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12942. angel-five - 12/28/2004 8:26:15 AM

A Few I Want To Say Right Now But Don't Feel Like Making Whole Posts About Them:

1) My girlfriend likes spray cheese. Spray cheese is majorly sketchy if you ask me, but I can't figure out whether I dislike it because it's so kitschy-crappy or because it is goop with cheese flavor added to it.

2) People around here seriously drive like they're controlling their car via endocrine reactions. And I don't mean subtle ones. I mean cascade-crash reactions like fight or flight or uncontrollable urge of passion. If you hooked up a jackrabbit to an electroshock mesh and fed it adrenal glands by the spoonful it would drive like everyone else in this town.

3) These people get pissed because they have to pay taxes but don't get Senators and Representatives. Granted that that's a real beef but anyone sitting and watching Washington people drive for more than a half hour would vote to keep it that way. Anyway, taxation without representation matters much less to these zongs than whether or not they will get a baseball team, so it can't be that bad of a system. Maybe we could try it in Texas.

4) Valerian tea tastes like a moldy leather boot that someone's been keeping in their ass. Why am i drinking this bilge?

5) I think that the FDA could relax some of its testing regimens for new medications if it only allowed human trials to be run on pharmaceutical executives.

6) Why is the trial of Saddam Hussein getting like a thirtieth of the coverage the Peterson murder got?

7) Whenever I encounter someone that is whoop-whoop crazy in real life, I usually wonder where it is that they hang out online.

8) I wonder if I bought Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, whether I'd like playing it.

9) I wonder if Bill Clinton knows about sex magic.

10) Irving Snodgrass, please come home.

12943. Dubai Vol - 12/28/2004 11:40:16 AM

As for #6, I was apalled at the extent of the coverage on the Peterson trial, but I noticed that it only seemed to be Fox covering it. And they are gearing up to do the same to the fetus-snatcher. Fox is not news, it's Jerry Springer 24/7

And it's raining again today. In 8 years I've not seen this, but Mrs Vol, who's been here since 1983, says it's not unheard-of. But then she is English :p

And if you think DC drivers are mad, come to Dubai. And once you've got the idea, I'll take you over to Fujairah and let you see REALLY mad driving!

12944. judithathome - 12/28/2004 10:29:23 PM

Magoseph, where've you been lately?

12945. Max Macks - 12/28/2004 11:01:00 PM

My mixed posts.

Dubai Vol I thought your name had some sort of other
meaning ., other than that you live in Dubai.

thanks for explanation of your(plural) sexual orientation
Wonkers ( joking )
but now tell me why Wonkers is your user name.?

Kept seeing posts here and there re. the Petersen
trial but as I seldom watch TV I didn't know it
was on the TV so much until the jury came back.

The woman cutting a baby out of the mother was
one of the most werido things I have seen.
what a country we live in
(no wonder W. Bush got all those votes !!

I can't understand why , if some woman wants
a baby she can't bear herself, why not adopt one
rather than doing that ?

Last question:
If Joyx Noel ( or how ever the French spell it)
is Merry Xmas(joyous Noel) where did the Noel come from in their greeting and in the xmas hymn?

12946. Dubai Vol - 12/28/2004 11:51:19 PM

The Vol is short for "Volunteer;" I'm from Tennessee, and everybody in my family, practically, went to UT, whose sports teams are the Vols. I first used the name on a UT sports board, and just use the same name everywhere. "Mrs Vol" is from Warwickshire; we met here in Dubai. SHe is also now a Vol fan: I took her to see three football games in Sept, carefully explaining the rules before and during (what a complicated game!) and she loves it!

12947. thoughtful - 12/29/2004 5:11:08 PM

Grrrr. Tenn Vols....Grrrr.

Chief rivals of the UConn Huskies

Go Huskies!!!

12948. iiibbb - 12/29/2004 5:33:35 PM

I went to UTK for my MS degree. I didn't like it there at first, but it grew on me. I'd move back there.

The football fans are a little nuts though. Some of the worst drivers are in TN (because they are so unpredictable)... I mean to say that NJ has bad drivers but you know they're going to be jerks, so you can compensate. In TN you never knew what you were going to get.

12949. Max Macks - 12/29/2004 9:39:17 PM

Dubai Vol

I associate "Vol" with TN . and as I read about
Stanford in the new here I think of Tenn. Vol
womens basketball. I think both those teams were
number one and two.
I cant immediately think of where Dubai is.
Is it near Oman and Qutar in Arabia?

So Dubai are you in the peace corps ? or?

12950. Max Macks - 12/29/2004 9:42:59 PM

I have been reading about the tsunami and
powerful earthquake in Indonesia.

When did Irving Snodgrass leave Bali I wonder,

He must surely be glad that he did.
I imagine Bali like all the other islands that comprise
Indonesia were hit by that wave of death.

I read that the quake might have measured
9 on the Richter scale.
I don't think even the most severe quake
in California was more than 7.

12951. Max Macks - 12/29/2004 9:42:59 PM

I have been reading about the tsunami and
powerful earthquake in Indonesia.

When did Irving Snodgrass leave Bali I wonder,

He must surely be glad that he did.
I imagine Bali like all the other islands that comprise
Indonesia were hit by that wave of death.

I read that the quake might have measured
9 on the Richter scale.
I don't think even the most severe quake
in California was more than 7.

12952. PelleNilsson - 12/29/2004 9:54:10 PM

Do you have any idea at all where Bali is located relative to the earthquake?

12953. iiibbb - 12/29/2004 10:06:56 PM

The three most powerful earthquakes in US history were the New Madrid quakes in the US (TN, MO) around 1810 or so. They were estimated to measure as high as 8.4, 8.6, and 8.7.

12954. Ms. No - 12/30/2004 2:04:41 AM

I'm out for the weekend early.

Have a Happy and Safe New Year!

12955. Max Macks - 12/30/2004 3:27:53 AM

The strongest I have felt in the Bay Area
was the one in 1989 that knocked out a section
of the Bay Bridge, I think it was about 7 .

someone told me that for each number increase
on Richter scale that is TWICE the magnitude of the prevous
number . so 7 is twice as strong as 6.
Imagine what 9 must be . tho it was under water
the quake, i.e.

Pelle Bali is in Indonesia , one of the many islands
that make up that country.
It must have been as badly damaged as Jakarta
and those other places

12956. Max Macks - 12/30/2004 3:30:52 AM

Pelle , to my great surprise

I went to Google and typed "Bali and tsumani"
and there was a report from some hotel
saying that Bali was not affected by the wave
as was Jakarta ,
I can't understand why not.

12957. iiibbb - 12/30/2004 3:42:57 AM

Richter is a log scale. 7 is actually 10 times stronger than a 6, and 9 is 100 times stronger than a 7.

12958. Max Macks - 12/30/2004 3:51:54 AM

well, what ever it must be one of the strongest

btw I still cannot understand how Bali could not be
as that hotel i found on Google said.
It is right near Sumatra.

12959. Snowowl - 12/30/2004 3:53:38 AM

Bali is not affected. My oldest son and his family are en route to Bali right now, to stopover for a few days on their way down here.

I'm a little bit concerned because there's a terror warning out for Bali, but they have assured me that they're staying well away from the big tourist resorts so they're not worried themselves.

That won't stop me biting my nails down to the quick until they get here.

12960. iiibbb - 12/30/2004 4:43:59 AM

It is the strongest in 4 decades. There was a 9.2 in Alaska in the 60's.

12961. Absensia - 12/30/2004 5:42:13 AM

Jakarta, on Java, was not affected either. At least that is what the Jakarta Post reports, as well as an online friend who is in Jakarta right now.

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