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13089. Linnea - 1/6/2005 9:15:07 PM

Back to the subject of weather . . .

We got our first measurable snowfall of the year: 8-10 inches! Yes!

I work on a university campus, and must pay a yearly fee for the privelege of parking my car here. This fall, I decided not to buy a parking pass, because I'd been biking to work all summer. I kept up the biking until mid-November; when it got cold and rainy, I resorted to parking on the nearest free-parking side street and taking a 15 minute walk to the office.

Today I stuck my skis in the car, resolved to ski the 15 minutes instead of walking it, there being only one street to cross along the way.

Things were going fine until I got to a part of the route that necessitated skiing atop a four-foot ridge of snow piled up by snowplows along a fourlane street. It was slow, crunchy going, and I decided I'd be better off taking off my skis and walking on the road instead. Whoops. I released the bindings on one ski, stepped off it and . . . sunk up to my thigh in the snowbank.

I tried to put the ski back on, but the binding was all iced over and I couldn't get it to close again. So, I made my way over to the street, sliding one ski and sinking the other leg in two or three more times, then removed the other ski (which promptly slid into the street; fortunately no cars were passing at that moment), slid myself down the side of the bank, and walked the rest of the way, carrying my skis. I made it to work with about 30 seconds to spare; enough time to pant to the co-worker I was relieving that I was too out-of-breath to do the top-of-the-hour ID (I work at a radio station), so he'd better stay one minute past his allotted shift and do it for me. He obliged.

13090. Linnea - 1/6/2005 9:15:58 PM

Magoseph, I was reading earlier posts where she mentions her son Strudel.

13091. judithathome - 1/6/2005 10:00:22 PM

Max, I don't listen to him because he comes on too early. His real name is Don Imus and he runs some sort of ranch for young kids with cancer. He's not a bad guy.

13092. Ms. No - 1/6/2005 10:06:19 PM


You work for a radio college radio station? Cool!

13093. thoughtful - 1/6/2005 10:14:02 PM

Max, scroll to the bottom to see a list of affiliated radio stations if you're interested in imus in the morning.

13094. thoughtful - 1/6/2005 10:19:06 PM

Actually, I think the imus ranch is a rip. Not that he isn't running this ranch and really bringing in ill children, but he was making a big deal about having reached 500 kids who have been to the ranch. Sounds great except when you factor in the literally millions of dollars that have been spent by donors to keep this unprofitable ranch going year round so a handful of kids can spend a week there in the summer. Not a good return on investment in my book.

13095. Linnea - 1/6/2005 10:29:36 PM

Ms. No, it's an NPR station, staffed by actual adults (like myself), but it is housed on a college campus.

13096. Ms. No - 1/6/2005 10:38:20 PM

Yeah, they run NPR out of Santa Monica College here. It's great because we get a lot of really good music programming. Just in the last week I saw a couple of rented movies and noticed the names of the music supervisors on them and recognized them as local DJs who have shows on KCRW which is our NPR station - Liza Richardson and Chris Douridas. It felt kind of homey. ;->

13097. Linnea - 1/6/2005 10:52:25 PM

Doesn't Harry Shearer's "Le Show" come from KCRW? My old station used to carry it.

13098. Max Macks - 1/6/2005 11:24:24 PM

For some reason I don't listen to the radio.

In part because unlike so many people if I am
reading or doing something else I prefer silence
to noise.
On the classical music station which I do listen sometimes
I want to just listen to the music
and not listen to music as background noise
to doing something else.

and now I wonder about "on the classical station"
should it be "with the classical" ?
--probably neither _LOL

13099. Magoseph - 1/7/2005 1:37:34 PM

Hello, Mac.

Linnea, that was quite an adventure going to work yesterday. I suppose that every street is plowed today. Tell me, are you a regular skier?

13100. Magoseph - 1/7/2005 1:40:13 PM

Linnea, stupid question, actually--you must be, of course.

13101. Macnas - 1/7/2005 1:55:00 PM

Howdy Mago

13102. Linnea - 1/7/2005 5:45:47 PM

The sidewalks were all well shovelled today, so I just walked from my car.

Mago, I would be a much more regular skier if the weather would cooperate. Last year there was a grand total of about 10 days with enough snow on the ground to ski. When there is snow, I have my own private trail out of my back yard through some adjacent woods and fields.

My body loves to ski cross-country. It gets all my back and hip and leg and stomach muscles working together in just the right way. Downhill skiing doesn't do it for me - it's all about balancing yourself against the overwhelming pull of gravity, rather than moving under your own power. At my level of skill, it usually involves going much faster than I would really like to. Nordictraks don't do it either - going in a straight line on a level plane makes my ankles hurt. Besides, being outside in the cold and the quiet is an integral part of the experience.

My body really likes winter. It feels right to me to be outdoors in the cold wearing lots and lots of clothing. It must be evolutionary.

13103. Magoseph - 1/7/2005 6:41:04 PM

Yesterday here, a number of high school kids were taken to the police station because they went cross-country through the golf course. When asked why they did that after being warned not to do it, they said that they just couldn’t resist the temptation since we didn't have much winter the last few years. Well, for their pain, they will work this summer three weekends each, a total of 24 hours each weekend--it was that or a court date--four of the kids were 18.

I can see how cross-country skiing would be the perfect exercise. I would be afraid to attempt it, though, at this time in my life. Tell me, what do you do in the summer for exercise?

13104. PelleNilsson - 1/7/2005 7:10:53 PM

Golf courses are ideal for skiing when there is only a modest snow cover or when you want a technically undemanding track. Here people ski on them all the time.

13105. iiibbb - 1/7/2005 7:17:22 PM

I went cross country skiing for the first time last Christmas. My girlfriend is from a winter wonderland. It's kind-of hard to get the rhythm, but by the end of the day I was relatively mobile. I had a lot of trouble at first because the wax was wrong for the snow type... my g/f fixed it somehow. After that it became a matter of learning to turn on telemark bindings. I've been downhill skiing a long time.

13106. Max Macks - 1/7/2005 7:28:12 PM

Seems kind of harsh punishment for those kids
skiing on snow covered golf course.
It aint like there would be much golfing.

Maybe it was not the skiing so much as trespassing.

13107. Linnea - 1/7/2005 7:31:54 PM

Americans have funny ideas about private property, Pelle.

Mago, in the summer I ride my bike or swim as much as possible. To look at me, you wouldn't know that I exercise fairly regularly, but I can feel its effects.

13108. Magoseph - 1/7/2005 7:36:13 PM

Max, the golf course is private property and I suppose the club doesn't want the grass destroyed. I know some of these kids and they are big and tall, huge in fact as most kids around here are, girls too, mostly of nordic stock, Swedish and Danish.

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