' Christmas) and -- well, one of the things I got her was this large stuffed animatronic moose that sang a ridiculous 'Christmoose' carol. It was a smash hit and has the added side benefit of slowly driving my brother mad, because as all parents know when a child gets something that makes noise, they will maximize the noise-making in a way specifically ensured to leach away your patience. Tonight on the phone he informed me that it's been 45 minutes straight of the moose, with my niece shouting 'Moose!' 'Moose!' whenever she feels like hearing it again.

Like I said once; infinity is composed of finite parts. I miss my mother terribly at times like this, when you just can't help but think about her and her absence. But it's wonderful to see how Christmas gifts can kindle a child's joy. Warming. I never used to think I wanted kids, but now I know I do. I never used to understand just why grandparents were so intent about little children either, but now I think I'm beginning to understand. It might all be a nice sounding lie we tell ourselves when we start feeling the draft from whenever mortality leaves the door open on a late December day, and we start feeling the chain grow slack behind us even as we reach for the newest forged links to pull ourselves forward another step. But I don't think it much matters if it is, because it encapsulates life's rich poetic beauty all the same, true or false.

12938. Ulgine Barrows - 12/27/2004 9:46:39 AM

Moms held the holidays together, I think.
They know Christmas is for kids.
Good job on the coping with change.

12939. judithathome - 12/27/2004 5:21:21 PM

A5, that last paragraph was truly beautiful.

12940. Ms. No - 12/27/2004 7:55:05 PM

Merry Monday to you all.

Great to see uzmakk and lemwalker!!

Hope you all had a good holiday or Saturday with Movie and Chinese Food. ;->

I made it from Burbank to Concord in just under five hours. This means that the only person on the road going faster than me was CalGal --- if she happened to be out driving Friday morning.

The trip home last night went well until I hit the Grapevine and then the traffic became crazy-making. So the total return trip took me 6.5 hours. Bleh.

The holiday was very good though. Christmas Eve tradition with this side of the family involves lots of seafood: muscles, oysters, clams, shrimp, King Crab legs, calamari. Yum! Then we sat down to play cards en famille. Always a good time.

We attended the Children's Mass at 4pm and my young cousin served as an acolyte for the service. I have to say that it was not a particularly fun experience. I've discovered that I'm a sacrament snob. If I'm going to go to church it had better be good theater. I want the readers to be well-spoken and passionate about their readings. I want the priest to have a focused and well-presented message. I want the music to be well performed. The children's choir was cute if not particularly skilled, but I wish the popular sacred Christmas carols weren't so boring - Away in a Manger? O Little Town of Bethlehem? The First Noel? Gimme a break. I want Hark the Herald Angels Sing and Angels We Have Heard on High and God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen, The Holly and the Ivy, O Holy Night, Go Tell it on the Mountain and the Coventry Carol.

12941. Dubai Vol - 12/28/2004 2:32:54 AM

i know just what you mean Ms No. Mrs Vol tuned in the BBC service and the children's choir just wasn't up to snuff. There was, however, a nice humorous piece told from the point of view of the innkeeper....

We're getting a second night of rain in Dubai. In a country with an average annual rainfall of less than 3 inches, this is a big deal, and not an unmixed blessing: a one-hour storm several weeks ago cause millions in damage, collapsing roofs of newly-built "luxury" homes (prospective Dubai property buyers take note) and localised flooding. Hardly a tsunami, of course....

12942. angel-five - 12/28/2004 8:26:15 AM

A Few I Want To Say Right Now But Don't Feel Like Making Whole Posts About Them:

1) My girlfriend likes spray cheese. Spray cheese is majorly sketchy if you ask me, but I can't figure out whether I dislike it because it's so kitschy-crappy or because it is goop with cheese flavor added to it.

2) People around here seriously drive like they're controlling their car via endocrine reactions. And I don't mean subtle ones. I mean cascade-crash reactions like fight or flight or uncontrollable urge of passion. If you hooked up a jackrabbit to an electroshock mesh and fed it adrenal glands by the spoonful it would drive like everyone else in this town.

3) These people get pissed because they have to pay taxes but don't get Senators and Representatives. Granted that that's a real beef but anyone sitting and watching Washington people drive for more than a half hour would vote to keep it that way. Anyway, taxation without representation matters much less to these zongs than whether or not they will get a baseball team, so it can't be that bad of a system. Maybe we could try it in Texas.

4) Valerian tea tastes like a moldy leather boot that someone's been keeping in their ass. Why am i drinking this bilge?

5) I think that the FDA could relax some of its testing regimens for new medications if it only allowed human trials to be run on pharmaceutical executives.

6) Why is the trial of Saddam Hussein getting like a thirtieth of the coverage the Peterson murder got?

7) Whenever I encounter someone that is whoop-whoop crazy in real life, I usually wonder where it is that they hang out online.

8) I wonder if I bought Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, whether I'd like playing it.

9) I wonder if Bill Clinton knows about sex magic.

10) Irving Snodgrass, please come home.

12943. Dubai Vol - 12/28/2004 11:40:16 AM

As for #6, I was apalled at the extent of the coverage on the Peterson trial, but I noticed that it only seemed to be Fox covering it. And they are gearing up to do the same to the fetus-snatcher. Fox is not news, it's Jerry Springer 24/7

And it's raining again today. In 8 years I've not seen this, but Mrs Vol, who's been here since 1983, says it's not unheard-of. But then she is English :p

And if you think DC drivers are mad, come to Dubai. And once you've got the idea, I'll take you over to Fujairah and let you see REALLY mad driving!

12944. judithathome - 12/28/2004 10:29:23 PM

Magoseph, where've you been lately?

12945. Max Macks - 12/28/2004 11:01:00 PM

My mixed posts.

Dubai Vol I thought your name had some sort of other
meaning ., other than that you live in Dubai.

thanks for explanation of your(plural) sexual orientation
Wonkers ( joking )
but now tell me why Wonkers is your user name.?

Kept seeing posts here and there re. the Petersen
trial but as I seldom watch TV I didn't know it
was on the TV so much until the jury came back.

The woman cutting a baby out of the mother was
one of the most werido things I have seen.
what a country we live in
(no wonder W. Bush got all those votes !!

I can't understand why , if some woman wants
a baby she can't bear herself, why not adopt one
rather than doing that ?

Last question:
If Joyx Noel ( or how ever the French spell it)
is Merry Xmas(joyous Noel) where did the Noel come from in their greeting and in the xmas hymn?

12946. Dubai Vol - 12/28/2004 11:51:19 PM

The Vol is short for "Volunteer;" I'm from Tennessee, and everybody in my family, practically, went to UT, whose sports teams are the Vols. I first used the name on a UT sports board, and just use the same name everywhere. "Mrs Vol" is from Warwickshire; we met here in Dubai. SHe is also now a Vol fan: I took her to see three football games in Sept, carefully explaining the rules before and during (what a complicated game!) and she loves it!

12947. thoughtful - 12/29/2004 5:11:08 PM

Grrrr. Tenn Vols....Grrrr.

Chief rivals of the UConn Huskies

Go Huskies!!!

12948. iiibbb - 12/29/2004 5:33:35 PM

I went to UTK for my MS degree. I didn't like it there at first, but it grew on me. I'd move back there.

The football fans are a little nuts though. Some of the worst drivers are in TN (because they are so unpredictable)... I mean to say that NJ has bad drivers but you know they're going to be jerks, so you can compensate. In TN you never knew what you were going to get.

12949. Max Macks - 12/29/2004 9:39:17 PM

Dubai Vol

I associate "Vol" with TN . and as I read about
Stanford in the new here I think of Tenn. Vol
womens basketball. I think both those teams were
number one and two.
I cant immediately think of where Dubai is.
Is it near Oman and Qutar in Arabia?

So Dubai are you in the peace corps ? or?

12950. Max Macks - 12/29/2004 9:42:59 PM

I have been reading about the tsunami and
powerful earthquake in Indonesia.

When did Irving Snodgrass leave Bali I wonder,

He must surely be glad that he did.
I imagine Bali like all the other islands that comprise
Indonesia were hit by that wave of death.

I read that the quake might have measured
9 on the Richter scale.
I don't think even the most severe quake
in California was more than 7.

12951. Max Macks - 12/29/2004 9:42:59 PM

I have been reading about the tsunami and
powerful earthquake in Indonesia.

When did Irving Snodgrass leave Bali I wonder,

He must surely be glad that he did.
I imagine Bali like all the other islands that comprise
Indonesia were hit by that wave of death.

I read that the quake might have measured
9 on the Richter scale.
I don't think even the most severe quake
in California was more than 7.

12952. PelleNilsson - 12/29/2004 9:54:10 PM

Do you have any idea at all where Bali is located relative to the earthquake?

12953. iiibbb - 12/29/2004 10:06:56 PM

The three most powerful earthquakes in US history were the New Madrid quakes in the US (TN, MO) around 1810 or so. They were estimated to measure as high as 8.4, 8.6, and 8.7.

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